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11. The role of alarm systems.

The alarm systems are very important for people, who want to live in safety. It allows to secure costly things like houses, cars and others. The alarm systems are used in factories, banks, houses, cars, shops… When alarm system is in use, any attempt to steal is very quickly detected and police is called, so these systems are big impediment for thieves. Investing in the alarm systems can protect you from big costs in the future.


14. Detection devices.

Detection devices allows to detect an intruder in the place you want to protect. Examples of detection devices are: cameras, infrared sensors or sensors installed in doors. Cameras are very useful for example in shops, where it can record on disks everyone, who want to steal something. Infrared sensors can be installed in places, which are leaved without any other protection. It will detect every move in the protected area. Sensors can be installed in doors, for example in cars. When somebody will open the doors, the alarm will be turned on.

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