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European Urology 46 (2004) 285–295
Preventionof Prostate Cancer byAndrogens:
Experimental Paradoxor Clinical Reality
Mich`le Algart´-G´nin a , Olivier Cussenot a,b,* , Pierre Costa c
a CeRePP/EA3104, UFR Biom´dicale, Universit´ Paris 5/Paris 7, France
b D´partement d’Urologie, Hˆpital Tenon (AP-HP), 4 rue de la Chine, 75020 Paris, France
c Urologie, Hˆ pital G. Doumergue, Nˆmes, France
Accepted 1 April 2004
Available online 10 May 2004
Androgen replacement therapy in the aging male with partial androgen deficiency improved quality of life. However,
such treatment is prohibited for men with a preexisting prostate cancer. The possibility of an increased risk of prostate
cancer for healthy men has also been suggested on theoretical basis but recent experimental data showed that androgens
may act in prevention of prostate cancer. In this review, we try to evaluate benefits and risks associated to a hormonal
replacement therapy in regard to recent data. Several studies analyzing the role of testosterone for prostatic epithelial
cells evidenced that testosterone acts in prostatic cell differentiation but does not have a direct role for induction of cell
proliferation. Moreover, clinical studies have shown that low free testosterone levels in serum is associated with
aggressive prostate cancer, like that has been observed in men with prostate cancer under prostate cancer chemo-
prevention by finasteride. These data suggest that an androgen pathway disruption in prostate is responsible of cell
deregulations that may be associated not only with apoptosis of differentiated prostatic cells but also with potential cell
transformation. The effects of androgens withdrawal for prostate cancer therapy induced in a short time the tumor arrest
growth. However with time, cells adapt to low levels of androgens leading to the evolution of an androgen-independent
tumor, which is more aggressive and most often fatal. The molecular mechanisms of this evolution begin to merge. A
hypothesis is that such mechanisms could be initiated in elderly men with an androgen deficiency. The question is raised
of whether hormonal replacement therapy could prevent prostate cancer. An encouraging recent study performed on
rats demonstrated a protective effect of DHEA for prostate cancer. However, the putative role of the normalization of
DHEA or other androgen levels in prevention of prostate cancer should be evaluated in clinical trials.
# 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Androgens; Hormonal replacement therapy; Prostate cancer; Prevention; Androgen receptor;
Androgen antagonists; 5a-reductase inhibitors
1. Introduction
symptoms as decreased libido, loss of muscle mass,
osteoporosis, decreased cognitive ability and depres-
sion. Multiple studies have demonstrated that the rees-
tablishment of normal hormonal levels improves quality
of life and decreases symptoms associated with the loss
of androgens. However, it has been reported that andro-
gen replacement therapy increased the growth of
already existing prostate carcinoma, meaning that
before prescription, patients should be carefully
screened to detect the presence of a preexisting tumor.
However, for healthy patients, the question is raised of
whether androgen replacement therapy could induce
Testosterone levels decrease with age and elderly men
present a partial androgen deficiency. The evolution of
androgen deficiency has been estimated to be 16.2%
(40–49 years), 20% (50–59 years), 22.6% (60–69 years)
and 26% (80 years and more). Testosterone deficiency is
associated with multiple deregulations that can lead to
* Corresponding author. Tel. þ 33-1-56-01-64-95;
Fax: þ 33-1-56-01-73-06.
E-mail address: (O. Cussenot).
0302-2838/$ – see front matter # 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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M. Algart ´ -G ´ nin et al. / European Urology 46 (2004) 285–295
prostate tumor. Regarding to recent data, we made a
tentative to evaluate benefits and risks of hormonal
replacement therapy for men presenting a decrease in
androgens. We reported several studies that described
the role of androgens for normal epithelial prostatic
cells. Concerning the levels of circulating testosterone in
the serum of patients with prostate cancer, we analyzed
several studies that evidenced a correlation between low
levels of testosterone for patients with a prostate tumor.
We also described new studies analyzing the molecular
mechanisms involved in response to a decrease of
androgens. Such mechanisms induced cell deregulations
and are responsible for the evolution of tumors to
androgen-independent tumors. However, a question is
whether such mechanism could be initiated in elderly
men with a deficiency in androgens, suggesting that
hormone normalization may prevent prostate cancer.
The potential role of hormonal replacement therapy
in the prevention of prostate cancer is also evaluated
in regard to new data with animals treated with DHEA.
one plays a key role in the development and
maintaining of prostate. The androgen receptor is
activated by two ligands; testosterone and dihydrotes-
tosterone, this latter one binding the androgen receptor
with a higher affinity [1] . The interaction of steroids
with their specific receptors induces the binding of
such activating receptors to promoter region of genes.
Steroid receptors participate directly to the induction of
transcription of genes ( Fig. 1 ). However, the activation
of cells by steroids can also induce a so-called ‘‘non-
genomic’’ (second messenger mediated) action of ster-
oid receptors via the MAP kinase [2] or a ‘‘non-
genomic’’ action of non-classic steroid receptors; G
protein coupled receptors (GPCR) increasing intracel-
lular concentration of Ca 2 þ ( Fig. 1 ). Such mechanisms
have been described for hormones as glucocorticoids,
progesterone, estrogens, androgens, neurosteroids,
mineralcorticoids, vitamin D3 and the thyroid hor-
mones T3 and T4 [3] . Testosterone has been described
to act through or independently of intracellular andro-
gen receptor in cells of the immune system as described
in studies performed on macrophages and T lympho-
cytes. Benten et al. described testosterone signaling in
macrophages IC-21 lacking intracellular androgen
receptor but exhibiting a membrane form of testoster-
one receptor. Treatment of such cells by testosterone
induces a rapid and transient increase of intracellular
2. Therole ofandrogens onepithelialcells
proliferation anddifferentiation
Testosterone is the most abundant hormone circulat-
ing in males. Through the androgen receptor, testoster-
Fig. 1. Summary of testosterone mechanisms for cell induction. ‘‘Genomic’’ action of androgens: interaction of DHT (after testosterone conversion by 5a
reductase) with androgen receptors (AR) induces the binding of such activating receptors to promoter region of genes (A). ‘‘Non-genomic’’ action of
androgen receptor: interaction of DHT with androgen receptors induces activation of MAPK. MAPK activates second messengers and transcription factors to
regulate specific gene expression (B). ‘‘Non-genomic’’ action of non-steroid receptors: AR receptor induces G protein coupled receptors (GPCR), leading to
increase of intracellular Ca 2 þ release from intracellular Ca 2 þ stores. The link between GPCR activation by testosterone and induction of transcription factors
has to be determined (C).
M. Algart ´ -G ´ nin et al. / European Urology 46 (2004) 285–295
concentration of Ca 2 þ . It is well documented that the
intracellular elevation of calcium in cells of the
immune system induces the activation of transcription
factors such as NF-AT, Jun kinase and NF-kB. Acti-
vated transcription factors participate to the regulation
(activation or inhibition) of the transcription of specific
genes. However, activation of transcription factors in
response to testosterone binding GPCR has not yet
been demonstrated. The physiological significance of
the signal triggered by testosterone via a membrane
receptor in remains to be elucidated [4] .
Many studies have demonstrated the role of andro-
gens in prostate growth and differentiation. However
these functions involved complex interactions between
multiple growth factors and receptors with the different
cell type constituting the prostate. The paracrine role of
growth factors expressed by stromal, epithelial and
neuroendocrine cells regulates differentiation and
growth of the prostate [5] .
The role of growth factors in prostate development
and maintaining has been largely studied; however, the
exact contribution of androgens still remains unclear.
Several studies analyzed the role of androgens on
proliferation and differentiation for isolated epithelial
cells from prostate. To analyze the effect of androgens
on isolated cells, human prostatic epithelial cells
(HEPC) derived from normal, benign (BPH), primary
cancer and metastatic cells were treated with increas-
ing concentrations of dihydrotestosterone (10 11 to
10 7 M). The treatment including different doses of
DHT had no effect on the proliferation of normal cells
or cells from benign or metastatic prostate cancer.
Furthermore, adding the anti-androgen Casodex 1 to
cell media did not induce growth inhibition of cell
proliferation. The absence of effects of androgens for
metastatic cell lines is likely to be related to androgen
independent growth of tumoral cells. For normal and
BPH primary cells, androgens have no direct effects
on proliferation, however primary cells may have
decreased expression of androgen receptor in culture
[6] . Also, several studies have demonstrated the
absence of direct mitogenic effects of DHT on rodent
prostatic epithelial cells. A systematic analysis of
normal rat prostate epithelial cells demonstrated a
direct mitogenic effect of several hormones, including
insulin, epidermal growth factor, glucocorticoids and
prolactin. However this analysis didn’t reveal a mito-
genic effect of DHT [7] . A second study submitted
primary cultured epithelial cells derived from the rat
dorso-lateral prostate to a treatment of DHT (10 10 to
10 6 M). Interestingly, cell proliferation was signifi-
cantly inhibited at the physiological dose of 10 9 M
[8] . These data suggest that DHT is not directly
involved in the proliferation of isolated epithelial cells.
The discrepancy between experiments performed on
isolated epithelial cells demonstrating that DHT had no
effect on isolated epithelial cells and in vivo studies
suggesting a role for androgens in proliferation and
differentiation [9,10] may reflect an indirect action of
androgens on prostate epithelium for proliferation. In
the prostate, growth of epithelial cells may be the
consequence of a multi-hormonal contribution.
However, a role for androgens in prostate differen-
tiation has been largely described [10] . The differen-
tiated functions of primary cultures of human prostate
epithelial cells have been analyzed. Such isolated cells
in culture lose secretory differentiated functions and
androgen responsiveness, as well as the capacity of re-
aggregation in the first 2 or 3 weeks. The authors
showed that a combined treatment of androgens and
retinoid is able to preserve low level of PSA (Prostatic
Specific Antigen) for at least 40 days. Cells also
exhibited the capacity of re-aggregation and still
express androgen receptors [11] . The participation of
androgens to prostate differentiation is supported by
multiple studies and is mediated by the high range of
genes activated in response to the binding of testoster-
one or dihydrotestosterone to the androgen receptor.
Recently, a cDNA microarray analysis identified two
dozen of androgen responsive genes, including pro-
teins involved in metabolism, chaperoning, trafficking,
cell cycle apoptosis, protein synthesis, structural and
extracellular matrix proteins. Also novel proteins were
induced, which functions remain to be elucidated [12] .
These data suggest a role of androgens in epithelial cell
differentiation, without a direct mitogenic effect.
Interactions between stromal and epithelial cells are
essential for prostate differentiation and growth. In
normal prostate, growth of epithelial cells is dependent
of growth factors secreted by stromal cells and exerting
paracrine effects. However, epithelial cells derived to
malignant tumor growth independently from stroma.
Several growth factors have been identified to be
secreted by stromal cells and to stimulate proliferation
of epithelial cells. Studies performed on prostate devel-
opment or on isolated cells suggest that Fibroblast
growth factor, FGF-7 (KGF), acts as an andromedin
that mediates the indirect control of epithelial cells by
androgens. Androgens induced expression of FGF-7 by
stromal cells and, through paracrine control, FGF-7
induces proliferation of epithelial cells [13] . Regula-
tion of FGF-7 by androgens was not identified in vivo,
as demonstrated by RNAse protection assays experi-
ments. However, experiments suggest that FGF-7 and
androgen receptor pathway may interact since antian-
drogens can block FGF-7 stimulated development [14] .
M. Algart ´ -G ´ nin et al. / European Urology 46 (2004) 285–295
FGF-10 is the second candidate identified to act as an
andromedin. FGF-10 is secreted by stromal cells and
induced proliferation of epithelial cells. As for FGF-7,
androgens induced expression of FGF-10 from stromal
isolated cells, however in vivo experiments should be
performed to determine if androgens directly induced
FGF-10 gene expression or if androgen receptor path-
way may interact with FGF-10 [15] . Also, androgens
action on epithelial cells may be linked to several
pathways, including FGF-7 and FGF-10.
tion of testosterone from patients presenting a prostate
tumor. However, the fact that the authors of this study
observed an increase of testosterone level after pros-
tatectomy suggests that factors secreted by the cells
from the tumoral prostate may influence testosterone
levels [19] .
The serum androgen bioactivity (ABA) was quanti-
fied by using a recombinant cell-based bioassay. This
functional assay included the association of testoster-
one to the androgen receptor followed by the binding of
this complex to the promoter of a reporter gene. The
results showed a decrease in androgen bioactivity for
patients with low Gleason score ( 5) whereas the level
of free testosterone was not changed, as described
above. This bioactivity is more decreased in the serum
of patients with a high Gleason score ( 8). One of the
explanations for the discrepancy between the level of
free testosterone and the bioactivity detected may
reflect the presence of androgen antibodies in the
serum of patients presenting a prostate cancer. How-
ever, the androgen bioactivity is inversely proportional
to the tumor grade and volume [20] .
Finally, a study performed on a large cohort of 879
patients was realized, following different parameters
during several years. Pretreatment total testosterone
was measured before prostatectomy and this analysis
could be used as prognostic in patients with prostate
cancer. This analysis confirmed that low levels of
testosterone can predict aggressive disease. The level
of this hormone appeared inversely proportional to the
tumor grade [21] .
A recent study (Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial)
[22] performed on a large cohort of 18882 men within 7
years analyzed the potential effect of finasteride, a 5a-
reductase type 2 inhibitor, on prostate cancer preven-
tion. In the trial, men chosen were 55 years and
presented a normal digital rectal examination and a
PSA level not exceeding 3.0 ng per millimetter. Men
received finasteride (5 mg per day) treatment or pla-
cebo. Men underwent annual digital rectal examination
and PSA measurements, and when abnormal examina-
tions were observed a biopsy was performed. The rate
of prostate cancer diagnosed was higher in the placebo
group (24%) compared to the group receiving finaster-
ide (18%). However, patients receiving finasteride
exhibited a higher proportion (37%) of tumors with
worse Gleason score (7–10), compared to the placebo
group (22%). The difference of cancer incidence which
appears early in the trial suggests that finasteride could
inhibit the development of emerging cancer. As the
difference between the finasteride and placebo groups
increases with time, this suggests that finasteride
postpones the clinical emerging of prostate cancer.
3. Low levels of testosterone are
detectedinthe serum of patients
with prostate cancer
Testosterone levels decrease with age and elderly
men present a partial androgen deficiency, while pros-
tate cancer incidence increases with the age [16] .
Several studies analyzing the level of total testosterone
in patients with a prostate cancer showed controversial
results. Recently, reports that discriminated free and
total testosterone evidenced that a low level of free
testosterone in the serum of patients can be associated
with a prostate cancer compared with healthy men in
the same range of age. Interestingly, a decrease in free
testosterone level has been observed on 14% of elderly
men belonging to a group with a cancer of the prostate
(Gleason score 6 or 7) undetectable with digito-rectal
examination and presenting normal PSA level [17] .
The same group investigated whether the level of free
testosterone could have an incidence on prostate cancer
by analyzing biopsy from men with low versus normal
free testosterone level. The study showed that patients
with low free testosterone have an increased mean
percent of biopsies that revealed cancer (43% versus
22%) with higher Gleason score of 8 or greater (7 of 64
versus 0 of 48). Moreover the authors did not evidence
changes in the level of total testosterone. In agreement
with these results, the authors raised the possibility that
level of free testosterone in the sera of patients could be
a marker of aggressive prostate cancer [18] .
The levels of both total and free testosterone have
been compared in the serum of patients exhibiting a
moderate or high grade prostate cancer; it appear that a
low level of testosterone was detected for patients with
a high grade tumor, and normal levels are observed in
patients presenting only a moderate grade of tumor.
Testosterone levels have also been followed in a group
of patients presenting a high grade prostate cancer.
After radical prostatectomy patients exhibit a higher
level of both total and free testosterone. Different
hypotheses have been proposed to explain the fluctua-
M. Algart ´ -G ´ nin et al. / European Urology 46 (2004) 285–295
However, the emergence of prostate cancer with a
higher grade for patients treated with finasteride may
be in favor of the hypothesis that decrease of DHT is
associated with more aggressive tumors [22] . Even if a
wrongly pejorative interpretation of the Gleason score,
induced by Finasteride, has been suggested.
tor gene has also been reported in prostate tumorigenic
cells deprived for steroids [25] . Hormone receptors,
following activation, bind DNA to activate gene tran-
scription together with co-activator complex having
histone acetyltransferase activity [26] . Several co-acti-
vators or repressor molecules have been identified to
interact with androgen receptors for optimal activation
of transcription. Brady et al. showed the role of co-
activator Tip60 which is a histone acetyltransferase that
interacts directly with the androgen receptor to
enhance the transcriptional activity of this molecule.
Tip60 is a co-activator specific for class I nuclear
hormone receptor, also including estrogen and proges-
terone [27] . These authors also evidenced, following
androgen withdrawal, the increased expression of both
mRNA and protein of Tip60 with a major localization
in the nucleus in androgen-independent tumors.
Also, experiments using the prostate tumor cell
line LNCaP demonstrated the same result; up-regula-
tion and nuclear localization of Tip60. In such cells
Tip60 functionally binds the promoter region of PSA.
These studies demonstrated that in conditions of depri-
vation of androgens, cells adapt the regulation of
molecules to bypass the signals regulated by testoster-
one. However the upregulation of functional co-acti-
vators, less specific than hormones, may have other
unexpected effects affecting cell proliferation or dif-
ferentiation [27,28] .
Another characteristic of androgen-independent
tumors is the expression of neuroendocrine patterns
of differentiation. By secretion of neuropeptide,
neuroendocrine cells exert auto/paracrine activities
involved in proliferation, transformation and metasta-
sis [29,30] . Several studies demonstrated that
withdrawal of androgens is responsible for the differ-
entiation of prostatic epithelial cells in neuroendocrine
cells [31,32] . However the mechanisms of this change
in cell population still remained unclear. Inhibition of
androgen receptor expression, by the method of silen-
cing RNA (siRNA), induced biochemical and morpho-
logical changes associated with the neuroendocrine
differentiation process on LNCaP cells. Thus, the
androgen receptor is directly responsible for the repres-
sion of an intrinsic neuroendocrine differentiation pro-
cess in androgen responsive tumoral cells. The
alteration of androgen receptor or the withdrawal of
testosterone cells may be linked to the neuroendocrine
differentiation in prostate cancer [33] .
These studies analyzed the molecular mechanisms
that may be involved in the androgen-independent
evolution of a prostate tumor. It appears that a with-
drawal in androgens induced the adaptation and/or
selection of cells responsive to very low levels
4. Deregulations of tumorigenic
prostatecellsinducedby thedecrease
ofsteroidlevelsleading to
hormone independence
At early stages of prostate cancer, cells are depen-
dent of androgens for growth and survival. One of the
first treatments for patients with advanced prostate
cancer is the androgen ablation, hence inducing at
early stages of the treatment a tumor regression by
the induction of apoptosis for epithelial cells. However,
tumors still progress in an androgen-independent way,
more aggressive, leading to metastasis and in death.
Multiple studies try to elucidate whether the androgen
ablation is responsible for the evolution of the prostate
cancer to androgen-independent disease.
One of the effects of steroid ablation is the selection
of prostatic cells sensitive to low levels of androgens.
The prostatic cancer cell line LNCaP (obtained from a
lymph node metastatic prostate cancer), which
expresses an androgen receptor mutated in the ligand
domain, has been cultured in conditions with a steroid
free medium in long term. Such treated cells respond
strongly to low levels of androgens compared to
LNCaP cells cultured in the presence of steroid. The
level of response is evaluated by measuring the fold
induction of a reporter gene controlled by a promoter
region containing androgen responsive elements [23] .
The molecular mechanisms of androgen indepen-
dence are largely studied, several modifications have
been evidenced, such as amplification of the androgen
receptor gene in approximately 30% of the tumors or
missens mutations in the androgen binding domain of
the androgen receptor [24] which led to an hypersen-
sitive receptor activated by a wide range of steroid
hormones or antiandrogen molecules. Also, some
growth factors as insulin-like growth factor (IGF),
keratinocyte growth factor (KGF), and epidermal
growth factors (EGF) can activate the androgen recep-
tor in the absence of androgens and induced genes
normally regulated by steroid hormones. Intracellular
molecules involved in signal transduction such as
AKT and MAPK, generally upregulated in cancer,
also bypass the androgen pathway and induce multiple
cellular deregulations. The amplification of the recep-
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