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Microsoft Word - Significator_in_Sign
// UNI Universal Interpretation
// Significator in Sign - Various Sources.
// Adapted by Paul Hysen 2006
<<<H1.Ari & MA.Ari>>>
Mars Ruler of the Rising Sign Aries in Aries.
<<<H1.Ari & MA.Tau>>>
Mars Ruler of the Rising Sign Aries in Taurus.
Mars as Significator in Taurus denotes one whose early environment was made
pleasanter or more secure through some agency or person other than the parents.
Adoption or a substitute parent may have been in the picture & the education may
have gone no further than high school; the person earned their living while
still in their teens. This placing also indicates the person(s) may not have
been very cooperative, were hard to please, and more intent on their own
<<<H1.Ari & MA.Gem>>>
Mars Ruler of the Rising Sign Aries in Gemini.
<<<H1.Ari & MA.Cnc>>>
Mars Ruler of the Rising Sign Aries in Cancer.
Mars as Significator in Cancer denotes one whose early environment was marked by
many changes, domestic upsets, family responsibility, educational prospects
relegated to the background, fear of the father, loss of possessions & one's
future likely to be shaped by one's mother's circumstances.
<<<H1.Ari & MA.Leo>>>
Mars Ruler of the Rising Sign Aries in Leo.
Mars as Significator in Leo denotes family difficulties in early life, but
protection and favoritism shown the person by the mother. The mate's illness
upsets the marriage and if the querent is male his life is made easier by his
mother or wife helping to provide for his family.
<<<H1.Ari & MA.Vir>>>
Mars Ruler of the Rising Sign Aries in Virgo.
<<<H1.Ari & MA.Lib>>>
Mars Ruler of the Rising Sign Aries in Libra.
Mars as Significator in Libra denotes one whose early environment was made
pleasanter or more secure through some agency or person other than the parents.
Adoption or a substitute parent may have been in the picture & the education may
have gone no further than high school; the person earned their living while
still in their teens.
<<<H1.Ari & MA.Sco>>>
Mars Ruler of the Rising Sign Aries in Scorpio.
<<<H1.Ari & MA.Sgr>>>
Mars Ruler of the Rising Sign Aries in Sagittarius.
<<<H1.Ari & MA.Cap>>>
Mars Ruler of the Rising Sign Aries in Capricorn.
<<<H1.Ari & MA.Aqr>>>
Mars Ruler of the Rising Sign Aries in Aquarius.
Mars as Significator in Aquarius points to a honest and high-principled person,
who has had to endure a trail or bear a cross in the early part of their life.
<<<H1.Ari & MA.Psc>>>
Mars Ruler of the Rising Sign Aries in Pisces.
<<<H1.Tau & VE.Ari>>>
Venus Ruler of the Rising Sign Taurus in Aries.
<<<H1.Tau & VE.Tau>>>
Venus Ruler of the Rising Sign Taurus in Taurus.
Venus as Significator in Taurus denotes one whose early environment was made
pleasanter or more secure through some agency or person other than the parents.
Adoption or a substitute parent may have been in the picture & the education may
have gone no further than high school; the person earned their living while
still in their teens. This placing also indicates the person(s) may not have
been very cooperative, were hard to please, and more intent on their own
<<<H1.Tau & VE.Gem>>>
Venus Ruler of the Rising Sign Taurus in Gemini.
<<<H1.Tau & VE.Cnc>>>
Venus Ruler of the Rising Sign Taurus in Cancer.
Venus as Significator in Cancer denotes one whose early environment was marked
by many changes, domestic upsets, family responsibility, educational prospects
relegated to the background, fear of the father, loss of possessions & one's
future likely to be shaped by one's mother's circumstances.
<<<H1.Tau & VE.Leo>>>
Venus Ruler of the Rising Sign Taurus in Leo.
Venus as Significator in Leo denotes family difficulties in early life, but
protection and favoritism shown the person by the mother. The mate's illness
upsets the marriage and if the querent is male his life is made easier by his
mother or wife helping to provide for his family.
<<<H1.Tau & VE.Vir>>>
Venus Ruler of the Rising Sign Taurus in Virgo.
<<<H1.Tau & VE.Lib>>>
Venus Ruler of the Rising Sign Taurus in Libra.
Venus as Significator in Libra denotes one whose early environment was made
pleasanter or more secure through some agency or person other than the parents.
Adoption or a substitute parent may have been in the picture & the education may
have gone no further than high school; the person earned their living while
still in their teens.
<<<H1.Tau & VE.Sco>>>
Venus Ruler of the Rising Sign Taurus in Scorpio.
<<<H1.Tau & VE.Sgr>>>
Venus Ruler of the Rising Sign Taurus in Sagittarius.
<<<H1.Tau & VE.Cap>>>
Venus Ruler of the Rising Sign Taurus in Capricorn.
<<<H1.Tau & VE.Aqr>>>
Venus Ruler of the Rising Sign Taurus in Aquarius.
Venus as Significator in Aquarius points to a honest and high-principled person,
who has had to endure a trail or bear a cross in the early part of their life.
<<<H1.Tau & VE.Psc>>>
Venus Ruler of the Rising Sign Taurus in Pisces.
<<<H1.Gem & ME.Ari>>>
Mercury Ruler of the Rising Sign Gemini in Aries.
<<<H1.Gem & ME.Tau>>>
Mercury Ruler of the Rising Sign Gemini in Taurus.
Mercury as Significator in Taurus denotes one whose early environment was made
pleasanter or more secure through some agency or person other than the parents.
Adoption or a substitute parent may have been in the picture & the education may
have gone no further than high school; the person earned their living while
still in their teens. This placing also indicates the person(s) may not have
been very cooperative, were hard to please, and more intent on their own
<<<H1.Gem & ME.Gem>>>
Mercury Ruler of the Rising Sign Gemini in Gemini.
<<<H1.Gem & ME.Cnc>>>
Mercury Ruler of the Rising Sign Gemini in Cancer.
Mercury as Significator in Cancer denotes one whose early environment was marked
by many changes, domestic upsets, family responsibility, educational prospects
relegated to the background, fear of the father, loss of possessions & one's
future likely to be shaped by one's mother's circumstances.
<<<H1.Gem & ME.Leo>>>
Mercury Ruler of the Rising Sign Gemini in Leo.
Mercury as Significator in Leo denotes family difficulties in early life, but
protection and favoritism shown to the person by the mother. The mate's illness
upsets the marriage and if the querent is male his life is made easier by his
mother or wife helping to provide for his family.
<<<H1.Gem & ME.Vir>>>
Mercury Ruler of the Rising Sign Gemini in Virgo.
<<<H1.Gem & ME.Lib>>>
Mercury Ruler of the Rising Sign Gemini in Libra.
Mercury as Significator in Libra denotes one whose early environment was made
pleasanter or more secure through some agency or person other than the parents.
Adoption or a substitute parent may have been in the picture & the education may
have gone no further than high school; the person earned their living while
still in their teens.
<<<H1.Gem & ME.Sco>>>
Mercury Ruler of the Rising Sign Gemini in Scorpio.
<<<H1.Gem & ME.Sgr>>>
Mercury Ruler of the Rising Sign Gemini in Sagittarius.
<<<H1.Gem & ME.Cap>>>
Mercury Ruler of the Rising Sign Gemini in Capricorn.
<<<H1.Gem & ME.Aqr>>>
Mercury as Significator in Aquarius points to a honest and high-principled
person, who has had to endure a trail or bear a cross in the early part of their
<<<H1.Gem & ME.Psc>>>
Mercury Ruler of the Rising Sign Gemini in Pisces.
<<<H1.Cnc & MO.Ari>>>
The Moon Ruler of the Rising Sign Cancer in Aries.
<<<H1.Cnc & MO.Tau>>>
The Moon Ruler of the Rising Sign Cancer in Taurus.
The Moon as Significator in Taurus denotes one whose early environment was made
pleasanter or more secure through some agency or person other than the parents.
Adoption or a substitute parent may have been in the picture & the education may
have gone no further than high school; the person earned their living while
still in their teens. This placing also indicates the person(s) may not have
been very cooperative, were hard to please, and more intent on their own
<<<H1.Cnc & MO.Gem>>>
The Moon Ruler of the Rising Sign Cancer in Gemini.
<<<H1.Cnc & MO.Cnc>>>
The Moon Ruler of the Rising Sign Cancer in Cancer.
<<<H1.Cnc & MO.Leo>>>
The Moon Ruler of the Rising Sign Cancer in Leo.
The Moon as Significator in Leo denotes family difficulties in early life, but
protection and favoritism shown to the person by the mother. The mate's illness
upsets the marriage and if the querent is male his life is made easier by his
mother or wife helping to provide for his family.
<<<H1.Cnc & MO.Vir>>>
The Moon Ruler of the Rising Sign Cancer in Virgo.
<<<H1.Cnc & MO.Lib>>>
The Moon Ruler of the Rising Sign Cancer in Libra.
The Moon as Significator in Libra denotes one whose early environment was made
pleasanter or more secure through some agency or person other than the parents.
Adoption or a substitute parent may have been in the picture & the education may
have gone no further than high school; the person earned their living while
still in their teens.
<<<H1.Cnc & MO.Sco>>>
The Moon Ruler of the Rising Sign Cancer in Scorpio.
<<<H1.Cnc & MO.Sgr>>>
The Moon Ruler of the Rising Sign Cancer in Sagittarius.
<<<H1.Cnc & MO.Cap>>>
The Moon Ruler of the Rising Sign Cancer in Capricorn.
<<<H1.Cnc & MO.Aqr>>>
The Moon Ruler of the Rising Sign Cancer in Aquarius.
The Moon as Significator in Aquarius points to a honest and high-principled
person, who has had to endure a trail or bear a cross in the early part of their
<<<H1.Cnc & MO.Psc>>>
The Moon Ruler of the Rising Sign Cancer in Pisces.
<<<H1.Leo & SO.Ari>>>
The Sun Ruler of the Rising Sign Leo in Aries.
<<<H1.Leo & SO.Tau>>>
The Sun Ruler of the Rising Sign Leo in Taurus.
The Sun as Significator in Taurus denotes one whose early environment was made
pleasanter or more secure through some agency or person other than the parents.
Adoption or a substitute parent may have been in the picture & the education may
have gone no further than high school; the person earned their living while
still in their teens. This placing also indicates the person(s) may not have
been very cooperative, were hard to please, and more intent on their own
<<<H1.Leo & SO.Gem>>>
The Sun Ruler of the Rising Sign Leo in Gemini.
<<<H1.Leo & SO.Cnc>>>
The Sun Ruler of the Rising Sign Leo in Cancer.
The Sun as Significator in Cancer denotes one whose early environment was marked
by many changes, domestic upsets, family responsibility, educational prospects
relegated to the background, fear of the father, loss of possessions & one's
future likely to be shaped by one's mother's circumstances.
<<<H1.Leo & SO.Leo>>>
The Sun Ruler of the Rising Sign Leo in Leo.
<<<H1.Leo & SO.Vir>>>
The Sun Ruler of the Rising Sign Leo in Virgo.
<<<H1.Leo & SO.Lib>>>
The Sun Ruler of the Rising Sign Leo in Libra.
The Sun as Significator in Libra denotes one whose early environment was made
pleasanter or more secure through some agency or person other than the parents.
Adoption or a substitute parent may have been in the picture & the education may
have gone no further than high school;
the person earned their living while still in their teens.
<<<H1.Leo & SO.Sco>>>
The Sun Ruler of the Rising Sign Leo in Scorpio.
<<<H1.Leo & SO.Sgr>>>
The Sun Ruler of the Rising Sign Leo in Sagittarius.
<<<H1.Leo & SO.Cap>>>
The Sun Ruler of the Rising Sign Leo in Capricorn.
<<<H1.Leo & SO.Aqr>>>
The Sun Ruler of the Rising Sign Leo in Aquarius.
The Sun as Significator in Aquarius points to a honest and high-principled
person, who has had to endure a trail or bear a cross in the early part of their
<<<H1.Leo & SO.Psc>>>
The Sun Ruler of the Rising Sign Leo in Pisces.
<<<H1.Vir & ME.Ari>>>
Mercury Ruler of the Rising Sign Virgo in Aries.
<<<H1.Vir & ME.Tau>>>
Mercury Ruler of the Rising Sign Virgo in Taurus.
Mercury as Significator in Taurus denotes one whose early environment was made
pleasanter or more secure through some agency or person other than the parents.
Adoption or a substitute parent may have been in the picture & the education may
have gone no further than high school;
the person earned their living while still in their teens. This placing also
indicates the person(s) may not have been very cooperative, were hard to please,
and more intent on their own security.
<<<H1.Vir & ME.Gem>>>
Mercury Ruler of the Rising Sign Virgo in Gemini.
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