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Student’s Worksheet 1
Name: ...........................................................................................................
.................... / 50 points
1. Translate into Polish / 15 points
1. herbal therapy ......................................................
9. high blood pressure ..............................................
2. drug abuse .............................................................
10. chest ......................................................................
3. compulsive gambling ............................................
11. X-ray ......................................................................
4. mint tea .................................................................
12. fatal disease ..........................................................
5. pneumonia .............................................................
13. mental breakdown ................................................
6. painful joints .........................................................
14. appendicitis ...........................................................
7. to sneeze ...............................................................
15. lung(s) ....................................................................
8. to lose consciousness ............................................
2. Explain the difference. / 10 points
1. a plaster / plaster
2. a burn / a scald
3. an injection / a vaccine
4. to lose weight / to gain weight
5. a scar / a cut
3. Write down the missing word. / 15 points
1. A(n) ................................ is a swelling on your skin containing clear liquid, caused for example by a burn
or continuous rubbing.
2. To ................................ means to suddenly push air out of your throat with a short sound, often
3. A(n) ................................ can be described as a lot of red spots on someone’s skin, caused by an illness.
4. A(n) ................................ is someone who goes to a hospital for treatment but does not stay for the
5. When liquid is coming out of your nose, usually because you have a cold, we say that you have
a ................................ nose.
6. A pain in your head and a feeling of sickness that you get the day after you have drunk too much alcohol
is called a ................................ .
7. The feeling that you have when you think you are going to vomit is called ................................ .
8. An illness in which waste from the bowels is watery and comes out often is called ................................ .
9. Someone who spends a lot of time sitting and watching television is called a ................................
© Macmillan Polska 2010
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Student’s Worksheet 2
Name: ...........................................................................................................
10. She was suffering ................................ a serious disease.
11. She is ................................ colour. She is slightly ill.
12.Mychildrenareasitasa ................................ .Theyarehealthyandine.
13. The doctor gave me a ................................ for sleeping pills.
14. ................................ medicine such as acupuncture is the opposite of conventional medicine.
15. The surgeons operated ................................ me last year.
4. Translate into English. / 10 points
1.spuchnięty .............................................................
6. opatrunek ..............................................................
2. wzrok .....................................................................
7. poczekalnia ...........................................................
3. tabletka do ssania ................................................
8. siniak ......................................................................
4.oiara ......................................................................
9.położna ..................................................................
5.skręconakostka ...................................................
10. ugryzienie przez komara ......................................
© Macmillan Polska 2010
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