Taoism - Way of Energy (qigong).pdf

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Title: The Way of Energy: Mastering the Chinese Art of Internal
Strength with Chi Kung Exercise
Author: Lam, Kam-Chuen
Published: 1991
ISBN: 0671736450
An ARKIV scan, May 2004.
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This book is a great beginner’s book on Zhan Zhuang.
Mastering the Chinese Art of Internal
Strength with Chi Kung Exercise
Master Lam Kam Chuen
A Fireside Book
Published by Simon & Schuster Inc.
New York London Toronto Sydney Tokyo Singapore
Eleanor Lines
Katherine Pate
Gail Langley
Photography Fausto Dorelli
Paul Beebee
Joss Pearson
Patrick Nugent
| Simon and Schuster Building
Rockefeller Center
1230 Avenue of the Americas
New York, New York 10020
Copyright © 1991 Gaia Books Limited
The right of Master Lam Kam Chuen to be identified as
the author of this work has been asserted in accordance
with Sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and
Patents Act 1988, United Kingdom.
All rights reserved
including the right of reproduction
in whole or in part in any form.
FIRESIDE and colophon are registered trademarks
of Simon & Schuster Inc.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Chuen, Lam Kam.
The way of energy: mastering the Chinese art of
internal strength with chi kung exercise/
Lam Kam Chuen.
p. cm.
'A Gaia original.'
'A Fireside book.'
ISBN 0-671-73645-0
1. Ch'i kung. I. Title.
RA781.8.C48 1991
The techniques, ideas, and suggestions
in this book are not intended as a
substitute for proper medical advice.
Any application of the techniques,
ideas, and suggestions in this book is at
the reader's sole discretion and risk.
10 987654321
Typeset by Tradespools Ltd, Frome, Somerset
Reproduction by Fotographics Ltd, Hong Kong
Printed and bound in Spain by Mateu Cromo
How to Use this Book
This book will help you master the basic Zhan Zhuang system of Chi
Kung internal energy exercise. The instructions are based on the
experience of many masters and their students: if you follow them
precisely you will be in safe hands.
Part One introduces the warm ups and the first two standing
exercises and outlines the sensations that you may feel when begin-
ning or progressing to a new level. Part Two takes you on to the
intermediate level, with a more powerful series of warm up exercises,
and three more standing positions. The four most advanced postures
are introduced in Part Three, along with "mentality exercises", which
are visualization techniques used to enhance the effectiveness of
the postures. Part Four explains how Zhan Zhuang can be incorpor-
ated into everyday life. The last chapter deals with the self-treatment
of minor ailments.
The techniques presented in this book are available to people of
all ages and levels of fitness. Chapter 9 gives programmes for those
starting Zhan Zhuang at different stages of life, for example, in middle
age, and for the elderly. It is very important to respect the advice on
each of the exercises and not to skip ahead to try out something that
is too advanced for you.
Unlike keep-fit systems that set fixed regimes, Zhan Zhuang allows
for your individuality. You can progress at your own pace, working
carefully and systematically through the exercises, following the
guidelines in Parts One to Three of this book. Once you are com-
fortable doing each exercise, you will be able to create a daily
programme of your own, drawing on the postures and techniques you
have learned.
Like all good exercise systems, regular practice is essential. There
is no point in rushing ahead, seeking instant results. Zhan Zhuang
works on your internal energy patterns and usually manifests
external results only after a few months. If you practise these ex-
ercises as part of your daily routine, you will continue to develop
your internal power over a whole lifetime.
The drawings and photographs in this book have been super-
vised by Master Lam Kam Chuen. If you are able to find a qualified
instructor, this book will be a permanent resource for your training.
Positions 6 to 9 (pp. 104-119) in this book have a strong effect on
your circulatory system and, as with all intense exercise, push up your
blood pressure during the period of training. Attempt these positions
only if your doctor advises that your normal blood pressure level will
permit this.
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