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Draco Malfoy's life is turned upside down when his son from twenty years in the future shows up. He brings with him word of death and destruction. He wants to stop Voldemort from winning like he did in his own time.


Disclaimer: Do not own. I'm not profiting from this hobby of mine.

Warnings: Boy-love-slash-goodness. I don't know if it'll be of the graphic nature, though. Slight angst (seriously, only the minimal stuff. This isn't my vent fic; I'll leave that for 'My Own Control' or 'The Story We Write'...This one's happier, I swear it...!!).

As always, I have a theme in my chapter titles. I went for Gods and Goddesses this time.

Reviews are always appreciated. I have twenty chapters planned, so it's not going to be as long as MBUS and I do hope it meets the expectations following the success I had with MBUS.

Summary: COMPLETELY DISREGARD HALF BLOOD PRINCE AND DEATHLY HALLOWS...!! Dumbledore is still alive and there aren't any Horcruxes because I hate plotted the end of the bloody things. Okay?? XD. Fifteen-year-old Scorpius appears in Albus' office, claiming to be the son of seventeen-year-old Draco Malfoy. He can't reveal the identity of his Papa. In his time, however, Harry Potter was killed by the Dark Lord. He was sent back to help change the events that ruined his life.

By the way...is August the first..!! Is my nineteenth birthday todays!! Woot me!!


When Time Isn't Enough

By Jinko



It was purple and it was vile and it was likely to put him through hell. It was the first time he'd go through such physical pain, but he figured it couldn't possibly be any worse compared to the pain he had suffered emotionally.

After losing both of his parents, Scorpius James Malfoy-Potter couldn't imagine anything that could hurt him.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

He looked over to his mentor-the one person he considered his family. He sat next to him, supporting his upper body on a cane as he leant forward. His once jet black hair was grey. The voice his dad once explained as smooth was gravelly and weak. His body was destroyed from years of torture. He shook with every move he took. Severus Snape was the walking dead (on the days he could walk), and he was more than worried for the youth before him.

"Yes, Uncle Sev. I need to do this," Scorpius reassured the potions master.

However, when he looked down at the bubbling glass in his hand, he couldn't hold back the look of fear on his face.

The potion was new. No one had made such progress in the potion world. Everyone who tried was killed by the Death Eaters.

It was a potion designed to take a single person back into the past for an unlimited amount of time.

Scorpius was the only person to successfully brew any potion with such capabilities in secrecy. Luckily, his dad was the one who patented it and left it for him. All Scorpius had to do was tweak it until it was perfect for what he wanted.

"I don't want anyone else to live through what we've seen," Scorpius continued, more for himself than his uncle.

He had seen so much death. All of his friends, his parents, his sister-they were all gone, never to come back to him.

Harry Potter, the saviour of the wizarding world, had perished. He had fallen to the evils of Lord Voldemort only three months before the potion was finished. In a harsh battle taking place within the Ministry of Magic, Voldemort slowly and deliberately stomped the thirty-seven year-old to death. The remains were given to his pet snake to eat.

Albus Dumbledore, the only man Voldemort ever feared, had taken his own life after being captured by the Death Eaters. He refused to allow them to torture any information out of him and bit off his tongue the moment they threw him into a cell in the Malfoy Manor. That had taken place nineteen years ago, long before Scorpius' time.

The other members of the Order of the Phoenix steadily lost their lives.

"Your papa would probably be prouder of you for that one," Severus sighed.

Scorpius gave him a weak smile. "And dad?"

"He'd think you were insane for going through with this."

"He'd know the truth then."

The concoction continued to bubble so far away from any source of heat. He brought it up to his lips and paused.

"Remember not to reveal anything that'll threaten lives."

"I know."

"Good luck."

"Thanks," Scorpius breathed before throwing back his head, downing the entire glass.

Other than a bitter taste in his mouth, he didn't feel any different.

The teen looked around his surroundings. He and Severus were in what was Albus' office. The old trinkets and glass objects had all been shattered. Hogwarts might have been the only place other than the Potter household that was untouched by Voldemort's hands, but the Death Eaters certainly did know how to destroy a place.

His family home was still there. It was sealed off to the rest of the world. Scorpius couldn't imagine the heartbreak he'd suffer if the home he grew up in was tainted by the Dark Lord. He didn't have very many happy memories of his parents and he really didn't want them to be destroyed.

Scorpius' thoughts were cut short when he started to feel queasy. All of the glass objects started to reform around him. He blinked his emerald eyes to clear them. Piece by piece, they started to restore to their previous lustre. Focusing as much as he could, his eyes darted to Severus. He was still the same broken man.

Severus was speaking to him. He could see that mouth moving, but no sound was reaching his ears. He felt the hand grab at his shoulder moments before the cobwebs disappeared from the corners. Some of the men and women in the portraits returned.

The potions master disappeared from the room completely before Scorpius lost the ability to see.

And then there was the pain.

It tore at him, as if he was having his limbs ripped from his body. He had never lost a limb, but he could easily hear the bones popping and snapping out of place. He couldn't hear his screams, though.

He knew, however, that he did what he hadn't done for months, and that was cry out for his papa. Scorpius knew the words came from his mouth before he could stop them.

And that was the last the teen registered before everything ended.

Chapter One: Chronos, Greek God of Time

I've never been in so much pain before. Papa tried to teach me a thing or two about fighting against the Dark Lord and his followers, but he never once allowed me to feel anything like this. He always said that I didn't have to be exposed to any more pain. He said that losing Dad and Lily was enough. He wanted to protect me from any form of pain, and that's why he said he would be there for me.

Now, I am alone, and I'm suffering more pain than I ever could have imagined because he couldn't protect me. He left me just like Daddy left us.

And the physical pain caused by this potion is unlike anything I could have ever imagined.

If Papa and Dad could put up with it when they tried to protect me, I can do it for the future. No one else has to go through this ever again.

Only me.

I'm sorry Papa, but I need a little more pain to make things better. I'm sorry I'm deliberately going against what you wanted and am causing myself this agony.

But I can't let anyone else do it.

So I took the potion you made me promise never to drink.

I'll be able to apologise to you in person. I'll see you and Daddy again.


There were many members in the Order of the Phoenix. Last year had resulted in several recruitments. Only, there were a mere handful of trusted members who were allowed to sit in on the meetings. Included in this was Albus Dumbledore, the founder of the Order, Minerva McGonagall, Severus Snape, Arthur, Molly, Bill, Charlie, Fred and George Weasley, Alastor Moody, Remus Lupin, Rubeus Hagrid, Nymphadora Tonks and Kingsley Shacklebolt. Newly inducted into the largely adult group was the young Harry Potter, who was determined to know every step that was being taken to defeat the Dark Lord.

They were in the middle of a meeting, though only Albus, Minerva, Remus, Severus and Harry attended, when they were horribly disrupted.

A tearing noise interrupted Albus' words about the protection of the castle moments before a space in the office split open before their eyes. Wands were drawn in record time in an attempt to protect themselves from whatever intrusion or danger it might have brought.

What they instead found was a shaking form that dropped from the tear moments before it sealed back up.

The form was draped in a heavy cloak, and was curled up in the foetal position in the middle of the floor, cringing in what appeared to be pain. The only identifiable feature visible was the platinum blonde hair sticking out from under the material.

The wands never once wavered.

Harry's eyes narrowed at the figure when he felt his heart start to beat faster. There was something strange about this person. Some instinct deep inside him screamed out for him to lower his wand, but he stood his ground.

And it stung him to see everyone with curses on their lips.

He felt his body move toward the other, his legs taking the steps without him knowing it. There was a need to protect this person, no matter what. He wanted them to feel safe.

"Potter," Severus hissed from behind him as Harry knelt down, his wand slipping from his hand and onto the floor.

The figure moved, causing everyone to jump slightly. Harry gently helped the coughing and wincing person up onto his knees.

"It's okay," Harry promised, supporting him by his shoulders. "We're not going to hurt you."

The coughing fit stopped, allowing the other to uncover his face. What was staring up at Harry shocked him.

Draco Malfoy's face was on this boy, but his eyes were emerald green and sparkling with tears.

Only, his tears didn't look like they came from his physical pain.

"It's you-you're alive," the boy breathed and the tears spilled over. Before Harry could stop him, he launched himself up and wrapped his arms around Harry's shoulders, pulling him in as closely as possible.

Something sparked deep within Harry. Having this boy embrace him was like nothing he had ever experienced before. He felt an undying need to make sure this teen was safe and happy. It was like he had an instant connection with him.

Harry found himself returning the hug.

"I'm so sorry," the smaller teen continued. "I took the potion, even though you told me not to. But it worked and I'm here and I can help you now."

Harry jolted back as he felt someone tear at his robes, pulling him away from the stranger. He was toppled before he could stop Severus from lowering his wand at the boy, right at his neck.

"You're not Draco Malfoy," Severus claimed. His black eyes roamed over the face before him, widening and then narrowing at the eyes staring back at him. "That's impossible." Whatever it was that caught his eye had him standing, bringing the young man with him by his hair and slamming him against the closest wall.

Harry jumped at the sound of the teen's cry of pain. It tore him to his heart.

"Severus," Albus started, moving up next to the potions master. "Surely you shouldn't be treating him like that. He's only young."

The boy's eyes darted to Albus and then back to the man threatening him. "Please. I'll explain everything." The hand in his hair tightened, causing him to stand on his toes and grimace. "I'm not a threat. I swear. I'm not a Death Eater and I'm certainly not here to hurt Harry Potter."

Severus slammed him again before letting him drop. "She had one child. Who the hell are you?"

Confusion crossed the faces of everyone around them. "My name is Scorpius," the teen responded from the floor, not even bothering to try to stand. His body still shook weakly. "I'm from the future."

"You're a Malfoy?"


Severus turned his head away. "Impossible," he repeated. "She only had one child."

"And he's my papa," Scorpius claimed, which had Severus turning back towards him. The Slytherin grabbed him by the front of his robes, forcing him to stand as he shook him violently.

"There is no such thing as a female Malfoy, boy. What lies are you spinning?"

Albus clapped a hand on Severus' shoulder, telling him it was enough. "If you let him talk, we might get an answer, Severus."

Scorpius was dropped again. "Draco Malfoy is my dad..."

"This is bullshit," Severus argued. He stopped at Albus' sigh. He folded his arms over his chest and walked to the back of the room.

"I'm not allowed to say who my papa is, though. Otherwise, it mightn't happen."

The potions master let out a derogative snort but didn't say anything.

"I'm born five years from now..."

"No spell or potion can take anyone this far back," Remus instantly objected. "Nothing is that powerful."

"In my time, my dad created a potion strong enough to take me back twenty years," Scorpius explained. "It was patented two years before my birth, just in case it would be needed. I had to complete it in secrecy when we realised we had no chance at winning the war."

Albus crouched down next to him.

Harry nearly bristled with jealousy. His spot was supposed to be next to this Scorpius. The old man had stolen it.

"Twenty years is a long time, Mister Malfoy. I can't imagine how much has changed in your time compared to now."

Scorpius let out a shaky cough. "I'm not exactly a Mister Malfoy. Dad took my papa's name. It was hyphenated. And this is the first time I've seen you, Professor. You're dead in my time. You died long before I was born."

"That's impossible," Minerva demurred. "Surely the Death Eaters can't have improved that much."

"They stop trying to kill us. They capture instead," Scorpius told them. "I was the only one in the Resistance who hadn't been caught. Uncle Severus and Tonks managed to escape them a few times after being tortured, but everyone else died. First Professor Dumbledore, then Mister Moody, Minerva McGonagall...everyone in the Order will die. It starts a year from now when they realise they aren't strong enough to beat us in battle; they set up traps to capture us one by one. Professor Dumbledore is the first to go, but the only one to end his own life."

"I am captured?" Albus asked.

Scorpius nodded his head, but turned to Harry. His eyes returned to Albus though. "It happened because you don't want to reveal anything about the Order through torture. Voldemort linked it all to Harry Potter. He saw the whole thing mentally."

Harry raised an eyebrow. There weren't very many people who knew about the connection between the two.

It was also rare to find someone using Voldemort's name.

"You can't be a Malfoy," Harry muttered, looking at the Malfoy-look-a-like. "They're too chicken-shit to do anything against their Lord."

The blonde cringed as he laughed weakly. "Yeah, you used to say that all the time. I guess it's my papa who really stands out in me personality-wise."

"You can't have her eyes if you're Draco's son," Severus hissed from his corner. "Surrogate parenthood doesn't involve the DNA of both fathers."

Scorpius eyed the older man. "That's correct in this time. In four years, my dad will create a potion that strips the DNA of the surrogate mother from the embryo she's carrying and replaces it with the DNA of the second father. Works with two mothers, too. He'd become incredibly famous for the creation if the selling of potions wasn't monitored by the Death Eaters. They've completely taken over in my time."

"Why hasn't anyone stopped them?" Harry asked, not even realising how stupid the idea was. He wanted the boy to talk to him.

"Everyone strong enough has been killed," Scorpius breathed. "Including you. That was when Uncle Severus and I decided to send me back."

"I was killed?"

"Yes. Voldemort caught you somehow on the battlefield. He stood over you and stomped you to your death."

Harry swallowed thickly. "How long before that happens?"

"It was three months ago in my time. The moment it happened, I suggested to Uncle Severus that we send me to this time so I can warn you. I can even help with the fighting. I haven't had as much training as I would have liked, but I know a few things..."


It was so loudly objected that Minerva jumped a little in shock. Harry didn't even know where it came from, but he definitely did not want this boy to get hurt. He wanted him to have nothing to do with a battle like that.

Severus rolled his eyes before he walked out of the room. Only Remus watched him.

"Harry?" Albus asked, eyeing the Gryffindor.

"I-I don't know what just happened," Harry admitted softly, looking only at Scorpius, "but he's not allowed to join in on this fight."

Albus raised an eyebrow before his attention returned to Scorpius. After a moment of observing him, his eyes turned back to Harry, who instantly recognised the knowing-glint in them.

"How do we know any of this is true?" Remus asked, showing the responsibility he was so well-known for.

"Uncle Severus said that you had to perform a DNA test on me," Scorpius said to the werewolf. "He knew that you'd have nothing against me when you found out who my papa is. No one else is allowed to know, though. But...I think Uncle Severus already does...he seems really angry about it."

Harry knelt on the other side of Scorpius. "I guess he doesn't approve of your papa then. He would only want the best for his arse-kissing little Malfoy."

Minerva verbally disapproved of the words that came from Harry's mouth

The younger teen smiled at that. "My dad doesn't have to kiss arse to get what he wants from Uncle Sev. He's damn good at making potions. Some say he's better than my Uncle Sev. Even to the day I left, people were praising his talents, even though it was ten years after his death."

Harry felt his mouth go dry. "Malfoy dies in ten years?"

Scorpius nodded his head once. "That's why I can't wait to see him again. He promised me he would read me the final chapter of our book. The night he was killed was supposed to be the last chapter."

"Oh. Maybe you can make him finish it when you see him."

The blonde smiled sadly. "I lost it a long time ago. I can't even remember what it was called. I get the feeling my papa hid it, though. He hid a lot of things that randomly made him burst out into tears..."

Harry noticed how Scorpius trailed off. "Your papa must have loved your dad very much," he commented, making Scorpius' smile turn happy.

"Yes, he did. He never moved on. My dad was the only one for my papa. He told me all the time."

Albus looked at Harry. "Perhaps Remus should perform that test?" he suggested, almost as if he was getting permission.

Harry nodded his head nonetheless and stood up, supporting Scorpius. The boy still shook slightly, but the effects were steadily wearing off.

He had taken a few observations of the boy. Scorpius hadn't once reached for his wand, wherever it was hidden, and he didn't look like he had even wanted to draw it out. Even as Severus had him against the wall, he was completely complacent. That left Harry to wonder what type of person the blonde teen was. He was either strongly against violence, or compliant to achieve his goals.

Neither were properties the Malfoy family appeared to appreciate.


Remus Lupin had been reinstated to the place of the Defence Against the Dark Arts professor at the start of Harry's seventh year. It was a welcome return supported by most.

Severus had opposed it as much as he possibly could, claiming that the last thing the students needed in a time of war was to be taught by a werewolf, especially when the werewolves were siding with the Dark Lord.

The war got harder and harder every day. The Death Eaters were on the move, threatening the lives of so many innocent Muggle and Muggleborn families.

The dead bodies were mounting. However, no important political figure or Order member had suffered just yet. Similarly, the Death Eaters were just as strong with every leader being safe and sound.

The Ministry had started to become desperate. They were searching as hard as they possibly could to find a way to cover the deaths. The first step was to remove Fudge from his position. He was replaced by Rufus Scrimgeour. The old lion-like man was just as useless in the eyes of the Order. Over a year, he had tried to both cover up what he could and had Moody train a bunch of new Aurors in secret. Those Aurors were killed within a week of their conscription, revealing the Ministry had a spy. It wasn't long before fingers were being pointed to some of the more infamous Ministry members, such as Lucius Malfoy.

It shocked Harry to his core that the blonde man hadn't been put into custody already. It was a fact everyone knew. He was a Death Eater and was destined to pass that title down to his son.

Harry cringed as he helped walk Scorpius to Remus' office. The boy he was holding up was the grandson of Lucius Malfoy and he was already attached to him somehow.

Draco Malfoy hadn't been that much of a burden as of late. Once they hit their seventh year, he seemed to die down. He quit the Quidditch team since Slytherin hadn't enough skill to fill a team (most had left because of Death Eater rumours or had been pulled out of school because of Death Eater parents wanting them to take their rightful place in the cause) and focused on his studies. Despite this, still had the appearance of being as arrogant and as discriminative as ever, even without one of his usual cronies. Crabbe had been one of the students who didn't return to complete their seventh year of education.

Instead, he spent most of his time in the library or out by the lake with Goyle and Theodore Nott, rather than being the school bully. He had apparently passed that crown to Pansy Parkinson, who took it up with delight.

As Harry thought back at it, he realised that although it was November already, he hadn't had much of an exchange with his usual nemesis. He had a few classes with the blonde, but they hadn't had a physical or magical fight with each other all term. Harry couldn't remember the last time he had even communicated with the Slytherin. It probably dated at least a month ago. The last fight would have been February, when Malfoy taunted Hermione and Ron over their Valentine's Day date in Hogsmeade. Harry had pointed out that Malfoy was completely dateless, only to have Blaise Zabini show up and prove him wrong.

That was when Harry discovered Malfoy's sexuality. It was also the reason why he wasn't shocked to find out that Scorpius was the product of Malfoy and his husband.

He looked down at the blonde teen who walked with a slight limp. He was the spitting image of Malfoy with one or two differences.

The first was that Malfoy was much shorter than this boy. Even thought there was a two year gap, Malfoy was still shorter. It pleased Harry to no end when he finally shot up past the Slytherin's height. He figured that out in their last punch-on. He had slammed him against a wall only to discover that he was capable of looking down at the teen. It seemed that although Lucius was tall, Malfoy had gotten absolutely none of his height.

The second difference was the sparkling green eyes that looked back at him. They were so unlike the cold grey glare belonging to his dad and his grandfather. Harry was almost glad the boy wasn't completely facially identical to Malfoy. It gave him a warmer appearance. It also meant that he could have a decent conversation with the boy without those eyes giving him hell.

There was something about Malfoy, Harry had realised somewhere along the years, that really bugged him. It was no secret, that was for sure, but there was something about him that stood out past the fact that he was destined to become a Death Eater. There was much more to it.

Harry had been questioning his sexuality for a while now. He had dated Ginny for a while before things fell out. No matter how much she tried, she wasn't what he wanted physically. And the more he looked at Malfoy, the more he realised how much more appealing the blonde was.

Harry's shudder startled Scorpius.

"Are you alright? Am I too heavy?" he asked quickly, staring up at him with those eyes.

The Gryffindor shook his head at the latter question. "I'm just thinking, that's all. How are you coping?"

"I'll be alright. I'll get to see Dad soon."

Just the thought of seeing Malfoy again had the hairs at the back of his neck standing up on end. That teen was the physical evidence that Harry was going insane. Only a person deserving to be in a psych-ward could possibly find Malfoy attractive at a time like this.

Now was the time for war; not to discover that you're actually gay and it was the enemy who proved it to you.

This time, Harry groaned. The more he thought about it, the worse it got. He just resolved to not think about him.

"So," he started off, helping Scorpius around a corner. "What happened to Remus?"

The professor in front of him nearly snorted at him.

"It's Professor Lupin while we're out in the castle like this," he chided lightly. Harry grinned and winked at Scorpius.

"Actually, he died when I was nine. I don't know who did it, but it was all relayed back to you," Scorpius answered, looking up at Harry. "It was the second time I've ever seen you so completely destroyed inside. You lost your spouse a few years before it."

"I marry?" Harry asked in complete shock. "That's impossible..."

"Nope. You marry someone you love dearly. You even had two children together." Scorpius looked back at Remus. "You're not married yet, are you?"

That time, Remus let out a sigh. "I'm never getting married, Mister Malfoy."

"Your death was the only time I've ever seen your husband break down. He's been around me all my life, but your death was the only thing that seemed to emotionally hurt him."

Remus stopped walking. "I'm not about to marry a man," he replied, turning back to the teens. "I'm currently in a relationship with a woman."

"Tonks, you mean?"


Scorpius waved his hand dismissively. "You're pretty much cheating on her already." That had the werewolf's cheeks darkening. "I know you're already in love with him..." He stopped himself by slapping a hand over his mouth.

Remus had gone from as red as Harry had ever seen him to as pale as the skin the Malfoys were so proud of.

"I-I marry him...?"

That gained Harry's attention. "You're in love with a man? What happened to Tonks?"

"I wasn't meant to say anything about those things." Scorpius' words were muffled by his hand. "I really didn't mean to say that..." He looked up at Harry with his eyes wide. "I'm so sorry."

"You're in love with a man?" Harry repeated, ignoring Scorpius. "When did this happen...? Are you already with him?"

Remus continued to stare at Scorpius, ignoring Harry. "I can't possibly marry him; he hates me..."

Scorpius uncovered his mouth but started to walk. "I'm not saying anymore. Uncle Sev will kill me. He made me promise not to say anything about the future if it could stop what's meant to happen. That's why my papa isn't allowed to find out that he's my papa, otherwise it mightn't happen. And no one's meant to know who they marry, either, so forget that I said anything."

"I can't believe that," Remus trailed off, turning around and following Scorpius, even though the blonde was looking around, trying to find his direction. As they both turned another corner, Harry could have sworn he saw a broad smile on the older man's lips.

Accepting that he was being ignored, Harry continued to follow, catching Scorpius just in time as he slipped down the closest wall.

"You're a bit of a handful, you know that?" Harry grumbled, helping to lift him back up.

"Yeah, sorry. We didn't know what side-effects the potion would have, but we had to use it anyway."

Remus helped out. "So...that means that he loves me, right?"

Scorpius groaned and tried to wiggle away from the werewolf. "I'm not telling you anymore than I already have. I wasn't meant to say that much to begin with"

Remus just smiled.

Harry sent him a mock glare. "You have to break up with Tonks, you know that, right?"

The glare was returned. "I'll get around to it."

Scorpius shook his head. "No! You have to continue on as if you don't know any of this. You don't break up with her because of him...she finds out and breaks up with you. You have to keep it going that way, otherwise it could turn out wrong."

Brown eyes rolled as Remus took in what the teen was saying.

"You're as bad as a child, you know that?" Scorpius nearly hissed out. "You weren't like this in my time."

"Maybe you were just too young." Harry offered. He paused as they arrived at Remus' rooms. The professor opened up his door with a series of charms and a key to finish it off.

"Or it could be that you're the son of a Malfoy," Remus suggested. "Last I checked, I wasn't on the best grounds with them."

The blonde teen frowned at that. "My grandfather was very wrong for everything he's ever done," he claimed. "The only thing he did right was sire my dad. His actions cause my papa to kill him months before I'm born. My grandmother followed him through a suicide. She couldn't take life without her husband."

"And your dad?"

"She hadn't spoken to him for years before that. It became public knowledge that my dad had changed sides for my papa. That's my job, though. I have to convince him sooner so he can help. Voldemort had him cooking up all sorts of horrible potions before he switched sides. One of them assists the Death Eaters to trap us. If they can't get their hands on that, then surely we'll be off to a better start."

"So it's only you, Snape and Tonks in your world?" Harry asked. Remus let out a small cough as if he was choking on air.

Scorpius grinned at that before he turned back to Harry. "Yeah, but they're both useless. They've both been tortured beyond helping. I'm the only one who can walk on some days, and I can barely cast a Patronus. I'm just as useless as they are in battle." He tugged on a pouch at his hip. "That's why I keep to dad's profession. I make all the potions you could ever imagine. Since Uncle Sev can't stand long enough to brew them, the reins were handed over to me a long time ago."

Harry guided Scorpius into a chair in Remus' office. "I can't imagine your papa would be too happy about you looking just like your dad and doing the same thing he did."

"He hated it," Scorpius admitt...

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