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I should like to express my
gratitude to the following
companies, and individuals
without whose generous help
this book would have remained
a project only:
The Lockheed Califomia Co
for its exceptional assistance
and advice, especially Robert
C. Ferguson; Shirley Lee
(Trans World Airlines); Peter
Joel (Pan American World
Airways); Ken Groves and John
J. White (QANTAS); Christine
Howarth (Lufthansa); Bob
Harris (Air France), Rod Barlow
(KLM); Lizzan Peppard (Aer
Lingus); Martin Thompson
(Northwest Orient); Guilherme
Tully (VARIG SA); Jane
Whigham (Air Canada); the
Public Relations Departments
of Air India International,
Eastern Air Lines and Swissair.
I am indebted to the
following for permission to use
their photographs: Brian
Pickering (Military Aircraft
Photographs); Quadrant Picture
Library (Flight International)
and Roger P. Wasley.
Finally, but by no means
least, I am grateful to Peter
J. Marson and Air Britain for
permission to glean certain
information from their massive
tome devoted to the
Constellation, a volume I can
recommend to anyone wishing
to further their research into
registrations, construction
numbers (cln) and individual
Constellation histories.
Introduction 5
1 Background and Concept 6
2 Design and Development 12
3 Construction, Prototype and C-69
4 The L-049/749 Series 24
5 The Super Constellation 32
6 Turbo-Compounding and the Super
Connie 38
7 Improvements, Turbo-Prop Projects, the
L-I049H 43
8 Military Constellations
9 Starliner - the Ultimate
Constellation 56
10 Starliner - End of an Era
11 Major Airlines and the
Constellation 68
12 The Connie in Latin America and on
Secondary Routes
13 Old Connies Never Die. . .
14 The Super Connie in Airline
Service 90
15 Super Connies and Starliners in the Jet
Age 98
Appendices 1 Technical Data 107
2 Service with Principal Airline
First published 1987
All rights reserved. No part of this
book may be reproduced or
transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or mechanical,
including photo-copying, recording
or by any information storage and
retrieval system, without permission
from the Publisher in writing.
Published by Ian Allan Ltd, Shepperton, Surrey; and printed by
Ian Allan Printing Ltd at their works at Coombelands in Runnymede, England
© Ian Allan Ltd 1987
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