A Guideline for Making Space - www.urbanspaces.eu.pdf

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Joint strategy
activity 3.3
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The author:
Prof. richard Stiles,
institute for Urban Design and Landscape architecture,
University of technology, Vienna
this paper was compiled from six separate working papers prepared by
regional environmental Center (Slovakia), nadace Partnerství (Czech republic) and nadácia
ekopolis (Slovakia), LaMoro (italy), riSSC (italy), FH erfurt (germany) and tU Wien (austria).
this guideline is part of the project “UrbSpace” (www.urbanspaces.eu)
that is implemented through the CentraL eUroPe Programme cofinanced by the erDF.
Joint Strategy
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executive Summary.........................................................................................................................................
CHaPter 1
introduction: Placing urban open space in a wider context.............................................................................5
Summary ........................................................................................................................................................5
1.1 aims and objectives ..............................................................................................................................6
1. Defining urban open space ...................................................................................................................7
1. open space systems, hierarchies and connectivity.................................................................................8
1.4 the policy context of urban open space ................................................................................................8
Characteristics of good urban spaces............................................................................................................10
Summary ......................................................................................................................................................10
.1 environmental and ecological functions..............................................................................................1
. Social and societal functions ...............................................................................................................14
. Structural and symbolic functions .......................................................................................................16
Planning for and with all stakeholders ..........................................................................................................19
Summary ......................................................................................................................................................19
.1 introduction........................................................................................................................................0
. F actors influencing people’s use of open space..................................................................................0
. Users in urban open space areas .........................................................................................................
.4 gender issues: Planning for the needs of women and minority groups ...............................................4
.5 ‘Design for all’: Planning for the disabled and everyone else ..............................................................6
.6 Partners in the planning and design process .......................................................................................7
CHaPter 4
Planning the Design Process .........................................................................................................................0
Summary ......................................................................................................................................................0
4.1 introduction: Design as a noun - design as a verb...............................................................................
4. initiating the project - the vision and the visionary .............................................................................
4. Preparation stage................................................................................................................................
4.4 Design stage .......................................................................................................................................7
4.5 implementation stage.........................................................................................................................8
4.6 Maintenance, management and monitoring stage..............................................................................9
4.7 Conclusions – limitations and opportunities of a ‘good process’ .........................................................40
CHaPter 5
Patterns and Projects: Putting it all together.................................................................................................41
Summary ......................................................................................................................................................41
5.1 introduction: Programming and design ..............................................................................................4
5. the site in context...............................................................................................................................4
5. the elaborated project brief................................................................................................................4
5.4 Defining the elements - patterns.........................................................................................................4
5.5 a pattern language for urban spaces ..................................................................................................4
5.6 Some examples of possible urban open space patterns.......................................................................44
5.7 the ‘creative leap’ to something which is ‘greater than the sum of the parts’.....................................46
acknowledgements, references, endnotes and appendix.............................................................................47
Joint Strategy
Joint Strategy
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Executive Summary
national and international environmental policy, above
all the european Landscape Convention, increasingly
recognises the critical importance of attractive urban and
peri-urban spaces for attracting jobs and investment,
as well as improving the quality of life for europe’s citi-
zens, most of whom live in an increasingly urban world.
the Landscape Convention is already in force and being
implemented in some 0 european countries.
Last but not least, are the less tangible, but by no means
less important, benefits which urban open spaces can
have in influencing the way in which we perceive and
identify with their environment. apart from helping to
structure the urban fabric and making it easier to read
and therefore easier to navigate, urban spaces are vital
in creating a sense of identity within our towns and citi-
es, and acting as important carriers of meanings and
values at a wide range of scales.
this document provides guidance on the planning and
design of good urban spaces, as an indispensible contri-
bution towards meeting the Convention’s aims of raising
the awareness of and enhancing the urban landscape.
it deals with both the process of creating good urban
spaces as well as the criteria by which they can be defi-
ned and recognised. Urban open space includes not just
parks and gardens, urban squares and housing open
spaces, but encompasses the whole continuous matrix
of un-built land within towns and cities. it forms the set-
tings for all buildings and structures as well as linking
inner urban areas with the surrounding landscape.
Before any, let alone all, of these urban space functions
can be fulfilled, one essential precondition must be met:
the necessary un-built urban land must be available in
the first place. While most towns and cities have inhe-
rited an historical legacy of parks and open spaces, whe-
re the value of these has not been fully recognised and
they have not been properly protected, these spaces are
frequently under threat, both from development pres-
sures and the growing demands to accommodate the
increasing requirements of motor traffic. the protection
of the existing urban open space resource and the pro-
vision of new open spaces to respond to the demands
created by new development must be a vital part of any
strategic approach to urban space.
as part of a planned strategic network of open space run-
ning through the whole urban area, well designed urban
spaces can contribute to ameliorating the impacts of the
urban heat island effect through the cooling effects of
vegetation; they can help regulate the water balance and
reduce loads on the drainage system by allowing for the
infiltration of more rainwater; they can moderate the
impacts of noise and pollution and provide habitats for
native plants and animals.
of course not all urban spaces are in a position to fulfil
all these functions, however, none of them can be as-
sumed to happen automatically. to be successful and to
live up to their full and varied potentials, all urban open
spaces need to be properly planned and designed. Simi-
larly it is not automatic that the needs of all stakehol-
ders will be met in all open spaces – that is why there is a
need to take these into account in a structured manner,
and to involve them actively in the planning process.
Users of all ages will have different needs and aspira-
tions regarding open space, and so the requirements
of all demographic groups, from pre-school children to
pensioners will of course need to be catered for.
at least as important as these environmental and eco-
logical effects, which also help to provide urban resi-
dents with a first-hand experience of nature and natu-
ral processes, are the many other ways in which urban
open spaces benefit people directly. as well as making
available physical spaces and facilities for people of all
ages and interests to spend their leisure time, to play
and engage in both formal and informal sporting acti-
vities, they act as an important forum for contact and
communication, thereby helping to cement the fabric
of society and promote social cohesion by furthering
mutual understanding between the increasingly diver-
se groups which go to make up today’s urban society.
green and open spaces are also being increasingly reco-
gnised as having a measurable positive impact on the
health, both physical and psychological, and well-being
of urban residents.
experience has shown that there is also a need to pay
particular attention to planning and design aspects af-
fecting the interests of certain user groups which have
tended to be neglected in the past. gender sensitive
design aims to take a systematic approach to ensuring
that the needs of women and men are given equal
consideration, but also tries to take into account the
expectations of other minority groups in the design
process. ‘Design for all’ focuses on the special require-
ments of people with disabilities, and it aims to see that
they are able to access and use urban open spaces. this
Joint Strategy
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