Steampunk Mafia RPG.pdf

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Steampunk Mafia
A RED 8 System game
By Jay Steven Uy Anyong
I. Introduction
II. The City of New Providence
III. The Heroes and Villains of New Providence
IV. Kodiaks
V. Systems
VI. GM Advice
Terry looked down on the city of New Providence below them, the
wind whipping his hair as he squinted to get a better view.
Already the smoke from the burning buildings down below began to
mar the beauty of the city, his city. Swearing, Terry turned
from the opening of the Police Zeppelin’s launch bay to Edgar,
his mechanic.
“Is she ready?” Terry snapped impatiently, as the sound of
gunfire rattled down below. There wasn’t much time. The
Corbolli family had to be stopped.
Inside the launch bay, Edgar was hurriedly making some last
minute checks to Terry’s Kodiak power armor, the Enforcer ,
slapping down one last lever, Edgar gave a grunt, “That should do
it, Terry!” The engineer gave a thumbs-up sign, “Hop in and give
‘em hell!”
Terry took out a small, fist-sized metal punch card and stepped
into the Enforcer’s torso cockpit. Strapping himself in, Terry
slid the punch card into the ignition slot and pulled on the
activation lever. The Mitchell-Connor Hydrogen Engine thrummed
to life, various gauges dancing as the Enforcer began to power up.
Giving Edgar a salute, Terry pulled on the sealing lever, and the
3-ton steam-powered Kodiak groaned, metal plates sliding over to
encase Terry, steam hissing outwards from the steam vents on the
Kodiak’s shoulders and back to bring the Kodiak into a standing
“All systems go.” Terry’s voice squawked through the Kodiak’s
built-in intercom. Before the Enforcer lumbered forward towards
the Zeppelin’s launch bay, and with a powerful blast of Steam-
propulsion jets, hurled itself into the New Providence sky,
raining a hail of hot lead down to the Corbolli family’s
Welcome to Steampunk Mafia.
In case you haven’t figured it out, this is a game about two things: Steampunk devices,
and the Mafia.
To help you get a better grip as to what we’re talking about, I’ll break this down to its
component parts and discuss each one briefly.
Steampunk – Is a particular sub-genre of speculative fiction (or Sci-Fi if you prefer),
involving a bizarre mix of the romantic wonder of steam power with the gritty and grim
settings of Cyberpunk. Think Johnny Mnemonic or Blade Runner with steam engines,
and you’ve got the idea.
The Mafia – is a catch all term for a particular “family oriented” form of organized crime.
Their origins were Italian in origin when they fought back against oppressors in a sort of
city vigilante kind of way. They won the respect and love of the common people, and are
popular anti-heroes and villains of a lot of books and movies such as the Godfather and
the Untouchables.
Why put these two together? Well… for one thing, it’s unique. The second is the fact
that despite how different these are, they have the spirit of romance and potential for
stories that I find invigorating. Gritty tales of Brotherhood and Betrayal, set against a
backdrop of steamtech that only accentuates the feeling of mystery that already surrounds
the Mafia.
There’s also the potential to play the good guys. Like Elliot Ness and the Untouchables,
players can also be the police of New Providence, fighting with everything they’ve got,
from fists, to their wits to 12-foot tall steamtech mecha all in the name of justice.
Interested? Keep reading.
The City of New Providence
New providence is a stereotypical American city in the 1920’s, with a twist. Thanks to
the discovery of a cheap and abundant supply of energy with the invention of the famous
Mitchell-Connor Hydrogen Engine, steam power became the choice power source for the
world. Now the cityscape in marked with gentle clouds of steam that come from the
underground vents of the New Providence Power Plant.
Mechanical wonders practically sprung up overnight, with the invention of newer and
better automobiles, manufacturing machines, and the 12-foot tall, humanoid mechs
known as Kodiaks. Originally designed to assist in loading cargo in and out of the ships
that dock in New Providence, some these hulking iron giants were stolen by the Mafia
and modified, turning them to criminal uses. A crime wave of unparalleled proportions
hit the city, as the emboldened Mafia gangs stole entire armored trucks with their
Kodiaks, impervious to most police gunfire.
It was only a matter of time before New Providence’s Chief of Police gave the go signal
to come up with a counter-Kodiak force of specially trained police officers. These brave
men and women were the city’s only chance to stem the tide of Kodiak related crimes
that threaten to bring the once peaceful city to its knees.
The Heroes and Villains of New Providence
Steampunk Mafia recognizes the fact that in this kind of struggle, it’s tempting to side
with either the devious Mafia criminals or the stalwart police force that fight against them.
As such, we’re leaving the option of what side the players will be entirely up to them.
Since this is a role-playing game, the first step is to define what role you’ll play. This is
done by creating a character.
First of all, it’s important to note how characters are defined. Each character has a set
number of Stats:
Body – The body stat reflects the over-all physical health and strength of a character
Dexterity – Dexterity determines the coordination and grace of a character
Charm – Charm is how personable the character is, and how good her people skills are
Intelligence – Determines that character’s wit and raw intellect, as well as perception
Will – Is the measurement of a character’s ability to push himself beyond his limits
Each Stat begins with a score of +0. This doesn’t mean that a character is inept, but
merely average in each category. Each character has 4 points that they can add to their
Stats. Players may choose to put all 4 points in one Stat, or distribute it among the Stats
according to their concept of the character. Players may also choose to decrease a Stat
below 0 in order to gain points that they would like to spend on another Stat.
In addition, each character will also have one or more Descriptors, which are usually
Nouns or Adjectives that modify a particular skill or ability. These can be specializations,
broad descriptions and other adjectives that will shape a character. For example, a Mafia
assassin might have Stealthy as a descriptor, or perhaps a Police detective might have
Perceptive as a descriptor. Mechanically, descriptors serve as a bonus to actions that will
involve that adjective, if the character is attempting it. Like Stats, a player has 5 points to
distribute among their character’s descriptors.
As an option, a player can choose to add a Negative Descriptor which penalizes a
character’s ability in exchange for a point that they can add to either a Stat or Descriptor.
This exchange is done on a 1:1 ratio, to a maximum of 3 points. For example, the Mafia
legbreaker might have the Negative Descriptor, Dim-Witted: -2 but gets an additional 2
points to either add to his Stats or Descriptors.
Bob wants to make a character for the Steampunk Mafia. He decides that he wants a
strong, Mafia Thug named Eddie for a character. Starting with 4 points on Stats, he
decides that his best bet is to put a lot of points into his body and willpower. Putting 3 in
body and 1 in Willpower, Eddie is a powerful character who refuses to give up.
Satisfied for now, Bob moves on to descriptors. He decides that Eddie is a master of
grappling techniques, and so adds “Grappling” as a descriptor followed by +3, a bonus
worthy of his skills. Bob also decides to put a +1 to both “Lifting” and “Intimidation” as
Eddie is fond of picking up his opponents, and is a fearsome wrestler.
Looking over Eddie’s stats, Bob thinks that he wants more points to add to Eddie’s Stats
and Descriptors. To compensate, Bob decides to add a –1 Negative modifier to Eddie’s
Charm stat, and add a +1 to Dexterity, since Eddie is a fairly unappealing individual, but
has the quickness to help him get the jump on his opponent. As for descriptors, Bob
gives Eddie a –2 for “Lying” as Eddie isn’t very convincing when he tries to lie. To
balance it out, he adds +1 to both “Lifting” and “Intimidation” again to make sure that
Eddie makes an impact.
Finishing it up with a history of his character, Bob finishes Eddie and has a final
character sheet that looks like this:
Body +3
Dex +1
Cha -1
Int +0
Will +1
Grappling +3
Lifting +2
Intimidation +2
Lying –2
All humans start with a Health Chart:
Each box is marked off according to the number of damage taken. More on this will be
explained in the Combat chapter.
With all these modifiers for stats, descriptors, and weapons, it’s easy to lose track of what
you’re doing. Hence we recommend that you keep a running total for each of your most
used actions. Something like:
Bonus Total Mod
Attack w/ Pistol Dex +2 Firearms +2
Dex +2 Martial Arts +2
Cha +2 Personable +1
Dex +2 Martial Arts +2
Str -1 Weakling -1
This way, you won’t lose track of the bonuses and save time, simply roll your two dice
and add the total for the action you’re performing.
Kodiaks are 12-foot tall, 3 ton iron giants piloted by a single individual. Once used only
for commercial purposes, they have been stolen and used by the Mafia families as
walking tanks used in their overt operations. When outfitted with tommy guns and
howitzer cannons, combined by their speed, strength and tough armor, they can keep an
entire squad of pistol wielding police officers at bay. Since these hulking weapons carry
a miniature version of the Mitchell-Connor Hydrogen Engine, they are easy to maintain,
and have an operative range comparable to that of an airplane.
Body: The toughness of internal functions of a Kodiak, protected by its Armor Rating.
Spd: The speed by which a Kodiak can move.
AR: The toughness of a Kodiak’s Armor. Damage done to a Kodiak in a turn is reduced
by its armor rating. Any extra damage spills over to the Kodiak’s Body.
Mafia Kodiaks are really patched together in some hidden warehouse rather than mass
produced. This gives the Mafia an edge as well as a disadvantage. While they can
salvage captured Kodiaks for parts and find a way to add new and unconventional
weapons to their Kodiaks, repair is more costly, and their technology is insufficient to
allow for the more advanced systems found in police Kodiaks.
A Mafia Kodiak starts with a base of:
Body: 10
Spd: 5 hexes
AR: 6
Each Mafia Kodiak can begin with any number of weapons, with a total size no greater
than 10.
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