Bab' Aziz j.angielski.txt

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{2860}{2933}{Y:i}There are as many paths to God...
{2938}{2999}{Y:i}as there are souls on Earth.
{5428}{5459}What a storm!
{5565}{5620}I've lost my bag, I'll go and look for it.
{5626}{5674}Don't bother, Ishtar,
{5679}{5742}even the dunes have moved.
{5747}{5816}Anyway, I have what I need.
{5823}{5860}Let's go.
{5883}{5940}I don't want to go there anymore.
{5946}{5981}Come on.
{5988}{6040}I want to go back.
{6073}{6118}We'll go back.
{6259}{6299}Let's go.
{6851}{6926}Bab'Aziz, won't you go to the gathering after all?
{7007}{7053}I will, my little angel. I will.
{7395}{7445}Will you go all alone?
{7572}{7626}I'll find my way.
{7796}{7844}But you'll get lost!
{7890}{7930}He who has faith...
{7935}{8002}will never get lost, my little angel.
{8055}{8152}He who is at peace won't lose his way.
{8207}{8261}But where is this gathering?
{8272}{8329}I don't know, my angel.
{8379}{8436}Do the others know?
{8441}{8506}No, they don't know either.
{8565}{8608}How can you go to a gathering
{8613}{8652}without knowing where it is?
{8658}{8711}It suffices to walk, just walk.
{8716}{8824}Those who are invited will find the way.
{8841}{8902}I don't want to go there.
{8954}{9012}I'll take you to the road.
{9017}{9094}Then you can take the bus home.
{9142}{9181}Are you afraid of the storm?
{9186}{9260}No, it's because of Boudour.
{9280}{9354}So you want to leave your grandfather
{9359}{9402}for a turtle...
{9413}{9465}What a granddaughter I have here!
{9486}{9534}Are you hungry?
{9555}{9644}When we stop for a break you'll get two dates.
{9649}{9685}I want them now!
{9830}{9899}Here's one... and here's the other one.
{9920}{9952}Let's go.
{10510}{10544}Someone's lying there!
{10550}{10599}So much the better! I'll ask him
{10606}{10646}to accompany you.
{10748}{10768}Excuse me, sir...
{10851}{10887}You think you can escape from me
{10892}{10939}by hiding yourself in the desert?
{10944}{11007}You won't get away like that!
{11015}{11082}What have you done to my brother?
{11147}{11183}I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
{11209}{11280}I'm looking for a red-haired dervish.
{11288}{11354}That one couldn't take you home!
{11478}{11551}If I see you again I'll thrash you!
{11654}{11690}Ishtar! Ishtar! Come back!
{11695}{11726}Lt'll soon be nightfall.
{11731}{11799}We have to collect wood for a fire.
{12017}{12079}Break off! Break off!
{12300}{12364}That's all I could find, Bab'Aziz.
{12716}{12783}This is my granddaughter, Ishtar.
{12843}{12939}Does she understand you, Bab'Aziz?
{12951}{13041}She's known me for a long time...
{13458}{13503}Bab'Aziz, I'm cold.
{13525}{13590}Pass me the wood, I'll make a fire.
{13683}{13729}Here you are, Bab'Aziz.
{14090}{14199}When you talk, it's less cold.
{14375}{14444}Do you want me to tell you a story?
{14456}{14527}A gazelle story, Bab'Aziz.
{14610}{14678}Once upon a time, long ago,
{14703}{14770}many moons before our time,
{14782}{14862}in a desert like this one...
{16823}{16893}It's ready for you to try, my prince.
{17035}{17124}It's still bitter.
{21588}{21612}Oh Lord!
{21629}{21696}Something terrible must have happened to our prince!
{21851}{21890}Bab'Aziz, the bread is done.
{21895}{21929}It'll burn.
{22421}{22471}Wait! It's too hot.
{22508}{22576}So, what happened to the prince?
{22632}{22682}- Has anyone seen the prince?|- No.
{22687}{22723}- And you?|- No.
{22773}{22819}- Have you seen the prince?|- No.
{23029}{23095}- Have any of you seen the prince?|- No.
{23185}{23239}I'm sure he got lost.
{23486}{23532}The prince is lost!
{23554}{23603}The prince is lost!
{25041}{25094}Ishtar, are you listening?
{25156}{25214}I'm listening, Bab'Aziz.
{25272}{25347}One day, a horseman arrived in the city...
{25714}{25749}We found the prince,
{25755}{25797}but he's not the same as he was.
{25803}{25840}What happened?
{25857}{25882}I don't know.
{25902}{25937}But at least he's not injured?
{25959}{25991}Seemingly not.
{26001}{26065}Stop talking in riddles!
{26073}{26119}Come and see for yourself.
{27799}{27837}You'd think he's contemplating
{27842}{27882}his image at the bottom of the water.
{27888}{27945}Maybe it's not his image.
{27952}{27989}Only those who are not in love
{27994}{28042}see their own reflection.
{28047}{28087}So what does he see?
{28092}{28141}He's contemplating his soul.
{28147}{28186}Don't wake him,
{28192}{28268}it might take wing.
{28320}{28361}Go back, all of you.
{28367}{28410}Don't disturb him.
{28422}{28496}I must stay here alone to watch over him.
{29773}{29835}Stop! Wait for me! Wait for me!
{30983}{31055}Bab'Aziz, I thought you'd left without me!
{31079}{31113}Me too. I thought you'd left
{31118}{31177}without me, my little angel.
{31201}{31273}Didn't you hear the bus? It woke me up.
{31297}{31345}I was praying.
{31711}{31777}Ishtar, it seems we're not alone.
{32261}{32315}Are you going to the gathering?
{32321}{32360}Yes, we're going.
{32383}{32436}I thought you wouldn't come with me?
{32449}{32493}I will now, because I want to know
{32498}{32557}how the story of the prince goes on.
{32583}{32621}It will take a long time,
{32626}{32692}but the road is long, my little angel.
{32728}{32770}Where will the gathering take place?
{32780}{32850}I don't know, even Grandfather doesn't know!
{32855}{32903}Besides, no one needs to know.
{32932}{32974}And how will you get there?
{33000}{33073}It suffices to walk, just walk...
{33100}{33149}But what if we get lost?
{33175}{33233}He who has faith will never get lost.
{33288}{33330}Everyone uses his most precious gift
{33336}{33383}to find his way.
{33390}{33451}For you, it's your voice.
{33456}{33490}Sing, my son,
{33496}{33555}and the way will be shown to you.
{33711}{33786}{Y:i}O day, arise! The atoms are dancing...
{34114}{34263}{Y:i}The souls are dancing, overcome with ecstasy.
{34355}{34490}{Y:i}I'll whisper in your ear where their dance is leading them.
{34910}{34968}What is a dervish?
{35038}{35102}Are they all as old as you are?
{35112}{35173}No, there are dervishes of all ages,
{35189}{35228}women and men.
{35233}{35269}Even children?
{35322}{35400}They gather every 30 years,
{35408}{35488}and the party goes on for many days and nights.
{35495}{35567}So keep your breath for walking,
{35573}{35656}you'll need it, little angel.
{35792}{35858}Bab'Aziz, he's still following us!
{35864}{35924}I know, little angel. I know.
{36195}{36265}Bab'Aziz, hurry up! It's them! We've arrived!
{36292}{36333}They are dervishes,
{36340}{36394}but we haven't arrived yet.
{36741}{36799}Bab'Aziz, I've swallowed some sand.
{37107}{37153}You bear the angel's mark.
{37188}{37251}What is the angel's mark, Bab'Aziz?
{37275}{37369}Babies in their mother's womb
{37374}{37440}know all the secrets of the universe.
{37460}{37507}Butjust before they're born
{37515}{37616}an angel comes and puts his finger on their mouth
{37623}{37672}so that they forget everything.
{37700}{37759}As a souvenir of this lost knowledge,
{37780}{37827}some of them, like you,
{37833}{37919}have a mark on their chin.
{37934}{37976}That's the angel's mark.
{38164}{38238}But then, do we one day remember
{38243}{38292}everything we knew?
{38442}{38469}Who knows? Maybe.
{41627}{41694}There are so many dervishes! Have we arrived this time?
{41725}{41776}No, little angel. Not yet.
{42218}{42274}I'll bring us something to eat.
{43087}{43136}More! The old ones count double.
{43176}{43242}If you're still hungry you can come back.
{43654}{43681}Here you are, Bab'Aziz.
{44351}{44396}Ishtar, why are you eating so quickly?
{44420}{44494}So you can finish telling me the prince story.
{44621}{44664}The prince was still despondent.
{44671}{44713}He just gazed into the water.
{44745}{44841}Everyone had left, even the quartermaster.
{44858}{45005}Only the old dervish remained, watching over him
{45016}{45081}for many days and nights.
{46109}{46188}Help! Help! A man jumped into the well!
{46293}{46326}I'll go and see!
{46332}{46377}Wait, Ishtar!
{46407}{46444}May God bless us!
{46453}{46489}Stand clear! Stand clear!
{46496}{46554}He's alive! Move out of the way!
{46710}{46766}What's your name, my son?
{46967}{47029}Why did you jump into the well?
{47047}{47110}I seek my palace. It lies in the bottom of a well.
{47115}{47147}I want my palace.
{47192}{47236}The poor devil. He's raving mad!
{47317}{47365}Come on, do you want to die?
{47484}{47519}Tell me your tale, my son.
{47524}{47591}It will ease your heart.
{47673}{47750}The first time I fell into a well,
{47756}{47803}I found myself in a palace. But where is my palace now?
{48870}{48949}This time I'll go.
{48960}{49023}I'll leave you to your desert and your dust.
{49034}{49092}My father, I'm leaving you.
{49423}{49467}After my father died I became a sand-carrier,
{49474}{49524}as he had been.
{49530}{49590}My best customer was the scribe.
{49596}{49666}At his place, I met his student Hussein,
{49672}{49717}my only friend.
{49800}{49843}I wanted to leave the country,
{49849}{49897}and I wanted him to come with me.
{49903}{49935}But he didn't want to leave.
{49940}{49990}Something kept him.
{50001}{50033}A secret...
{50154}{50225}Master, I brought you some sand.
{50687}{50777}This sand is as soft as silk.
{50783}{50836}I have brought it from far away for you,
{50842}{50888}but this is the last time.
{50917}{50949}I'm going to leave.
{51036}{51077}Why, Osman?
{51135}{51177}It was your forefathers' profession.
{51223}{51290}Precisely. I don't want to pass it on to anyone.
{51784}{51813}Take this letter.
{51818}{51858}You know who it's for.
{51863}{51924}Don't forget. I'm relying on you.
{52333}{52374}That's great!
{52477}{52515}Will you help me?
{52614}{52662}So you're leaving? - Y...
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