Twilight 2000 - Heavy Weapons Guide.pdf

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Design and Development: Loren K. Wisernan
Cover Art: James Colton McGonigle
Interior Art: Bryan Gibson and Steve Venters
Art Direction: Shea Ryan
Graphic Design and Production: Steve Bryant
Text Manager: Michelle Sturgeon
Text Processing: Julia Martin and Julie Arndor
Heavy Weapons Guide
Copyright01989 GDW, Inc.
Printed in USA. Made in USA. All rights reserved.
ISBN 1-55878-031-9.
Twilight: 2000 is GDW' s trademark for its role-playing game of survival in a devastated world.
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Heavy Weapons Guide
122mm Free Rocket ........................................................... 24
Antiaircraft Missiles and Launchers 25
Stinger ................................................................................ 25
introduction 4
Blowpipe 26
Javelin ................................................................................ 26
Mortars 5
M224 60mm Mortar .............................................................. 5
SA-14 26
Mines .................... .. ............................................................ 27
MI4 APERS (Blast) ............................................................ 27
MI8A1 APERS "Claymore n ................................................ 27
L5 81mm Mortar 5
L16A1 81mm Mortar ............................................................. 6
M37. M41. M42 81mm Mortars ............................................ 6
M29A1 81mm Mortar ............................................................ 6
Vasilek 82mm Mortar ............................................................ 7
Wojo 60/81/82mm Mortar ..................................................... 7
Thompson-Brandt 120mm Mortar ........................................ 7
M38. M43 120mm Mortars ................................................... 8
M43. M53 160mm Mortars ................................................... 8
M25 APERS (Blast)
M26 APERS ("Bounding") 28
M16A1 APERS ("Bounding") .............................................. 28
MI5 Heavy Antitank Mine ................................................... 29
MI9 Heavy Plastic Antitank Mine 29
M21 Metallic Antitank Mine ................................................. 29
M53 240mm Mortar 8
Grenade Launchers ................................................................ 9
M79 Grenade Launcher ........................................................ 9
Mark-19 Autogrenade Launcher ........................................... 9
M203 Grenade Launcher .................................................... 10
AGS-17 "Plamya" Autogrenade Launcher .......................... 10
MI2 SMAW ...................................................................... 10
TGS Grenade Launcher ...................................................... 11
RPG-22 ............................................................................... 11
RPG-7 ................................................................................. 11
RPG-27 (Czech) ................................................................. 12
M79 ................................................................................... 12
AK-GL ................................................................................. 12
M24 Off-Route Antitank Mine
M66 Off-Route Antitank Mine
M23 Chemical Mine
MI Chemical Mine
YaM-5 Antitank Mine
TM-57 Antitank Mine 31
TM-46 Antitank Mine 32
KhF-2 Gas Mine (Warsaw Pact) ......................................... 32
PM Antipersonnel Mine (Blast)
Wojo Antipersonnel Mine
Wojo Antitank Mine
Grenades, Pyrotechnics, and Explosives
Recoilless Artillery 13
M20 75mm Recoilless Rifle ................................................ 13
M67 90mm Recoilless Rifle ................................................ 13
M40A2 106mm Recoilless Rifle .......................................... 14
B-10 82mm Recoilless Rifle ............................................... 14
B-11 107mm Recoilless Rifle .............................................. 14
SPG-9 73mm Recoilless Rifle ............................................ 15
M-59A 82mm Recoilless Rifle ............................................. 15
L-6 Wombat 120mm Recoilless Rifle .................................. 15
Antitank Missiles and Launchers ........................................ 16
M20A1 3.5" Rocket Launcher (Bazooka) ............................ 16
M72 66mm Light Antitank Weapon ..................................... 16
LAW-80 ............................................................................... 17
Armbrust ............................................................................. 17
M3 Carl Gustav 84mm LAW ............................................... 17
AT-4 Antitank Rocket Launcher .......................................... 18
M47 Dragon Medium Antitank Weapon .............................. 18
TOW I ................................................................................. 18
TOW II ................................................................................ 19
Tank Breaker Antitank Missile ............................................. 19
RPG-75 ............................................................................... 19
RBS-56 BILL ....................................................................... 20
APILAS Antitank Missile Launcher ..................................... 20
Eryx Antitank Missile Launcher ........................................... 20
AT-3 .................................................................................... 21
AT-5 Antitank Missile ........................................................... 21
Milan AT Missile .................................................................. 21
HOT Antitank Guided Missile .............................................. 22
LRAC 89 ............................................................................. 22
DARD 120 ........................................................................... 22
Anti-Char Courte Portee ..................................................... 23
PzF-11-1 ............................................................................ 23
M202 ................................................................................... 23
Mk-2 "Pineapple" Grenade
Mk-3A2 Concussion Grenade
M26A1 Fragmentation Grenade
ANM-14 Thermite Grenade
M67 "Baseball Frag" Grenade
M34 White Phosphorus Grenade (Smoke)
M31 HEAT Rifle Grenade
BTU Rifle Grenade
U.S. Rifle Grenades
AN-M8 HC Smoke Grenade
MI8 Colored Smoke Grenade
M25A2 CS Grenade (Chem, CS)
RG-34 Fragmentation Grenade
RKG-3 and RKG-3M Antitank Grenades
RG-42 Fragmentation Grenade
RDG-5 Fragmentation Grenade
RDG-1 Smoke Grenade
F-1 Fragmentation Grenade
140mm RAW HE
140mm RAW HEAT
Wojo Incendiary
Wojo Antitank Grenade
Wojo Fragmentation Grenade
Wojo Smoke Grenade
LPO-50 Flamethrower
TPO-50 Trailer-Mounted Flamethrower
M9A1 Flamethrower
M49A1 Trip Flare
MI12 C4 Demolition Block
MI18 Flex-Ex Demolition Block
M3 Shaped Demolition Charge
RPG-16 : ........................................................ 24
B-300 ..................................................................................
Consolidated Charts
Consolidated Ammunition and Price List
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Vehicle Damage
Each turn a vehicle is hit by a flame weapon, the referee must
roll to see if the vehicle catches fire internally (an external fire is
automatic). The base chance of this is 60% (+lo% if the fuel tanks
have taken any damage, +20% if the vehicle is open-topped,and
+lo% if any hatches or doors are open). The outside of a vehicle
remains on fire until the flame burns out (1D6 30-second combat
turns) or until it is extinguished. If in subsequentturns the external
flamescontinue to burn, the referee should roll for interior fireonly
if a vehicle is open-topped, has taken fuel damage, or if any
hatches or doors are open. Of course, a fresh hit by a flame
weapon starts the cycle over again.
Damage fromInternal Fires: This is dealt with in the Fuel Hits
rule on page 10 of the Referee's Manual.
Damage fromExternal Fires:Allcombustible storesonexternal
surfaces of a vehicle automatically catch fire and will burn until
destroyed or extinguished (how long this takes depends on the
individual items and is up to the referee). Fuel or ammunition has
a 50-percent chance of exploding each five-second turn it is on
fire. Specialmention should be madeof vehiclesuspensions:Both
wheeled and tracked versions have combustible components.
Damagepoints are inflictedto suspensionsaccording tothe same
die rolls as for personnel, but suspensions have a maximum
damage level-6O%forwheeled, 30"/0fortracked. Once maximum
damage has been inflicted, further burning has no effect.
Any vehicle with an external and/or internal fire lasting more
thanone minuteofgame timebecomes uninhabitable(duetoheat
and lack of oxygen) and must be evacuated. Any personnel
remaining inside after one minute lose consciousness. Any
personnel remaining inside after an additional minute passes are
seriously wounded. After a third minute, any personnel remaining
inside die.
No book can cover everything, and this one is no exception. As
always in putting together a work of this nature, choosing what to
leave out was more difficult than choosing what to include. I have
adopted noformaldefinitionof what constitutes a"heavy weapon,"
but have played it by ear and have chosen to include a number of
items (such as smoke grenades)that are not really weapons at all.
Because of space constraints, Ihave left out some weapons that
were contained inthebasicgame (such as the4.2" mortar)in favor
of more nonstandard types. Nevertheless, I feel that the players
and referees of Tkillght: 2000 will find this guide to their liking. In
response to many requests, I have expanded the selection of
mines and grenades available (although I have not included all
types that are available, practically every country makes its own
version of the basic hand grenade, and to include them all would
crowd out something more interesting). The data on the mines
(Dam, KDR, etc.) is calculated according to the basic game mine
rules. I have tried to include a reasonable mix to enable referees
to improvise types not mentioned.
I have included a few items which might, at first glance, seem
out of place, especially given the background of the game.
Incendiary weapons such as flamethrowers need petroleum fuel,
and oil is almost impossible to get in the world of Twilight: 2000,
as every player knows. It was for this reason that flame weapons
were not included in the original game. Many people, however,
have requested the information anyway, and a number say they
have chosen to dispense with the game background and use the
Twilight: 2000 system for small-scale modern infantry combats.
For these people, I have included rules for the use of flame
weapons (including the ever-popular improvised firebomb called
the Molotov cocktail). Players not using the standard game
background must devise their own price and availability criteria.
The antiaircraftmissiles are intended for use withthe helicopter
rules included in the module Free City of Krakow, and are
provided for campaigns using the RDF Sourcebook, or for use in
recreating nonbackground firefights.
Putting out a fire is a task whose difficulty level dependson the
equipment available.Extinguishing a fire using a fire extinguisher
is ESYAGL. Extinguishing a fire using a blanket, tarp, or bucket
ofwater isAVG:AGL. Extinguishingafirewithoutproperequiprnent
(using improvised materials such as thrown dirt, sand, a jacket.
etc.) is DIF:AGL. Extinguishing burning ammunitionor fuel is one
level more difficult (AVG becomes DIF, etc.).
The fuel for flamethrowers is ordinary gasoline mixed with a
jelling compound, but for game purposes gasoline or avgas (but
not diesel or any alcohol fuel) may be used. All ranges are
quartered when using nonjellied fuels. Theprice and availabilityof
both gasoline and avgas are given in the rules and should be
modified by the referee to suit the individual situation. Jellied
gasoline used with the standard game background should be
three times as expensive and very rare (after all, there are better
uses for what little petroleum remains than putting it in a flame-
Flame weaponsscore hits accordingto theordinaryfirecombat
rules (HW is the relevant skill).All persons and vehicles within the
burst radius of a shot are subject to hits and are rolled for
individually. Damage to vehicles and personnel is as follows:
* Federal Republic
KR Free City of Krakow 113
..... ..:.:,
.:%::: France
..... :
:.::.; ....
e Israel
of Germany
... .... ....:,
* Warsaw Pact
f Sweden
J U Jugoslavia
Personnel Damage
Flame weapons (except as noted in this booklet or in the game
rules) whichhit a person inflict damageon allbody parts (dividethe
damage equally, rounding fractions down). This damage is equal
to 4D6 times the damage multiplier for the first five-second round,
and it drops one die each subsequent round (but never drops
below 1 D6timesthe damage multiplier) for eachround the person
is on fire. A person remains on fire until the flame burns out (1D6
30-second combat turns), or until it is extinguished.
pF$ United Kingdom
United States
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