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Teacher’s Notes
by Magdalena Kondro
Type of activity: individual and pair work
Focus: vocabulary connected with Easter; reading
Level: pre-intermediate – intermediate
Time: 30 minutes
Preparation: Make one copy of Student’s Worksheets
A and B per each student. You can photocopy them
onto the different sides of one sheet of A4 size
Students google the following words and expressions:
Easter trivia, Easter traditions, Easter symbols.
Based on what they fi nd out, they write another
question with 2-3 different answers and a paragraph
explaining the correct answer, modelled on Activities
2 and 3.
In pairs, students exchange their questions, choose
the answer and then check if it is correct by reading
the corresponding paragraph. Elicit what different
facts students have learnt from their partners’
questions and paragraphs.
1. On the board write Easter. Elicit all the symbols
students associate with the holiday. If students
name the symbols in Polish, teach them the
English equivalents.
2. Distribute Student’s Worksheets A. Explain that
Easter has different names in different countries.
Students read the names and match them with
the countries. Check the answers with the whole
class. Find out if students know the names for
Easter used in other countries or languages not
mentioned in Activity 1.
Answers : 1c, 2b, 3d, 4e, 5a
3. Students then test their knowledge of Easter by
completing the quiz in Activity 2.
Pre-teach: fasting, Easter egg hunt, bonfi res and
4. Give students Worksheets B or ask them to turn
over Worksheets A if the former are photocopied
on the reverse side. Pre-teach: full moon, give
up, according to, weigh, roll, statues and native.
Students read the paragraphs in Activity 3 to
check their answers in Activity 2. Each paragraph
contains the answer to the question with the
corresponding number.
5. In pairs, students compare their answers. Check
the answers with the whole class.
Answers: 1b, 2b, 3a, 4a, 5c, 6c, 7a, 8c, 9c, 10a
© Macmillan Polska 2011
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