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Follow up

Follow up

European School Zielona Gora, September 1999


I. Why follow up?

Conference is over, everybody is gone, so why go on with the work


·         To ensure that you did all the effort not only for a short term-hit.

·         To show, that you are a reliable partner for the company, institution

·         To make future cooperation more likely


Basics of follow up:

a) Saying thank whom ?


·         to your team or to the team, otherwise they would be demotivated, maybe you invite them to a thank-you dinner, but do not give them the impression, that the organization of the event is over.

·         to all the institutions, companys and journalists, that helped you

·         to the university, to the city

·         to the house guards and other people (be creative, a thank you and a small present is not that expensive, but can help you alot.


b) Evaluation

·         Statistics (How many participants from which countries...?)

·         Evaluation of the efficency of your organizing


c) Results

·         write articles for the press

·         produce a resultsbrochure or provide the results to the coordinator of a project

·         put the results on your webpages and hand it in to the CD/ to the Database


d) Org stuff

·         Make the final budget and hand it in to the CD/ to the Database

·         Write report about your cooperations with companies, institutions and people from the press


II. How to take care of the Participants

·         If you have participants from outside AEGEE, give them information about AEGEE. Maybe they join an antenna. Or, if there is no antenna in their city, they may found one in their city

·         You can establish a mailing list, on which they can go on with discussions they started during the conference.


III. What to do with contacts to companies?

·         Give them information about the outcome (Resultsbrochure...)

·         Make an appointment to talk about future cooperation.  Maybe they can make an advertisement in one of the publications of AEGEE Europe.

·         If you or someone in your antenna wants to become the contact person for that company inform the CD about this.


IV. What to do with contacts to institutions?

·         Give them information about the outcome. Some institutions like ministries might ask you to hand in the budget and the receipts.

·         If there are upcoming events which might be interesting, than provide the instituions with material about the event.


V. What to do with contacts to the press?

·         Provide them with general information about AEGEE and results, the address of the PR-Responsible

·         Hand in articles, if there was no journalist from that newspaper present.

·         Maybe there are events coming up which might be interesting.




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