Chasing the Look - David duChemin.pdf

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Author of Within The Frame
I was 14 years old when I began
making photographs; I bought a
Voigtlander rangeinder at a neigh-
bor’s yard sale and fell in love. I’m
still falling in love with images and
the process of making them. I’m
still learning to discover my own
vision and evolving in the ways in
which I use the camera to express
it. More and more I see this as a
journey, hence the subtitle of my
irst book, Within he Frame, he
Journey of Photographic Vision. I
suspect it’s a journey for all of us
because if photography is a means
by which we express ourselves,
and we ourselves are always grow-
ing, learning, journeying, then our
photography can do nothing but
move with us, grow with us, and
change as our vision & experience
of the world changes.
last two years. I began a crat that I
knew to be about expression but I
learned it from a purely technical
means. It has taken me over twenty
years to come to the place where
I recognize the primacy of vision
over technique, of principles in-
stead of rules; those simple discov-
eries have brought me to re-learn
everything about my crat.
If I could go back in time and have
a conversation with the teenager I
once was, I’d perch on the edge of
the bathtub in the red glow of the
ad hoc darkroom and beg him to
stop chasing technical perfection
and start chasing an aesthetic that
really says something. I wouldn’t
even try convincing him not to buy
that monstrous Soligor 400mm
lens with a mind-numbing maxi-
mum aperture of f/8, because I
know he wouldn’t listen. But I
would encourage him to pursue a
diferent goal; one that considers
two important questions, “What
I mention all that because it’s what
brought me to start writing the
books, articles, and ebooks I’ve
been so furiously writing over these
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are you trying to say?” and “How can that cam-
era and lens help you say it?” In that order.
I’d stay in that darkroom until he understood
that all of this learning was leading somewhere
but it would go faster if he simply grasped this
one truth: Every setting on your camera will
change the look of the photograph. Every deci-
sion you make, from the lens you use, to the ex-
posure you choose, and the position from which
you shoot, afects the look, the aesthetic of the
image. And then I’d warn him about a couple
of future romantic interests that should prob-
ably be avoided. hen I’d vanish while he still
thought it was the heady mix of developer and
ixer fumes causing the hallucinations.
Back then what mattered to me was getting the
exposure “right” and the focus “right.” Problem
is, no one ever talked me out of this nonsense of
“right” and “wrong” exposure or focus. In fact
everything I read encouraged me in the pursuit
of perfection, not the pursuit of expression. And
it was years before I considered issues like the
quality of light versus the quantity of light, or
the optical efect of compression caused by lon-
ger lenses. It was years before I began to give se-
rious study to a question I hear now as a teacher
time and time again. hat question comes when
“Perfection is over-
rated, and technique
without passion is
like vision without a
voice - it rarely moves
the heart.”
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