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Tadeusz Lesiak
Inst. Nuclear Physics PAN
T. Lesiak
Extra dimensions
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Extra dimensions as the home of ghosts
Extra dimensions in literature, painting and movies
Non-Euclidean geometry
Specific theory of relativity: time as the 4th dimension
General theory of relativity: gravity = warped space-time
The fifth dimension: Kaluza-Klein theory
String theories
„Large” extra dimensions (ADD): bounds from colliders,
astroparticle physics and table-top experiments
T. Lesiak
Extra dimensions
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Ghosts from the fourth dimension
Claim of all Spiritualists: ghosts do exist, they inhabit the fourth dimension
(in particular, an english philosopher Henry Moore :Enchiridion metaphysicum”, 1671)
Big fuss over Henry Slade – the famous spiritualist, ‘physical medium’
claimed that can manipulate things by moving them through the fourth dimension;
try Slade’s ploys: tie a knot on a loop: get out an object from the trap;
replace left-handed shell into right-handed one (two-dimensional analogies)
• Slade was sued in London 1877 for fraud and trickery
• became so famous that many first-rank physicists engaded in explaining his tricks:
Zollner, Weber, Crookes, Thompson, Rayleigh;
Zollner: „Transcendental Physics” – Slade’s ploys cannot be explained by physics Æ
must be due to the intervention of the ghosts from the fourth dimension
T. Lesiak
Extra dimensions
Ghosts from the fourth dimension
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Hinton and his tesseract
Charles Howard Hinton (1853-1907) – the man who „saw” the 4th dimension
9 He coined the word „tesseract” for a four-dimensional hypercube
9 The tesseract: commonly used in XIX century for meditation and in necromancy
9 Inventor a baseball pitching machine
9 The guru of sect propagating polygamy
Tesseract (hypercube) – the easiest accessible to our imagination amoung
things from the fourth dimension
Tesseract construction (applet)
1. Draw a point
2. Copy it and translate
to another place
3. Connect two points
Æ segment line
4. Copy the segment
line and translate it
5. Connect segment’
ends Æ a square
4. Copy a square
and translate it
5. Connect square’
ends Æ a cube
4. Copy a cube
and translate it
5. Connect cube’ ends
Æ a 4D hypercube
T. Lesiak
Extra dimensions
Hinton and his tesseract
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The other ways to ‘see’ a tesseract
Looking at the shadows
T. Lesiak
Extra dimensions
The other ways to ‘see’ a tesseract
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