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1.       Noun:



3.       Adjective

4.       Noun

5.       Noun

6.       Adverb

7.       Noun

8.       Noun

9.       Color

10.   Adjective

11.   Adjective

12.   Number

13.   Adjective

14.   Plural noun

15.   Adjective

16.   Noun





It has been often said that “a dog is a man’s best 1______________. Dogs are very 2______________ and can be taught many 3_______________ tricks. A dog can be trained to carry a / an 4_______________ in his mouth. And if you throw this 5________________, he will run and fetch it. Dogs will also bark 6________________ if someone tries to break into your 7_______________ during the night. One of the most popular canine pets today is the 8_______________ Spaniel. Spaniels have curly 9_______________ coats and _____________ ears. They also have 11______________ dispositions and live to be 12____________ years old. Other popular dogs are 13______________ Terriers, German 14_________________ and the 15_____________ Poodle. Every home should have a loyal dog for a / an 16________________.
















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