DECK THE DUNGEONS - Amethyst Lupin.doc

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Deck the Dungeons

by Amethyst Lupin


Summary: Harry will do *anything* to get his own Christmas tree.

A wave warm air greeted Harry as he pulled open the door to Hogwarts. The warmth felt like sheer bliss as he entered the castle and left behind the bitter cold night. His hair and cloak were damp from the wet snow that had been falling, and his face was red and chapped from the bite of the frigid wind.

It was a week before Christmas, and the castle was buzzing with excitement. As Harry made his way down to his rooms, he couldn't help but to ponder how even the dungeons, which were usually damp and dark, seemed to be filled with the Christmas sprit. The candles on the wall cast a warm light over the garland which was decorated with golden bells and red ribbon. The scent of fresh pine and cinnamon filled the air. A smile crossed Harry's face as he looked back at the hall for a moment before muttering the password to the rooms he shared with his lover.

Christmas had to be his favorite time of year.

Harry barely made it two steps into the room before his train of thought was broken.

"What have you been up to? Please don't tell me were foolish enough to go out flying in this weather," Severus remarked in a disapproving tone.

Harry looked at his lover, who was sitting in one of the chairs in front of the fire. He was wrapped in a dark green bathrobe, and his hair looked to be damp. He had a large book on his lap, no doubt some complicated potions text that Harry would never be able to comprehend (not that he wanted to). Severus' eyebrows were slightly raised as he waited for Harry to respond.

Harry gave him a big grin as he shrugged off his cloak, and placed it on the hook. "I wasn't flying," he replied cheerfully.

"Oh? Then where were you?" Severus inquired.

As Harry bent down to untie his boots he explained, "I was down visiting Hagrid."

"Ah, I see," Severus said in a uninterested tone, and returned to his book.

Harry toed off his boots and moved across the room to stand in front of the fire. The dry heat felt good as it was absorbed into his skin and clothes, taking away last bit chill he felt. He closed his eyes and sighed happily, before turning to face his lover.

"Actually," he stated softly, "Hagrid said that hes found the perfect tree for us."

Severus looked back up from he book; his face was unreadable. "A tree? What on earth would we do with a tree?" he drawled.

Harry gave a small amused smile before he clarified, "A Christmas tree."

Severus pursed his lips together for a long moment. "No," he stated firmly, then went back to his book as if the matter had been settled.

"No?" Harry echoed in surprise.

Severus looked back up his eyes narrowed. "That's what I said. No," he confirmed sharply.

"Why not?" Harry asked.

"It's bad enough that the whole castle is covered in those ridiculous decorations. I will not have them spilling into my rooms as well. If you want to see a Christmas tree than you can walk your tight little arse up to the Great Hall- there are twelve of them there for you to waste your time looking at," Severus sneered.

Harry crossed his arms, and his mouth was set in a scowl. "It's not the same, and you know it. What's the big deal anyway? The tree would just sit in the corner. It's not like it would be in your way."

Severus glanced at the corner of the room. "The fact that I would have to look at it would make it bothersome enough," he responded harshly.

Harry gritted his teeth in frustration. "Then don't look at it. Just pretend it isn't there," he said in an angry voice.

"Playing pretend is for children," Severus countered quickly.

"Don't be such a grinch."

"Bah humbug," Severus snarled, and he went back to his book.

Harry nostrils flared. "Fine," he stated, before stomping off into the bedroom, closing the door behind him with a bang.

Once he was alone, Harry let out a frustrated sigh. He knew fighting with Severus would get him nowhere. He rarely won a verbal match with the older man, but he was not ready to give up either.

It might seem silly, but Harry had been thrilled when Hagrid had said that he had found a Christmas tree for the two them. Harry never really had a Christmas tree of his own before. When he was young Aunt Petunia would never let him any where near the tree; Dudley always got to decorate it. Then when he attend Hogwarts the Professors did the decorations for the whole school. This was the first time in his life that he could have tree to call his own, and that was something that he wanted to share with Severus, but greasy bastard had to go and be impossible, like always.

As Harry went through his nightly routine to get ready for bed, he tried come up with a plan to get his way. Nothing came to him, though. He could usually get what he wanted if went about it the right way, but tonight he seemed to be lacking the necessary creativity.

Harry searched the wardrobe for his favorite pajamas. He couldn't remember the last time he had worn them. It was the last time he and Severus had a fight. So he wore them last week, which meant they were in the laundry. He sighed in frustration, and then an idea popped into his head. A sly grin crossed his face, and he climbed into the bed naked.

Harry lied awake in bed, patiently waiting for Severus to come into the room. The older men didn't appear for nearly an hour, and when he entered the room Harry pretended to be asleep.

Severus picked up a few things in the room before disappearing into the lavatory, exactly the way Harry had anticipated he would. Once the door was shut, Harry leaned over to the bedside table and grabbed the vial of oil the two of them always used.

Harry poured some in his hand. He took a moment to enjoy the way it glimmered in the dim candle light. He slowly rubbed the oil between his hands warming it, and delighted in feeling of it sliding between his fingers.

Harry then reached down with one hand and fondled his soft prick. Slowly rolling his cock around in his fingers, he then moved down to caress his balls. He enjoyed the touch, and the way it slowly aroused him. His hand wander back up to his prick, and he placed a firm grip around it. He stroked himself in long drawn out motions, until it was completely hard.

Harry let his head fall back on the pillow, and his eyes fluttered closed. He ran his thumb over the head of his cock, and let out a soft moan. He continued to play with himself, taking his time, and enjoying each touch.

It wasn't long before he heard the lavatory door open. Harry didn't need to look up to know that Severus was watching him intently- he could feel the other man's fierce gaze upon him. The idea of his lover watching him as he touched himself caused a wave of pleasure to sweep through his body. Harry's lips parted and he let out a whimper.

Harry continued to stroke his hardness, letting his body arch up into his own touch. His breath became ragged as he increased the tempo of his movements. Harry felt the bed dip when Severus moved to join him, but the younger wizard paid his lover no heed.

A hand ran across Harry's chest caressing his hot skin. Harry suppressed a moan, before he opened his eyes at looked up at the other man.

"Don't," Harry said. His voice came out deep and breathless. "Just watch."

Severus raised his eyebrows in curiosity, but he complied with Harry's request and pulled his hand away.

Once Harry was sure that Severus would do as he asked, he went back to pleasuring himself. He was determined to put on one hell of a good show.

Harry slowed his movements, drawing out each stroke in order to slowly drive himself mad with need. He then reached down with his other hand and brushed his fingers lightly against his balls, and then back toward his entrance.

Harry heard Severus inhale sharply as he circled and teased his tight hole with his middle finger. Harry pressed his still-slick finger into himself, and he took a moment to enjoy the feeling of being penetrated. He then set up a rhythm with both of his hands. It didn't take long for the pleasure to build up in the pit of his stomach, until he was on the edge of exploding.

Harry added a second finger to help increase the sensation, but as he did he caught a movement in the corner of his eye. He turn his head to see Severus rubbing himself through his black silk pajama bottoms. The older man's dark eyes were filled with lust, and were locked on Harry. This sight was enough to push Harry over the edge. His body tensed as a wave of passion over took him, and he exploded, coming in a pulsing flood of warm liquid.

Harry gasped and let his head fall back on the pillow. He closed his eyes, and waited for his racing heart to calm down. He felt Severus move close to his side. Soft lips traced Harry's ear.

"Beautiful," Severus whispered in a deep voice.

Harry couldn't stop the smirk that formed on his lips. He opened his eyes and turned his head so Severus' face was inches from his.

"You liked what you saw?" Harry asked softly.

"Mmm... Yes, very much," Severus replied as he caressed Harry's check with his hand.

Harry grinned at up at the other man. "I'm glad."

Severus then leaned in for kiss, but Harry quickly pulled away under the pretense of grabbing his wand. Severus gave him a confused look.

Harry smiled again, and as if to explain his actions he cast a cleaning spell over himself.

"You didn't need to that... I would have gladly cleaned you up- I love the way you taste."

Harry barely managed to suppress a moan at the image Severus' words brought to his mind. Harry turned away so his lover could not see his reaction, and tucked his wand under his pillow.

Once Harry was sure he could face his lover without giving anything away he turn back to Severus.

"Maybe next time," Harry said.

Harry then leaned up and gave him a chaste kiss on the lips. "Goodnight Severus," he said quickly before laying down, and turning away to face the wall.

"Goodnight?" Severus echoed in a confused voice.

"Yes, I'm going to sleep," Harry replied.

Severus snuggled up close to Harry from behind.

Harry laid still trying to ignore the heat he felt coming from his lover's body, and Severus' soft breath on his neck.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" Severus ask in a seductive voice.

Harry's breath hitched. Severus' voice was the sexiest part of the man, and it never fail to turn him on. Harry quickly suppressed his arousal and replied in a thoughtful voice, "Hum... nope, I don't think so."

Severus ran his hand along Harry's side. "What about this?" He asked as he pressed his silk-covered erection against Harry's bare bottom.

Harry swallowed hard, and bit his lip. He then moved away from Severus, and closer to the wall. "What about it?" he asked innocently.

"I was hoping you would help me take care of it. That you would let me shove it into your tight little arse, and let me pound you until you were writhing helplessly under me, begging to come," Severus explain in a velvet voice.

Harry felt his body reacting favorably to the idea. He quickly tried to think of something besides sex. Anything that would keep him from crumbling, and pouncing on his lover. Dumbledore and McGonagall. Dumbledore and McGonagall *naked*.

Harry breathed in deeply, and said in what he hoped was a steady voice, "I'm not in the mood."

"You are always in the mood," Severus whispered, and pressed himself up against Harry again.

Harry suppressed a moan at the contact. "Well, I'm not in the mood tonight," Harry said a bit too harshly.

Severus withdraw slightly, and was quiet for a long moment.

Harry took a deep breath, waiting for Severus to say something.

The silence hung in the room until the older man spoke, "And I suppose me saying that you can have a Christmas tree would put you in the mood?"

A slight smile crossed Harry's face- Severus had finally figured out the point of this whole charade.

"Yes, I think that would help," Harry confirmed well keeping his eyes locked on the wall in front of him.

Severus sighed and said, "You know manipulation works better when the person you're trying to manipulate doesn't realize what you're trying to do."

Harry rolled over to face him, and shrugged, "Well, manipulating the Head of Slytherin is not an easy task."

Severus smirked at Harry's backhand compliment.

Harry moved in close to his lover and ran his hand down the other man's bare chest and across his stomach. When his fingers came in contact with the soft silk of Severus' pajama bottoms, Harry lightly traced his nail across the sensitive skin underneath.

Severus inhaled sharply at the caress.

Harry smiled and stopped his ministrations for a moment. "So did my manipulation tactics work? Can I have a Christmas tree?"

Severus eyed him, and considered the situation. "Maybe. I'll think about it," he replied evasively.

Harry frowned, "Should I wait out on the couch while you're thinking?"

"I was actually hoping that you would suck my cock with that sinfully delightful mouth of yours while I pondered the situation," Severus said in his best seductive voice.

Harry reached out and picked up his lover hand. He ran his lips along Severus' fingers, he then let his mouth engulf the other man's middle finger. Harry rolled the digit in his mouth with his tongue. He sucked and massaged the finger like he would had it been Severus' prick. When Severus let out a deep moan Harry pulled away and said, "I've no intention of going anywhere near your cock until you say that we can get a tree."

Severus let out a frustrated growl, You're a brat, you know that?"

Harry grinned, "And you're a bastard. Can I have my tree?"

Severus sighed, "Fine, but you better make it worth it."

"Really!" Harry exclaimed.

"Yes, really, but you better do something before I change my mind," Severus replied in mock annoyance.

Harry launched himself atop his lover, and kissed him fervently.

Severus arms snaked around the young man, pulling him into a tight embrace.

Harry moved his leg so it was pressing again his lover's hardness, and he began to massage it with his thigh.

Severus moaned into Harry's mouth at the contact.

Harry smiled and moved away from the kiss so he could run his lips along his lover's jaw and down to caress his neck. When Harry reached a spot where he knew Severus was particularly sensitive he bit lightly.

Severus bucked his hips up into Harry body, and he reached down grabbed his younger lovers arse, squeezing his cheeks gently.

"I want to fill you with my prick, you troublesome boy. Split you open as I thrust into your hot body. I want to come deep inside you, as you scream in sheer, unadulterated bliss." Severus said in a deep passionate voice.

Harry whimpered and buried his forehead into his lover's shoulder. Who was he to argue with a request like that? "Yes," he replied breathlessly, "Merlin, yes."

Harry pressed his erection against Severus' leg to show the older man how much his body approved of the idea.

Severus rolled the two of them over, quickly and powerfully, so Harry was trapped beneath him.

Harry arched up, pressing the length of his body against his lover, trying to get as much contact as possible.

Severus leaned down and ravaged Harry's mouth with his tongue.

Harry ran his hands down the older man's back as they kissed. He caressed the hard muscles and hot skin, enjoying the way his lover felt in his arms.

Severus then suddenly pulled away, and Harry whimpered at the loss of contact. Harry watched as the older man peeled off his pajama bottoms releasing his hard cock, nestled in dark hair, which was pressing up against his stomach in a beautiful arch.

Harry sat up mesmerized by the sight. Harry slid down the bed, and placed his head between Severus' legs. The young wizard trailed his lips softly up Severus' length. The skin of his cock felt like satin, and the deep musky smell of sex radiated from it. Harry's tongue darted out as if of its own accord and swirled around the head of his lover's prick, lapping up the bittersweet fluid that was already leaking out.

Severus' fingers ran through his hair, caressing and encouraging him.

Harry wrapped his lips around the cock, which seemed to be giving off an impossible amount of heat. He moved down, taking the thick hardness first into his mouth then relaxing to let it slide back into his throat. Harry didn't stop until his nose was nestled in the thick black hair which lay against Severus' skin.

Somewhere off in the distance, Harry heard Severus gasping for air between moans.

Harry bobbed his head, using his tongue to massage the cock. He set up a steady rhythm, enjoying the feeling of having his mouth stretched and filled.

It didn't take long before Severus pulled away, breathing heavily. "No," he said in a shaky voice, "Stop. I don't want to..."

Harry looked up and gave him a triumphant grin; he knew he was good at sucking cock. Half the time he could bring Severus off in a matter of a couple minutes.

Severus placed his hands on Harry shoulders, and gently pushed him down towards the bed.

Harry complied, lying down on his back and spreading his legs wide.

Severus watched him with an intent gaze. His dark eyes traced the length of Harry's body.

Harry shuddered under the older man's eyes; he could feel the heated look on his skin more than any touch.

Severus leaned over to the bedside table and retrieved the vial of oil. He slowly poured some into his hand, never taking his eyes off of Harry as he did.

Harry watched as Severus took the oil and spread it along his cock. His body hummed with anticipation.

Once the older man was done tending to himself, he traced a slick finger down the cleft of Harry's arse.

Harry tried to stay still, but the intimate touch seemed to set his nerves on fire, and he wiggled towards it hoping to get more.

Severus didn't keep him waiting long. The younger wizard felt two fingers circling his hole and then gently pushing into him. Harry gasped at the sensation, and arched up into the touch.

Harry looked up at Severus face. Dark eyes were still on him, glimmering with lust. Harry let his head fall back, closing his eyes and concentrating on the sensation of the fingers moving in him, stretching him.

The young man whimpered helplessly when the digits filling him withdrew, but they were quickly replace with something much bigger.

Severus pushed his length deep within him.

Harry moaned as he was split open, filled with his lover's cock.

Severus continued until he was buried balls deep in his arse. Once completely inside he rested, giving Harry a chance to get used to the intrusion.

It didn't take Harry long. He soon flexed his muscles trying to encourage the older man to move.

Severus rocked back slowly at first, trying to get the right angle. From experience he found it quickly, and when he did Harry felt a jolt of pleasure run through him. Severus began to move quicker and deeper.

Harry's body was on fire, and all of his nerve endings seemed ten times as sensitive as normal. He braced himself by grabbing handfuls of the soft sheets beneath him.

Severus' pace increased, pounding into the body of his young lover relentlessly. Harry was writhing beneath him, his mind was buzzing with pleasure.

Severus reached down and wrapped his hand around Harry's prick. It only took a few strokes and Harry was seeing stars. His body tensed, and he felt himself explode over his stomach and Severus' hand. A few more thrusts, and Severus' body was shuddering over him, and hot liquid coated his insides.

Harry felt the heavy weight of his lover collapse on top of him. He ran his hands down Severus' sweaty back, feeling the sticky mess sliding between their skin.

Severus sighed contentedly before looking up at Harry and kissing him. It was slow and tender- Harry loved those kisses more than anything, because they were filled with more love and emotion than all the words and promises in the world.

When the kiss broke the two of them stayed in each other's arms for a long moment, enjoying their afterglow.

Eventually Severus rolled away, and Harry moaned at the loss.

Severus cast a cleaning spell over them both and pulled the covers over them to keep the cool dungeon air away from their bare skin.

Harry snuggled back up to his lover, and Severus wrapped his arms around him.

"So was it worth it?" Harry asked in a sleepy voice.

"Mmmm..." Severus responded, "Just don't expect me to help you decorate the bloody tree."

Harry looked up at him with a mysterious grin, "Of course not, but I was planning doing it naked..."

Severus lifted his eyebrow, "Well, maybe I'll supervise. Just to make sure you don't turn it into a complete monstrosity.

Harry smiled, "I'd like that."






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