Testy snapshot 1 test 6.doc

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Wstaw will lub won’t. (6)

1.      Can you wait for me? I .................. be very long.

2.      There’s no need to take an umbrella with you. It .............................. rain.

3.      If you don’t eat anything now, you ..................... be hungry later.

4.      I’m sorry about what happened yesterday. It ........................ happen again.

5.      I’ve got some incredible news! You ..................... never believe what’s happened.

6.      Don’t ask Margaret for advice. She ..................... know what to do.


Wstaw should lub shouldn’t: (7)

1. You …………… eat more fruit.

2. Children …..……. watch TV too long.

3. ……………. we buy this picture?

4. Ian ……….. apologise to Mr Scott.

5. Parents …………….. often talk to their children.

6. Eve ……..…. know Adam’s address.

7. Philip ………………. go sleeping so late.


Utwórz pytania z have to: (7)

1.      I had to go to hospital last week. Why....................................................................

2.      I have to get up early tomorrow. Why .............................................................early?

3.      Ann has to go somewhere now. Where .....................she .....................................

4.      George had to pay a parking fine yesterday. How much .......................................

5.      I had to wait a long time for the bus? How long ....................................................

6.      I have to phone my sister now. ...............................................................................

7.      Paul has to live soon. What time ............................................................................


Wymień po 3 zawody:

a) przyjemne


b) niebezpieczne


c) które wymagają specjalnych kwalifikacji / wykształcenia.


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