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Framework: pilgrimage is used as framework for the tales, it’s dynamic because characters are on the pove( pilgrimage)

Everyman – medieval drama

Morality plays – generic features:

·      they derived from mystery plays (they’re like dramatized sermons acted out)

·      short works, usually performed by semi-professional acting troupes

·      didacticism

·      they are based on allegory

·      they are focused on the problem of salvation

·      they present timeless truths

·      they’re didactic – they are supposed to teach us sth (in Everyman – how to die well)

·      there is double meaning – literary & hidden (deeper)

·      there appears psychomachy (Good & Evil fight over human soul)

·      personification is used – some abstract ideas are personified (e.g. 7 deadly sins as characters)

·      motif of journey/quest (death as a journey)

·      didactic framework

Types of moralities:

·      the pride of life type – one important moment in sb’s life (Everyman – death)

·      the whole of life type – it’s impossible to present the entire life of the character so it usually deals with 3 – 7 most important moments


·      FRAMEWORK – Messenger (Death) introduces the subject and the Doctor explains the meaning of the play (they both mediate between stage & the audience)

·      LANGUAGE – use of proverbs (to presents some common/universal truths)

·      GNERIC PROTAGONIST – Everyman stands for the whole humanity (he represents each human life – his fate is a fate of all of us); he is not individualized

·      DANCE MACABRE – dance of Death – death means the loss of everything we achieved – people are equal after death (there are not rich and poor etc.)


·      allegorical characters – they have deeper/hidden meaning e.g. Everyman is not only a main character of the story – he’s generic protagonist, death as a journey\pilgrimage

·      allegorical action – death as a journey (it’s this hidden level of allegory)

·      allegorical is also psychomachy


·      WATER – ‘pure water’ ‘glorious fountain’ - on the one hand it is purifying, it can wash our sins; on the other hand it is destructive (‘people drawn in sin’), it may be a kind of punishment (flood)

·      BLOOD – Christ was bleeding and his blood was supposed to get rid off our sins; after confession Everyman scourges himself to purify himself from sins;

Comic elements:

·      repetitiveness of the action – it is always the same – Everyman goes to someone and asks him to join him in his journey, firstly the person agrees and then refuses

·      dramatic irony – the knowledge of reader is greater than the knowledge of Everyman (we can predict who will go with him)

·      hyperbolisation of promises and pettiness of excuses – lofty, exaggerated promises and then stupid, pity excuses (e.g. Cousin agrees to join Everyman ‘’We will live and die together’ and then refuses ‘I have the cramp in my toe’ – it’s striking contrast)

·      bargaining with Death – ’O Death, thou comest when I had thee last in mind./In thy power it lieth me to save:/Yet of my good will I give thee, if thou will be kind,/Yea a thousand pound shalt thou have/And defer this matter till another day’

·      elements of performance – each role was played by semi-professional actor (MAN!); presentation of some characters was fun – e.g. Good Deeds were weak and Beauty was presented by uncovered man’s legs;

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