Bizuteria kurs Jewellery handmade jewelery jevelery kolczyki bransoletki naszyjniki koraliki(CRAFTS)_An_Insider_Look_at_Jewelry_Making_and_Beading_Chapter_1 (16).pdf

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Curls ‘n Swirls
an online project from
Bead Unique
Necklace Strap
1. The necklace strap is made in
two five-across brick stitch sections
and then sewn together to the focal
bead. Wax and then double the
thread onto your needle. Using all
pale pink seed beads, create a
five-bead-wide ladder stitch founda-
tion (see Te c hnique Guide, p. 106 and
Fig. 1). Reinforce by running your nee-
dle through all the beads again.
2. R o w 1. P i c k up four pale pink
seed beads, run your needle under the
foundation thread between bead sets
one and two, and run your needle back
up the last two beads strung (Figs. 2 and
3). N o t e : Do not run your needle
through the first two beads. Pull up on
your thread to tighten beads. Pick up
t w o beads and run your needle under
the foundation threads of bead sets two
and three. Brick stitch two more times
across the foundation row.
3. Continue this process back and
forth until your strap measures
approximately 8 in. long. Brick stitch
four across on the next row (Fig. 4).
Note: There is no mock increase in
this row. For the next three rows,
brick stitch with the mock increase.
(In a mock increase, the row will jut
out beyond the previous row, but
there is no actual increasing stitch.)
On the following row, brick stitch
three across. (No mock increase.)
Brick stitch the next four rows with a
mock increase. For the next row,
brick stitch two across (Fig. 5). Brick
s t i t c h two across for the next five rows.
1 . Sew a round dark pink glass
bead onto the last two seed beads of
the strap (Fig. 6). Reinforce this seve ra l
times. Run your needle down through
four seed beads (Fig. 7). String on the
second dark pink glass round bead
and run your needle up the opposite
t w o seed beads (Fig. 8). Reinforce
s e v e r al times.
2. Make the other side of the strap
following the Necklace Strap i n s t r u c -
tions until you have brick stitched the
last five rows of three across. For the
last row, brick stitch two across. Fr o m
these last two beads, form a loop
large enough to accept the bead
clasp. Reinforce this loop.
Time to
complete project:
a weekend
20 in.
Advanced project
• If you prefer a longer neck strap,
make additional rows in the main
section of the strap, not in the
decrease rows .
Color palette:
Shades of lavender and black seed
beads would be a stunning alternative .
Adding the Focal Bead
Pass the needle and thread through
• 1 oz. Size 11/0 gilt-lined seed
beads—pale pink
1 2 oz. Size 11/0 gilt-lined seed
beads—light pink
1 2 oz. Size 11/0 gilt-lined seed
• 1 Large cherry quartz focal bead
• 8 Small glass flowers or charms
• 2 6mm Glass rounds—dark pink
• 24 3mm Glass rounds—clear or
light pink
Nymo B thread
Size 12 beading needle
Additional Supplies:
Basic beading supplies
Continued on next page
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Fig. 1
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
Fig. 6
For product information, see Sources
of Supply on p. 114.
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