Training and Nutrition Insider Secrets for a Lean-Body-Geary.pdf

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By Mike Geary
Certified Personal Trainer
Certified Nutrition Specialist
Author/Founder of
All rights reserved
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Disclaimer: No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written
permission except in the case of brief quotations utilized in articles and reviews. The programs and information
expressed within this book are not medical advice, but rather represent the author’s opinions and are solely for
informational and educational purposes. The author is not responsible in any manner whatsoever for any injury
or health condition that may occur through following the programs and opinions expressed herein. Dietary
information is presented for informational purposes only and may not be appropriate for all individuals. Consult
with your physician before starting any exercise program or altering your diet.
I hope you enjoy your copy of Training & Nutrition Insider Secrets for a Lean-
Body . Please feel free to email this e-book to any of your friends, family, or co-
workers that you think would enjoy these topics. They will surely be thrilled that you
shared all of this information with them!
Inside this e-book, you’re going to find various powerful strategies to make your
training and nutrition program more exciting and result producing. You’ll find out
the truth about cardio. You’ll discover some extremely effective strength training
exercises, tips, and strategies. You’ll even discover some new training styles that
have emerged in recent years as well as some fresh ideas you’ve probably never
thought of before. I’ll also give you some great healthy meal ideas and unbiased
nutritional strategies…none of that low-carb or low-fat gimmicky crap! I’m also NOT
going to give you any of the same old BS that you’ve heard from mainstream
health professionals about how you need to do endless hours of boring cardio
routines, and eat nothing but bland meals like tuna and rice, or plain grilled chicken
with broccoli in order to get in great shape. HELL NO!
Instead, I’m going to show you that you can enjoy life to the fullest while
simultaneously building the body of your dreams and increasing your energy so
that you feel like a million bucks every single day. Not only that, but you’ll be able
to perform like never before…whether it’s performing physical tasks at home,
dominating the competition on the playing field, or even performing in the bedroom!
Yes, these are all just the start of some of the benefits of striving to achieve your
own peak fitness.
Aside from the fact that you can take action now and improve how you look, feel,
and perform, one of the most important aspects of taking responsibility for your
own fitness is that you’ll live a longer, happier life and reduce your risk of
degenerative diseases. In all seriousness, the health condition of the majority of
people in developed nations has deteriorated to such an extent that it has literally
Training & Nutrition Insider Secrets for a Lean-Body
become a crisis. In the US, experts estimate that approximately 70% of the adult
population is currently overweight or obese. That means that if you are a lean and
healthy individual, you are a minority! It has literally become the norm for most
people to be out of shape, overweight, and ridden with degenerative diseases like
type-II diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. That’s pretty sad. With as fast as
obesity rates are increasing, if things don’t change soon, we could very likely see 9
out of every 10 people as overweight or obese in another decade or two.
Something needs to give. People need to start taking responsibility for their own
health and fitness and that of their families. Nobody else is going to do it. The
billion dollar food manufacturing companies sure aren’t going to do it. All they want
to do is make huge profits by selling you cheap junk food, heavily refined and
processed full of chemicals that are causing a cellular disaster within your body.
The billion dollar pharmaceutical companies sure aren’t going to look out for your
health either. Hell, they want you to be sicker than ever, so that you’ll have to buy
more of their medicines. And the rich supplement companies won’t look out for
your health either. They love the fact that people are getting fatter all the time, so
that they can persuade you with fancy marketing into thinking that there’s a quick-
fix solution and all you have to do is spend lots of money on some of their pills and
you’ll magically be lean and mean without changing anything else in your life.
It’s pretty simple as to why the world is becoming a fatter place at an astonishing
rate. For one, the population has become increasingly more sedentary over the
years. Kids no longer spend most of their time running around and playing games
outside. Now, they spend more time inside playing video games or surfing the web
on the computer. Adults do less manual labor than ever before. Technology allows
us to be lazier than ever and perform as little movement as we want on a daily
basis. This simply means that we must intentionally add extra movement to our
daily lives in this day and age where we’re not required to do much movement any
more. My thinking is…why does it have to be a chore to add movement to your
daily life? It should be the opposite…you should be active because you enjoy it!
For example, if you’re not the least bit interested in weight training, then find
Training & Nutrition Insider Secrets for a Lean-Body
something you do like such as swimming, rock climbing, mountain biking, or
competitive sports, and enjoy it on a regular basis.
Another reason the world is becoming fatter is that our food supply has become
more heavily processed, refined, filled with chemicals, and modified from its natural
state over the years. Everybody thinks that they don’t have time in this fast-paced
world to prepare their own meals anymore, so they grab quick junk foods from
corner stores, fast food joints, and restaurants. This habit makes it that much
harder to stay healthy and lean, because THEY aren’t looking out for your health.
Only YOU can do that!
The solution is easy! First, we need to make smart whole food decisions, and
prepare our own meals. Second, we need to get out and move. Our bodies are
meant to move and be active on a regular basis. That’s the simplest way to look at
it. Now let’s get down to some of the insider secrets from a fitness junkie on how
you can get top notch results out of both your training and your nutrition programs.
This E-book will provide you with tons of ideas to take your workouts to a whole
new level and to open your mind with respect to your diet. After you read this E-
book, if you want to really step it up and discover the entire system that I’ve
created, that 10’s of thousands of people all over the world are using now for
developing a lean, rock hard body, check out my Truth about Six Pack Abs
program. This program is fully comprehensive with everything you need to know if
you’re serious about your body. The Truth about Six Pack Abs program is not just
about doing abs exercises. It’s about smart full-body training and nutrition
strategies for reducing your body fat to levels so that you can finally see your abs,
and bring out eye-catching muscle tone throughout your entire body.
On another note, if you haven’t signed up yet for my FREE Lean Body Fitness
Secrets Ezine , what are you waiting for? I’ll send you a brand new E-zine every
couple weeks giving you all kinds of hard-body tips and strategies that you can go
out and use right away to get better results and achieve the body that you’re
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