Goldman&Sachs listening(1).docx

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1.       What is the name of the company discussed in the report?




2.       The mortgage investments were designed to………………………………………………….


3.       Why will the Congressmen be able to ask any questions?

a)      Because there are no rules              b) there is no judge present there               c) because people

from the company had mistresses              d) a and b are correct              e) a, b and c are correct


4.       What are the parties that have different opinions on the Congressional hearings? (pick two)

Outside lawyers              R&D people              PR people              Inside Lawyers                            CEO’s


5.       How much has the stock tanked since the lawsuit was filed?

15%                            50%                            55%                            16 %


6.       This percentage equals              …………………………………………………. dollars.


7.       What can the testimony of the company’s CEO generate?



8.       What can the PR people train the CEO to do?



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