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I. Write the numbers.

·         ¾

·         5/7

·         1200 AD

·         6:30 am

·         4:45 pm

·         1,253

·         23.87

·         23/10/1996

·         2*2 = 4

·         5'13"

II. Choose the correct answer

1.    Zenon powinien być w ogrodzie.
i. Zenon must be in the garden.
ii. Zenon ought to be in the garden.
iii. Zenon may be in the garden.
iv. Zenon has to be in the garden.

2.    If I … you, I wouldn't do that.
i. would be
ii. am
iii. were
iv. could have been

3.    You wouldn't have missed the train if you …earlier.
i. would get up
ii. had got up
iii. would have got up
iv. would got up

4.    I definitely wouldn't have done it if I … you.
i. were
ii. had been
iii. could been
iv. am

5.    You... a job if you'd tried harder.
i. would have founded
ii. would have found
iii. had found
iv. 'd founded

6.    If you give me your coat ... in the closet for you.
i. would put
ii. will put
iii. put
iv. had put

7.    Zatańczymy?
i. Let's dance.
ii. Will we dance?
iii. Shall we dance?
iv. Move it, will you?

8.    Ani mi się waż całować tę żabę!
i. Don't you try to kiss that frog!
ii. Don't you dare kiss that frog?
iii. Don't you dare to kiss that frog!
iv. Daren't you kiss that frog!

9.    Nigdy nie byłem w stanie przeczytać "Wichrowych Wzgórz".
i. I've never could read Wuthering Heights.
ii. I've never could have read Wuthering Heights.
iii. I've never been able to read Wuthering Heights.
iv. I've never could be able to read Wuthering Heights.

10.                       Musiałem to zrobić.
i. I must did it.
ii. I must do it.
iii. I had to do it.
iv. I had to did it.

11.                       To niemożliwe, że John ściągał na teście!
i. John can't have cheated on the test!
ii. John mustn't have cheated on the test!
iii. John didn't can cheated on the test!
iv. John can cheat on the test.

12.                       Niepotrzebnie przyszedłeś tutaj z tym facetem.
i. You wouldn't have brought that guy here.
ii. You mustn't bring that guy here.
iii. You needn't have brought this guy here.
iv. You didn't need to bring this guy here.

13.                       Dr Watson uważa, że Mary mogła zatruć wino.
i. Dr Watson thinks that Mary should have poisoned the wine.
ii. Dr Watson thinks that Mary must have poisoned the wine.
iii. Dr Watson thinks that Mary shouldn't have poisoned the wine.
iv. Dr Watson thinks that Mary might have poisoned the wine.

14.                       Czy mógłbym prosić o więcej ciasta?
i. Could I have some more cake please?
ii. Shall I have some more cake please?
iii. Will I have some more cake please?
iv. Cake. Give me more cake. Please…

15.                       Muszę iść do domu, bo jestem zmęczony.
i. I must to go home because I'm tired.
ii. I must go home because I'm tired.
iii. I need to go home because I'm tired.
iv. I should go home because I'm tired.



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