
(51 KB) Pobierz
0:00:48:-Is everything in place?|-You weren 't supposed to relieve me.
0:00:51:I know, but I felt like taking a shift.
0:00:54:You like him, don 't you?|You like watching him.
0:00:57:-Don 't be ridiculous.|-We're gonna kill him. You understand?
0:01:00:Morpheus believes he is the One.
0:01:03:Do you?
0:01:04:It doesn 't matter what I believe.
0:01:06:You don 't, do you?
0:01:07:-Did you hear that?|-Hear what?
0:01:10:Are you sure this line is clean?
0:01:11:Yeah, of course I'm sure.
0:01:14:I better go.
0:01:51:-Freeze! Police!|-Hands on your head!
0:01:54:Do it! Do it now!
0:02:17:Oh, shit.
0:02:19:Lieutenant, you were given|specific orders.
0:02:22:I'm just doing my job.
0:02:24:You give me that "juris-my-dick-tion"|crap, you can cram it up your ass.
0:02:29:The orders were for your protection.
0:02:33:I think we can handle one little girl.
0:02:40:I sent two units!
0:02:42:They're bringing her down now!
0:02:43:No, Lieutenant, your men|are already dead.
0:03:18:Morpheus, the line was traced.|I don't know how.
0:03:20:I know. They cut the hard line.
0:03:22:There's no time.|Get to another exit.
0:03:24:Are there any agents?
0:03:27:Goddamn it.
0:03:28:You have to focus, Trinity.
0:03:30:There's a phone at Wells and Lake.
0:03:33:You can make it.
0:03:34:-All right.|-Go.
0:04:36:That's impossible.
0:05:10:Get up, Trinity.|Just get up.
0:05:13:Get up.
0:05:58:She got out.
0:06:00:It doesn't matter.
0:06:01:The informant is real.
0:06:04:We have the name of their next target.
0:06:06:The name is Neo.
0:06:11:We'll need a search running.
0:06:13:It has already begun.
0:07:14:What the hell?
0:07:23:"Follow the white rabbit. "
0:07:36:Who is it?
0:07:37:It's Choi.
0:07:51:You're two hours late.
0:07:53:I know. It's her fault.
0:07:55:You got the money?
0:07:58:Two grand.
0:08:00:Hold on.
0:08:20:You're my savior.|My own personal Jesus Christ.
0:08:23:You get caught using that. . . .
0:08:25:I know. This never happened.|You don't exist.
0:08:28:-Right.|-Something wrong, man?
0:08:30:You look a little whiter than usual.
0:08:33:My computer, it. . . .
0:08:38:Ever have that feeling where you're|not sure if you're awake or dreaming?
0:08:43:All the time.|It's called mescaline.
0:08:46:It's the only way to fly.
0:08:49:It just sounds like you|need to unplug.
0:08:52:Get some R and R?
0:08:54:What do you think, Dujour?|Should we take him with us?
0:09:01:No, I can't. I have work tomorrow.
0:09:05:Come on.
0:09:06:It'll be fun. I promise.
0:09:17:Sure. I'll go.
0:09:46:Hello, Neo.
0:09:48:How do you know that name?
0:09:50:I know a lot about you.
0:09:52:Who are you?
0:09:53:My name is Trinity.
0:09:58:The Trinity?
0:09:59:That cracked the IRS D-base?
0:10:01:That was a long time ago.
0:10:05:I just thought. . .
0:10:09:. . .you were a guy.
0:10:10:Most guys do.
0:10:13:That was you on my computer.
0:10:15:How did you do that?
0:10:17:Right now, all I can tell you. . .
0:10:20:. . .is that you're in danger.
0:10:22:-I brought you here to warn you.|-Of what?
0:10:25:They're watching you, Neo.
0:10:27:Who is?
0:10:28:Please just listen.
0:10:33:I know why you're here, Neo.
0:10:35:I know what you've been doing.
0:10:37:I know why you hardly sleep. . .
0:10:40:. . .why you live alone and why,|night after night. . .
0:10:43:. . .you sit at your computer.
0:10:46:You're looking for him.
0:10:48:I know, because I was once|looking for the same thing.
0:10:52:And when he found me. . .
0:10:54:. . .he told me I wasn't really|looking for him. . .
0:10:58:. . .I was looking for an answer.
0:11:00:It's the question that drives us, Neo.
0:11:04:It's the question|that brought you here.
0:11:09:You know the question. . .
0:11:10:. . .just as I did.
0:11:13:What is the Matrix?
0:11:15:The answer is out there, Neo.
0:11:18:It's looking for you.
0:11:21:And it will find you. . .
0:11:23:. . .if you want it to.
0:11:32:Shit, shit.
0:11:43:You have a problem with authority,|Mr. Anderson.
0:11:46:You believe that you are special,|that the rules do not apply to you.
0:11:51:Obviously, you are mistaken.
0:11:55:This is one of the top|software companies in the world. . .
0:11:58:. . .because employees understand|they are part of a whole.
0:12:02:Thus, if an employee has a problem,|the company has a problem.
0:12:08:The time has come to make|a choice, Mr. Anderson.
0:12:12:Either you choose to be at your desk|on time from this day forth. . .
0:12:17:. . .or you choose to find another job.
0:12:20:Do I make myself clear?
0:12:21:Yes, Mr. Rhineheart.|Perfectly clear.
0:12:32:Thomas Anderson?
0:12:35:Yeah, that's me.
0:12:46:Have a nice day.
0:13:04:Hello, Neo. Do you know who this is?
0:13:11:I've been looking for you.
0:13:13:I don 't know if you're ready to see|what I want to show you.
0:13:16:But unfortunately, you and I|have run out of time.
0:13:20:They're coming for you, and I don 't know|what they're going to do.
0:13:23:Who's coming for me?
0:13:25:Stand up and see for yourself.
0:13:27:What? Right now?
0:13:32:Do it slowly.
0:13:34:The elevator.
0:13:40:Oh, shit!
0:13:46:What do they want?
0:13:48:I don 't know. If you don 't want|to find out, get out of there.
0:13:52:I can guide you,|but you must do exactly as I say.
0:13:56:The cubicle across from you is empty.
0:14:01:-But what if they--|-Go. Now.
0:14:10:Stay here forjust a moment.
0:14:19:When I tell you,|go to the end of the row...
0:14:22:... to the office|at the end of the hall.
0:14:24:Stay as low as you can.
0:14:28:Go. Now.
0:14:43:Good. Now, outside|there is a scaffold.
0:14:49:-How do you know this?|-We don 't have time.
0:14:52:To your left there's a window.|Go to it.
0:14:56:Open it.
0:14:59:Take the scaffold to the roof.
0:15:01:No way! No way!|This is crazy!
0:15:03:There are two ways|out of this building.
0:15:06:One is that scaffold.|The other is in their custody.
0:15:10:You take a chance either way.|I leave it to you.
0:15:16:This is insane!
0:15:19:Why is this happening to me?
0:15:21:What'd I do?
0:15:23:I'm nobody.|I didn't do anything.
0:15:26:I'm gonna die.
0:15:58:Oh, shit!
0:16:03:I can't do this.
0:17:05:As you can see, we've had our eye|on you for some time now, Mr. Anderson.
0:17:11:It seems that you've been living. . .
0:17:14:. . .two lives.
0:17:18:In one life,|you're Thomas A. Anderson. . .
0:17:20:. . .program writer for|a respectable software company.
0:17:24:You have a social security number.|You pay your taxes.
0:17:28:And you. . .
0:17:31:. . .help your landlady|carry out her garbage.
0:17:37:The other life is lived in computers. . .
0:17:40:. . .where you go by|the hacker alias "Neo" . . .
0:17:43:. . .and are guilty of virtually every|computer crime we have a law for.
0:17:49:One of these lives. . .
0:17:51:. . .has a future.
0:17:53:And one of them does not.
0:17:58:I'm going to be as forthcoming|as I can be, Mr. Anderson.
0:18:03:You're here. . .
0:18:05:. . .because we need your help.
0:18:10:We know that you've been contacted|by a certain. . .
0:18:13:. . .individual.
0:18:16:A man who calls himself "Morpheus. "
0:18:21:Whatever you think you know|about this man is irrelevant.
0:18:25:He is considered by many authorities. . .
0:18:28:. . .to be the most dangerous man alive.
0:18:33:My colleagues. . .
0:18:35:. . .believe that I am wasting|my time with you.
0:18:38:But I believe you wish|to do the right thing.
0:18:41:We're willing to wipe the slate clean. . .
0:18:45:. . .give you a fresh start.
0:18:48:All we're asking in return|is your cooperation. . .
0:18:51:. . .in bringing|a known terrorist to justice.
0:18:58:That sounds like a really good deal.
0:19:01:But I got a better one.
0:19:03:How about. . .
0:19:05:. . .I give you the finger. . .
0:19:09:. . .and you give me my phone call.
0:19:13:Mr. Anderson. . .
0:19:19:. . .you disappoint me.
0:19:20:You can't scare me|with this gestapo crap.
0:19:23:I know my rights.
0:19:25:I want my phone call.
0:19:27:Tell me, Mr. Anderson. . .
0:19:30:. . .what good is a phone call. . .
0:19:31:. . .if you're unable to speak?
0:20:07:You're going to help us,|Mr. Anderson. . .
0:20:10:. . .whether you want to. . .
0:20:11:. . .or not.
0:21:08:This line is tapped,|so I must be brief.
0:21:11:They got to you first, but they've|underestimated how important you are.
0:21:16:If they knew what I know...
0:21:18:... you would probably be dead.
0:21:20:What are you talking about?|What is happening to me?
0:21:24:You are the One, Neo. You may have|spent the last few years...
0:21:29:...looking for me, but I've spent|my entire life...
0:21:32:...looking for you.
0:21:35:Now, do you still want to meet?
0:21:38:-Yes.|-Then go to the Adams Street bridge.
0:21:51:Get in.
0:22:04:What's this?
0:22:05:It's necessary, Neo.|For our protection.
0:22:07:From what?
0:22:09:From you.
0:22:11:Take off your shirt.
0:22:13:Stop the car.
0:22:18:Listen, coppertop.
0:22:19:We don't have time for 20 Questions.
0:22:22:Right now, there's only one rule:
0:22:24:Our way. . .
0:22:26:. . .or the highway.
0:22:36:Please, Neo, you have to trust me.
0:22:39:-Why?|-Because you have been down there.
0:22:42:You know that road.
0:22:44:You know exactly where it ends.
0:22:48:And I know that's|not where you want to be.
0:23:04:Apoc, lights.
0:23:08:Lie back.|Lift up your shirt.
0:23:12:What's that?
0:23:13:You're bugged.
0:23:21:Try and relax.
0:23:29:Come on.
0:23:31:Come on.
0:23:33:It's on the move.
0:23:36:Come on, you shit.
0:23:39:-You're gonna lose it.|-No, I...
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