Baguazhang the complete system by Erle Montaigue v1 (2004).pdf

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Erle Montaigue
The Complete System Volume One
A Moontagu Book
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A Moontagu Book
Baguazhang: The Complete System
By Erle Montaigue
PO Box 35
Gwynfe Llangadog SA19 9SY
Wales UK
+44 (00 1550 740136 Phone:
Publisher’s Note:
This book contains material never
before published. The enclosed
information can only have come
from Erle Montaigue, being the only
Westerner to have received this
information. It is illegal to copy any
portion of this book other than brief
extracts for review articles. You
must obtain permission directly from
the copyright holder ©2004. It is also
illegal to plagiarize any part of this
book to use in some other
publication, paper, electronic, or
video and film, by changing it in
some way to make out as if it has
not come from this source.
This book is provided free of charge
in good faith so that all may enjoy
the great benefits of this pinnacle of
all Baguazhang systems. You may
download it free of charge. But
please do not plagiarize it. Even
though it is free, it is still covered by
international copyright laws.
Moontagu Books Ltd: CN 4964420
POB 35
Gwynfe Llangadog SA19 9SY
Wales UK
Ph: +44 (0) 1550 740136
Fax: +44 (0) 1550 740136
Copyright © 2004
Moontagu Books Wales UK
First Published in The UK
Electronically July 2004
All Rights Reserved
ISBN: 0-949132-07-9
Introduction ................................................ 1
TheMartial&HealingArt...................................... 2
Dragon Form............................................... 3
TheHiddenHealingQigong................................... 4
Chapter Two:
Chapter Three
TheHealing Benefits .............................................10
Chapter Four
The ExplanationOf The Forms ..............................13
Chapter Five
What TheMasters Say...........................................18
Chapter Six
The Eight Palms&TheirMeanings.........................24
Chapter Seven
WalkingTheCircle ...............................................31
Chapter Eight
The Original Baguazhang Circular Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
Introduction: Page 4
This book is published free of charge on the Internet for personal use only! Plagiarism is a
crime both legally and morally! Please do not steal our hard work for self gain.
aguazhang, is said to be the sister of T'ai Chi Ch'uan, the mother of
the three 'internal systems'. It is one of the newest Chinese heal-
ing/martial arts of the internal system and contains the very best of
the Shaolin Martial arts as well as the very best of the Buddhism or Taoism
fighting arts. Its intricacies are great and one is able to continually discover
new techniques from within the complex postures and movements which
go together to build the framework which we call the Baguazhang form or
kata. Invented by one man, the form has been slowly added to and taken
away from until we have come to a highly evolved form of healing or
self-defense which only relies upon the palms and feet for attack and de-
fense. With mainly circular foot movement, the form lays stress upon the
stability of the stance and the flexibility of the waist which is compli-
mented by the vigorous movements of the arms and palms while always
being coordinated in legs, waist and upper body. Bagua is said to have the
fastest footwork of any martial art.
Throughout this book, I will be making mention of "dim-Mak" or death
point striking and some points used in this art. Baguazhang is a dim-Mak
art. I suggest that you get a copy of my encyclopaedia "The Erle Montaigue
Encyclopaedia of Dim-Mak" available from the publisher of this book,
Paladin Press in Boulder Colorado in the USA.
Dim-Mak literally means "Death Point Striking" whereby the practitioner
is taught to strike to either one, or multiples of dim-Mak points in the hu-
man body causing effects that range from a simple knock out to maiming
and death, or even effects that manifest many years from when the strike
was felt.
Every movement in Baguazhang has a meaning and is aimed at the
dim-Mak points. Bagua is often referred to as "the art of overkill".
Baguazhang The Complete System: Page 1
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