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Activity 41
NAME: _____________________________________
DATE: ___________________________
ESOL Level 3
Activity Sheet 41.05 B
Show Me The Word!
medical history
primary care physician
rehabilitation health insurance
emergency room
prescription medication maternity center
Teacher Directions: Distribute to each student 15 index cards. As you dictate the words
below, students should write each word on a separate index card.
After dictation, ask students to volunteer to spell the words. Students should then write the
definitions of the words on the back of each index card, along with the part of speech and
pronunciation. For those words with which they are unfamiliar, students should look up in the
dictionary. When all definitions are completed, students should arrange cards (vocabulary
words facing up). You then read the following sentences and students should show you the
vocabulary word that completes the sentence. One student volunteer reads the definition; a
second volunteer reads a different sentence using that word in context. All students should
copy that new sentence on the back of their cards.
1. If I hurt my ankle, the doctor must take an x-ray to see if the bone is broken.
2. If I am sick, I can buy over the counter medication at a pharmacy.
3. If I am very sick, the doctor can give me a prescription medication, such as an antibiotic.
4. If a woman is pregnant and ready to have her baby, she goes to the maternity center.
5. When you take the cast off of a broken leg, you need physical therapy to help you walk
6. If you need intensive physical therapy after surgery, hospitals can help with your
rehabilitation .
7. Before children go to school, they must get their immunization shots.
8. If you have a car accident, an ambulance will take you to the emergency room .
9. If you are going to have surgery, you must stay at a hospital.
10. It is important to get benefits from your place of work.
11. If you do not have health insurance, you are responsible for your medical bills.
12. Your main family doctor is known as your primary care physician .
13. The doctor needs you to complete a medical history form to learn about your past
14. If you do not have health benefits and cannot afford your medical bills, you can apply for
15. If you have a car accident , you may need to be rushed to the hospital.
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