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The Semantics of English Prepositions: Spatial Scenes, Embodied Meaning and Cognition
The Semantics of English Prepositions
Spatial Scenes, Embodied Meaning and Cognition
Using a cognitive linguistics perspective, this book provides the most com-
prehensive theoretical analysis of the semantics of English prepositions avail-
able. All English prepositions originally coded spatial relations between two
physical entities; while retaining their original meaning, prepositions have
also developed a rich set of non-spatial meanings. In this innovative study,
Tyler and Evans argue that all these meanings are systematically grounded in
the nature of human spatio-physical experience. The original ‘spatial scenes’
provide the foundation for the extension of meaning from the spatial to the
more abstract. This analysis introduces a new methodology that distinguishes
between a conventional meaning and an interpretation produced for under-
standing the preposition in context, as well as establishing which of several
competing senses should be taken as the primary sense. Together, the method-
ology and framework are sufficiently articulated to generate testable predic-
tions and allow the analysis to be applied to additional prepositions.
ANDREA TYLER is Associate Professor of Linguistics at Georgetown
University. She teaches a range of courses which largely focus on applica-
tions of linguistic theory to issues of second language learning and teaching.
She has published in numerous journals.
VYVYAN EVANS is Lecturer in Linguistics at the School of Cognitive and
Computing Sciences, University of Sussex. He teaches a range of courses
in general linguistics at undergraduate and postgraduate level. His research
focuses on conceptual structure and semantics.
The Semantics of
English Prepositions
Spatial Scenes, Embodied Meaning
and Cognition
Andrea Tyler
Linguistics Department
Georgetown University
Vyvyan Evans
School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences
University of Sussex
Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paulo
Cambridge University Press
The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge , United Kingdom
Published in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York
© Andrea Tyler and Vyvyan Evans 2003
This book is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provision of
relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place
without the written permission of Cambridge University Press.
First published in print format
isbn-13 978-0-511-06489-0 eBook (NetLibrary)
isbn-10 0-511-06489-6 eBook (NetLibrary)
isbn-13 978-0-521-81430-0 hardback
isbn-10 0-521-81430-8 hardback
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