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Progress test 7

Time allowed: 30 minutes


Book B Lessons 11­–15


1.              Complete the passage with verbs in the present passive. (7 points)


build              burn              choose              design              hold              organize              place


On March 19th, St Joseph's day, the people of Valencia, Spain celebrate the end of winter with their spectacular Fallas Festival. Throughout the year, enormous sculptures made of papier maché are (1)_____________ by artists and (2)_____________ by thousands of craftsmen. These craftsmen are (3)_____________ into groups called falleros, from different parts of the city.

For a week before the final night, there are celebrations all over the city. There are firework displays every night, paella competitions are (4)_____________ and people dress up in traditional costumes. On the night of July 18th, the hundreds of sculptures are (5)_____________ in the streets of the city for people to see. There is an official competition and the best sculpture is (6)_____________. At midnight on March 19th the streets of Valencia are crowded with up to a million people. The sculptures are (7)_____________ and winter is officially over.


2.              Underline the correct verb. (5 marks)


1.              I worked/was working in the yard when the phone rang/was ringing.

2.              She waved/was waving when she saw/was seeing her friend.

3.              He ran/was running out of the restaurant when he saw/was seeing the car thief.

4.              While they walked/were walking in the park it started/was starting to rain.

5.              I had/was having lunch when there was a knock at the door.


3.              Complete the sentences with the correct word or phrase from the list.
(8 marks)


but                            although              however              finally                            fortunately              suddenly             

to my surprise              because


1.              We were enjoying our walk in the park. _________, it started to rain heavily and we ran to the car.

2.              I had a very long day and when I _________ got home, I went to bed.

3.              We missed the last bus. _________, I met a friend and he drove us home.

4.              It was very quiet in the yard and _________ I heard a shout.

5.              Some friends invited me for lunch at their home. _________, when I arrived at twelve thirty, there was nobody at home.

6.              We usually have a big breakfast, _________ some people only have coffee.

7.              We work on Saturday mornings, _________ we don't work in the afternoons.

8.              I have tea for breakfast, _________ I never drink it after lunch.


Ó Macmillan Publishers Ltd 2002

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