Primary Care English - by Ramon Ribes, I. García Gimeno, R. Jone.pdf

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Primary Care English
R. Ribes · I. García-Gimeno · R. Jones
Ramón Ribes · I. García-Gimeno · R. Jones
Primary Care English
Ramón Ribes, MD, PhD
Hospital Reina Sofia
Servicio de Radiología
Avda. Menéndez Pidal s/n.
Córdoba 14004, Spain
Isabel García-Gimeno, LMS, MSc
GP Partner
Rusheey Green Group Practice
The Primary Care Center
Hawstead Road
London SE6 4JH
United Kingdom
Roger Jones, MA, DM, FRCT, FRCG, FFPHM, FMedSci, ILTM
Department of General Practice and Primary Care
Kings College London
5 Lambeth Walk
London SE11 6SP
United Kingdom
Library of Congress Control Number: 2007933313
ISBN 978-3-540-49617-5 Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York
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To my youngest brother,
Manuel Ribes Bautista,
for his always sensible advice.
R. Ribes
To my father, my first English teacher;
to Carmen, my best pupil;
and to all the brave doctors in the world
who dare to cross the language frontier.
I. García-Gimeno
I dedicate this book
to my children, Daniel and Rosie.
R. Jones
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