Frog God Games - Tome of Adventure Design.pdf

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A comprehensive adventure-creation sourcebook for
Swords & Wizardry and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.
By Matthew J. Finch
The answer to life, the universe and everything.
Matt Finch and Bill Webb
Layout and Graphic Design
Charles A. Wright
Bill Webb & Charles A. Wright
Calligraphy and Cartography
Matt Finch
Russell Cone
Special Thanks
To my wife Madison, my kids Tessa, Thomas, and
Atticus, to the forum fans at swordsandwizardry.
com, to Scot Hoover, as another inveterate table-
creator, and to the old-school warriors at knights- And also to the various authors of
sword & sorcery iction to whom these tables owe
their fundamental inspirations: Michael Moorcock,
Jack Vance, Clark Ashton Smith, H.P. Lovecraft,
R.E. Howard, Fritz Leiber and many others.
Cover Art
Rowena Aitken
Interior Art
David Day, Brian LeBlanc, Veronica Jones,
Erik Lofgren, Jim Nelson, Mark Smylie,
Tyler Walpole, UDON Studios
Copyright 2009-2011, Matthew J. Finch, all rights reserved. Copyrights to artwork are held by the
respective artists or by Frog God Games. “Mythmere” and “Mythmere Games” are trademarks of
Matthew J. Finch; “Frog God Games” and “FGG” are trademarks of Frog God Games. Books One
and Two were previously published by Black Blade Publishing, 2009.
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Table of Contents
Introduction .................................... 4
Creativity ....................................... 4
Book Three: Dungeon Design
Introduction to Book Three .................................. 126
The Creative Process ............................................127
Part One: Basic Elements of Adventure Design ..129
Part Two: Designing a Dungeon Adventure ........135
Mysteries and Clues ......................................... 135
The Map ........................................................... 149
Tricks ............................................................... 186
Traps ................................................................. 217
Dungeon Dressing ............................................231
Miscellaneous Useful Tables ...........................236
List of Tables (Book Three) ................................. 258
Book One:
Principles and Starting Points
Introduction to Book One ........................................5
Adventure Design: General Principles ..................... 6
Locations ..................................................................8
Missions .................................................................15
The Villain’s Plan ................................................... 27
Concluding Remarks ..............................................53
List of Tables (Book One) ......................................53
Book One Index ..................................................... 53
Book Four:
Non-Dungeon Adventure Design
Book Two: Monsters
Introduction to Book Two ......................................54
Part One: Monster Types ........................................ 55
Part Two: General Monster Tables ....................... 105
List of Tables (Book Two) ...................................124
Book Two Index ................................................... 125
Introduction to Book Four ...................................260
Aerial Adventures ................................................261
Castles and Ruins .................................................264
Cities and Settlements ..........................................267
Planar and Alternate Worlds ................................283
Underwater Adventures .......................................287
Waterborne Adventures ........................................ 288
Wilderness Adventures ........................................290
General Wilderness Tables ............................... 290
Desert Adventures ............................................ 295
Forest Adventures ............................................ 297
Hill and Mountain Adventures ......................... 298
Swamp Adventures .......................................... 300
Complete List of Tables .......................................301
Consolidated Index ..............................................304
A fantasy adventure game, at its very heart, is about developing an
open-ended “story” of the characters. The referee is in charge of the
fantasy world, and the players direct the actions of their characters in
that fantasy world. Neither the referee nor the group of players has
complete control over what’s going to happen, and the result is an
evolving set of surprises for both the referee and the players. Unlike
the players, as the referee and creator of the game world, most of your
“work” is done ahead of time. To some degree or other, you have to
create the groundwork for the adventure before the game starts. Even
though no battle plan survives contact with the enemy – and if you’re
an experienced referee you know exactly what I mean – the game has
to start … with a starting point. This might just be a vague set of ideas,
or it might be as complex as a set of maps with a detailed key and well
thought-out encounters for the players to run into.
The Ultimate Book of Adventure Design is organized as a series of
“books,” each one providing resources at every step of the way. The vast
majority of the content of each book is made up of random generation
tables that I’ve created over a quarter of a century (sigh) for my own
use. I should say up front that these are tables for deep design – in
other words, most of them are too long, and contain too many unusual
or contradictory entries, for use on the spot at the gaming table. There
are already many excellent books of tables for use on the ly; the tables
in these books are different. They work best as a tool for preparation
beforehand, providing relatively vast creative resources for browsing
and gathering, rather than quick-use tables designed to provide broad,
fast brushstrokes. My shorter tables tend to deliver cryptic results
designed to shock the reader’s creativity into illing in the gaps, whereas
my longer tables are unusably vast for easy random generation, being
designed to shock the reader’s creativity into operation by presenting a
sea of possibilities.
Creativity is the ultimate heart of adventure design; producing a
masterpiece adventure involves many interlocking skills and talents,
but the foremost talent of all is the ability to tap into the depths of
the fantastic imagination and draw forth something startling and
unexpected. Creativity is not an easy skill to teach, but if you’re
reading this book it’s a fair assumption that you’re not in the ranks of
those who truly have dificulties with creative thought. You don’t need
to learn the basics, and you might not even need much help with the
highest reaches of the art. Either way, you know what I mean when I
say that there’s a mindset, a condition of openness, in which you’re on
ire – and when it’s not there, you’re basically screwed. How do you
get into that mindset, where you can grab ideas from thin air and whisk
them together with seeming effortlessness?
Virtually every prominent adventure author I’ve talked with about this
question has answered it in the same way. A creative adventure begins
with a visual image of some kind. It might be dreamlike or hazy; it
might seem, at irst, to be nothing of consequence; or it might leap forth,
demanding to be drawn into writing. But it’s quite clear that a visual
image is the most common form of “irst inspiration” for an adventure.
In my conversations with Rob Kuntz (one of the foundational authors
of Dungeons & Dragons) about creativity, Rob was quite deinite
that visual imagery is key to his own irst inspirations. Harley Stroh,
author of a number of modules for the Dungeon Crawl Classics line by
Goodman Games, agrees. In an interview with Bruce Cordell (Return to
the Tomb of Horrors, Sunless Citadel) on, Bruce was
asked about his inspiration for the key monster in one of his modules.
The answer? “There was this old horror movie I saw years ago….”
So, how do we achieve these visual images – “the force that through
the green fuse drives the lower,” as Dylan Thomas might say? And
it’s a question cutting to the whole value of this book itself. After all,
if visual imagery is the key to creativity, isn’t the ideal creative tool
going to be a book of images and pictures rather than a book of random
generation tables?
In other words, if I may put my own spin on Einstein’s famous quote,
one visual image doesn’t lead directly to another visual image except
through some other process. The key to creating unique visual images is
to tap that other process – and that other process is the manipulation and
recombination of concepts. Let’s look at another quote from Einstein:
“The physical entities which seem to serve as elements in
thought are certain signs and more-or-less clear images which can
be ‘voluntarily’ reproduced and combined. The above-mentioned
elements are, in my case, of visual and some of muscular type.”
– Albert Einstein
Again, we’ve got visual images mentioned in the creative mix
Einstein describes; but notice that the key factor is the combination
of “signs” and “images.” Deep creativity is a cloud-realm of diverse
symbols and images; combining and diverging, seeking the unforeseen.
And so, in fact, we reach the driving force of this book. To the fullest
extent possible, the tables in the Ultimate Book of Adventure Design are
designed to simulate the cloud-realm of deep creativity; to provide an
entry into the disembodied mix of symbols, portents and images that
populate the subconscious mind; to jar the reader – quite artiicially
– into the creative cloud. And thereby to create a pathway so that the
mind may follow more easily into this strange realm. It’s no accident
that the irst cover illustration for this volume focuses upon opening a
With all that said, how does one best use this book to enter the realm
of deep creativity? Here’s my advice. First off, whatever results you roll
with your dice, treat the results not as words, but as pictures, abstracts,
concepts, symbols, or meanings. Treat each result as a half-formed idea,
ready for combination with others – leave it to drift in your mind while
you’re accumulating more random results. And then, once something
starts to coalesce – stop rolling dice! Daydream for a minute, waiting to
see if you’ve got something, and if it isn’t there yet, then start browsing
through the tables looking for whatever “second part” of that idea is
going to click it into shape.
Drift, and find.
“Problems cannot be solved at the same level of
consciousness that created them.” – Albert Einstein
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Principles and
Starting Points
Table of Contents
Introduction to Book One ........................................................................................................ 6
Adventure Design: General Principles ..................................................................................... 6
Locations .................................................................................................................................. 8
Missions ................................................................................................................................. 15
The Villain’s Plan ................................................................................................................... 27
Concluding Remarks .............................................................................................................. 53
List of Tables .......................................................................................................................... 53
Index ...................................................................................................................................... 53
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