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adjective [not gradable] 
recently made for the first time, but not necessarily an improvement on what existed before 
I really don't understand these newfangled computer games that my children are always playing.


seduce (PERSUADE)
verb [T] 
to persuade in a traditional romantic way (someone who is usually younger and has little experience of sex) to have sex with you 
Pete lost his virginity at 15 when he was seduced by his best friend's mother.
He seduced her into an affair that had tragic consequences for both of them.

seducer male, female seductress
noun [C] 
The play tells the story of a fabulously wealthy woman who seeks revenge on her seducer.
In the film she played a seductress who ensnares her lover into killing her husband.

The film depicts the seduction of a schoolgirl by a middle-aged man. [U]
His seductions involve the usual expensive dinner and witty conversation. [C]

The advertisement for the car was banned because of its gratuitous portrayal of a nude woman in a seductive pose.

He leaned across the table to whisper seductively in her ear.

noun [U] 


seduce (ATTRACT)
verb [T] 
to cause (someone) to do something that they would not usually consider doing by being very attractive and difficult to refuse 
Don't be seduced by the low price - the more expensive one is much better.
Many voters have been seduced by his charm and wit.
They were seduced into buying the washing machine by the offer of a free flight to the United States.

If you are seduced by something, you like it because it is attractive. 
Almost every visitor to Edinburgh is seduced by its splendid architecture.
She has refused to be seduced by modern technology and prefers a traditional lifestyle.
Many east Europeans who were seduced by the glamour and prosperity of the West have become disillusioned with its superficiality.

The movie begins with the seduction of newly qualified young lawyer by a top law firm with an offer that's impossible to refuse. [U]
The seduction of life in a warm climate has led to many Britons buying homes around the Mediterranean. [U]
It's impossible to resist the seductions (=attractions) of French cuisine. [C]

Television confronts the viewer with a succession of glittering and seductive images.
The argument that sanctions should be given more time to work is seductive but fatally flawed.

The seductively rich taste of Greek yoghurt depends on it being made with whole milk.

noun [U] 


spot (CIRCLE)
noun [C] 
a small round or roundish area of colour which is differently coloured, lighter or darker than the background 

Spots can form a pattern. 
I wore that skirt with the green spots.
Spots and stripes are fashionable this year.

Spots might exist singly or in small numbers. 
I saw some spots of blood on the floor.
There are usually a few spots of grease on his tie.

(British) A spot (Am and Aus zit) is also a raised pinkish red circle on the skin which is temporary. 
Teenagers suffer a lot from spots.
Stop picking your spots!

(especially British) A spot of something can also mean a small amount or drop of it. 
Shall we stop for a spot of lunch?
I'm having a spot of bother (=some trouble) with one of my back teeth.
I think I just felt a spot of rain.
"Cream in your coffee?" "Just a spot, please."

Spot-welding is a way of joining together two pieces of wire or two flat pieces of metal by sending an electric current through small areas of them. 

verb [I] 
If someone says it's spotting (with rain) they mean that a few drops of rain are falling. 

adjective [not gradable] 
She was wearing a black and white spotted dress.
The pavement was spotted with rain.

(British) Spotted dick is an old-fashioned, heavy sweet dish, often boiled in a pan, which contains dried fruit such as currants. 

(Australian) A spotted gum is a tree that has a trunk that is pale with small darker areas. 

If someone is spotty they have spots on their skin. 
I knew him when he was just a spotty youth.
I get spotty if I eat too much chocolate.
She's got such a spotty skin.

(American and Australian) Spotty (Br and Aus patchy) is used to mean bad in some parts. 
She has a fairly spotty work record.
Sales have picked up a little but they're still spotty.


spot (SEE)
verb [T] 
to see or notice (someone or something) usually when it involves looking hard 
A group of sharks were spotted off the coast earlier this month.
I've just spotted Malcolm - he's over there, near the entrance.
If you spot any mistakes in the article just mark them with a pencil.
I've spotted a linen jacket that I think I might buy.
The police spotted him driving a stolen car. [+ obj + v-ing]
I soon spotted why you couldn't get the printer to work - it wasn't switched on at the back. [+ wh- word]
The policeman spotted that I hadn't got my seat belt on and signalled me to stop. [+ that clause]

BRITISH "I've just seen your glasses - they're under the table." "Ah, well spotted!"

combining form 
a talent-spotter
BR a train-spotter

combining form 
BRITISH Can you believe he actually goes train-spotting at the weekends!


noun [U] 
On the demise of my father, the family house will go to myself and my brother.
FIGURATIVE The demise (=closing) of the company was sudden and unexpected.


noun [C] 
a part of a play or film in which the action stays in one place for a continuous period of time 
the funeral/wedding scene
She refused to appear in the film because there were so many nude scenes.
What impressed me most about the movie were the scenes filmed in New York.
A play is divided into acts. which are themselves divided into scenes.
Juliet dies in Act IV, Scene iii of Shakespeare's 'Romeo and Juliet'.
In the second half of the opera, the scene shifts to (=the action starts to happen in) a city street at night.

A scene can also be an event in real life which seems like something in a play or film. 
There were scenes of great joy as the hostages were re-united with their families.
The police arrived to find a scene of horrifying destruction.
When we reached the top of the mountain a scene of unparalleled beauty lay before us.
Lowry painted street scenes.
The strongest evidence against him was the fact that his blood sample matched bloodstains found at the scene of the crime (=the place where the crime had been committed).

When something happens behind the scenes, it is not generally known that it is happening. 
Diplomats have been working hard behind the scenes in preparation for the peace talks.
The armed forces have a long history of exerting powerful behind-the-scenes influence during times of civilian rule.

I phoned the police and they were on the scene (=they arrived) within minutes.

To set the scene is to describe a situation where something is about to happen. 
First, let's set the scene - it was a dark, wet night with a gale blowing in from the sea.

adjective [before n, not gradable] 
She's interested in a career in scenic design (=designing and decorating theatre stages so that they are suitable for particular plays).


noun [U] 
the general appearance of natural surroundings, esp. when these are beautiful 
beautiful/breathtaking/picturesque/spectacular/wild scenery
bleak moorland scenery
They stopped at the top of the hill to admire the scenery.
FIGURATIVE A secret agent has to be able to blend into the scenery (=able to avoid being noticed).

Something that is scenic has or allows you to see beautiful natural features. 
a scenic drive/photo/railway
The pamphlet contains full details of the national park's scenic attractions.

If you say that you took the scenic route, you mean that you travelled on a road with beautiful countryside around it, or humorous that you lost your way and took a much longer route than you needed to. 


noun [U] 
the careful watching of someone who is thought likely to do something wrong, or of somewhere where it is thought likely that something wrong might be done 
She claimed that her telephone had been tapped and that she was under surveillance.
The police have kept the nightclub under surveillance because of suspected illegal drug activity.
Farmers are calling for more surveillance of the nation's food supply.
The police are using an electronic surveillance system to catch drivers who commit motoring offences.
A close watch is being kept on the area by surveillance aircraft/satellites.
More banks are now installing surveillance cameras.


verb [T] 
to make (something) look new and bright again 
The developers refurbished the house inside and out.

adjective [before n] 
a curious mix of slums, trendy shops and the refurbished homes of the rich

The office looks so much better following its refurbishment. [U]
Our company carries out refurbishments on shops and offices all over the North-East of England. [C]


pronounce (MAKE SOUND)
verb [T] 
to say a word or a letter in a particular way 
How do you pronounce your surname?
She pronounced his name so badly he didn't even recognise it.
Sade, pronounced shah-day, is a singer.

English pronunciation is notoriously difficult. [U]
As a newsreader she became famous for her very exact pronunciation of foreign names. [U]
There are two different pronunciations of this word. [C]
His knowledge of English is good but he has problems with pronunciation. [U]


pronounce (TO STATE)
to state something officially or with certainty 
He was taken to the hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival. [T + obj + n/adj]
When the vicar says "I now pronounce you man and wife" and the newly-married couple kiss, I always start to cry!...

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