2008 Bialystok KJA etap wojewodzki z kluczem.doc

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Czas trwania: 90 min





Rozumienie tekstu czytanego



Gramatyka i słownictwo


Praktyczne stosowanie języka


Wiedza o krajach anglojęzycznych





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Instrukcja dla ucznia:


®           Przed rozwiązaniem zadań uważnie przeczytaj polecenia.

®           Pisz wyraźnie i zwracaj uwagę na pisownię – odpowiedzi nieczytelne nie będą punktowane.

®           Test należy wypełnić czarnym lub niebieskim długopisem / piórem. Nie należy zmieniać długopisu podczas konkursu. W przypadku zmiany długopisu należy poinformować o tym nauczycieli opiekujących się salą.

®           Podczas rozwiązywania testu nie możesz korzystać z żadnych pomocy naukowych, używać ołówka ani korektora, lub komunikować się z innymi uczestnikami konkursu.

®           Jeśli chcesz zmienić odpowiedź na inną, nieprawidłową skreśl i obok napisz poprawną.

















I.                     Przeczytaj uważnie poniższy fragment opowiadania Katherine Mansfield, a następnie w zdaniach od 1. do 8. wybierz właściwe, zgodne z tekstem uzupełnienie zdań, zaznaczając A, B lub C.




              Rosemary Fell was not exactly beautiful. Pretty? Well, if you took her to pieces... but why be so cruel as to take anyone to pieces. She was young, brilliant, extremely modern, well dressed. She was married and had a lovely boy. And her husband adored her. They were rich, really rich.

              One winter afternoon, she was buying something in a little antique shop in Curzon Street. The man showed her a little box, a very finely made enamel box. Rosemary liked it very much. ‘Charming!’ But what was the price? ‘Twenty-eight guineas, madam.’

              Twenty-eight guineas. Even if one is rich... ‘Well keep it for me – will you?’

              The door shut with a click. Rain was falling, and with the rain it seemed tha dark came too. Suddenly, at the moment, a young girl, thin, dark, shadowy – where had she come from? – was standing at Rosemary’s elbow and said quietly, ‘Madam, would you let me have the price of a cup of tea?’

              ‘A cup of tea? Then you have no money at all?’ asked Rosemary.

              ‘None, madam,’ came the answer.

              ‘How extraordinary!’ And suddenly it seemed to Rosemary such an adventure. Supposing she took the girl home? And she heard herself saying afterwards to the amazement of her friends, ‘I simply took her home with me,’ as she stepped forward and said, ‘Come home to tea with me.’

              The girl drew back startled. ‘I meant it,’ Rosemary said, smiling. And she felt how simple and kind her smile was . ‘Come along.’

‘You’re not taking me to the police station?’ the girl stammered.

‘The police station!’ Rosemary laughed out. ‘No, I only want to make you warm and to hear – anything you care to tell me.’

Hungry people are easily led. The servant held open the door of the car and a moment later they were driving through the dusk.

‘There!’ said Rosemary. She had a feeling of triumph. She could have said, ‘Now I’ve got you,’ but of course she meant it kindly. She was going to prove to this girl that rich people had hearts, and that women were sisters.


1.       Rosemary Fell was...

A. a pretty woman.                                          B. wealthy.                                          C. cruel.

2.       The story begins in a...

A. teahouse.                                                        B. street.                                          C. shop.

3.       It was a...

A. snowy afternoon.                                          B. dark day.                                          C. rainy evening.

4.       Rosemary...

A. hesitated whether to buy the box or not.              B. bought the box.         C. gave up the idea of buying the box.

5.       The girl wanted...

A. something to eat.                                          B. something to drink.                            C. money.

6.       Rosemary...

A. felt excited.                            B. was amazed by the situation.                            C. felt sympathy for the girl.

7.       The girl ... to come with Rosemary.

A. was willing                            B. was afraid                                                        C. refused

8.       Rosemary...

A. failed to take the girl home.              B. told the servant to drive the girl to her own house.

C. persuaded the girl to come with her.

PUNKTACJA ............. /  8


II.                  Przeczytaj uważnie poniższe streszczenia artykułów prasowych (od 1. do 7.). Do każdego z nich dopasuj jeden z tytułów (A - H), wpisując odpowiednią literę przy numerze. Jeden tytuł nie pasuje do żadnego fragmentu.


1.      ______              Horror is a big business with new books and films appearing all the time. But 100 years after                                          it was first published, the novel Dracula by B. Stoker remains one of the favourite horror stories.


2.      ______              The  chances of the Earth being hit by a large object from outer space are small. Scientists,

however, think we should take the danger seriously. Such a collision, they say, would probably destroy the human race.


3.      ______              As we become more dependent on technology, society is facing a growing threat from criminals

who use computers instead of guns and bombs to attack their targets.


4.      ______              Growing number of children are being forced to join armies and fight in wars they don’t

understand. New weapons and changing politics mean that young boys are often seen as better potential soldiers than adults.


  5. ______              Charlie Watts, a drummer for the Rolling Stones for over 30 years, has returned to his first true

                            love – jazz music.


6. ______              Sports such as bungee jumping are no longer dangerous enough for some people. Instead, they are trying ‘extreme’ danger sports, like ‘surfing’ out of the aircraft or parachuting off buildings, where the probability of being killed is really strong.


7. ______              New York City is winning its battle against crime. Once the most dangerous city in the world, New York is now one of the safest big cities in the United States.


A.     The Stone Still Rolling

B.     Terrorists Are Ready to Tap In

C.     Crime Capital Fights Back

D.     No Safe Place

E.      Appetite for Blood

F.      Enemy in Space

G.     Innocent Killers

            H.  Thrill Seekers                                                                                                  ...

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