U1 cII-revision.odt

(13 KB) Pobierz

1. Gdy mówimy o czynności wykonywanej w danej chwili lub zaplanowanej na najbliższą przyszłość używamy czasu Present ..........................................


2. Wyrażenia often, sometimes, never, every występują w czasie Present ............................


3. Gdy mówimy o faktach i opiniach używamy czasu Present ..........................


4. W czasie Present Simple w pytaniach używamy operatorów: ................... dla .............................................................. i ............... dla ..........................................


5. W czasie Present Continuous używamy wyrażeń (dopisz min. 3): ................................................................................................................................


6. W czasie Present Continuous pytania tworzymy przez ..................................... ................................................................


1. Gdy mówimy o czynności wykonywanej w danej chwili lub zaplanowanej na najbliższą przyszłość używamy czasu Present ..........................................


2. Wyrażenia often, sometimes, never, every występują w czasie Present ............................


3. Gdy mówimy o faktach i opiniach używamy czasu Present ..........................


4. W czasie Present Simple w pytaniach używamy operatorów: ................... dla .............................................................. i ............... dla ..........................................


5. W czasie Present Continuous używamy wyrażeń (dopisz min. 3): ................................................................................................................................


6. W czasie Present Continuous pytania tworzymy przez ..................................... ................................................................


1. Gdy mówimy o czynności wykonywanej w danej chwili lub zaplanowanej na najbliższą przyszłość używamy czasu Present ..........................................


2. Wyrażenia often, sometimes, never, every występują w czasie Present ............................


3. Gdy mówimy o faktach i opiniach używamy czasu Present ..........................


4. W czasie Present Simple w pytaniach używamy operatorów: ................... dla .............................................................. i ............... dla ..........................................


5. W czasie Present Continuous używamy wyrażeń (dopisz min. 3): ................................................................................................................................


6. W czasie Present Continuous pytania tworzymy przez ..................................... ................................................................


She is a good student. (probably)


They (go) ....................... to Spain next week.


I'm loooking for a building .................. belongs to Mrs Smith.


In my opinion he is definitely (niemiły) ............., (nieuczciwy) .......................... and (spięty).......................


We can't visit Helen tomorrow, because I'm having a staff meetnig in the evening. (probably)


That's the place ................... I feel relaxed and cheerful.


He (play) ................. basketball in a school team.


He seems to be (gadatliwy) ................., (ciepły)........................ and (uprzejmy) .................................


She is a good student. (probably)


They (go) ....................... to Spain next week.


I'm loooking for a building .................. belongs to Mrs Smith.


In my opinion he is definitely (niemiły) ............., (nieuczciwy) .......................... and (spięty).......................


We can't visit Helen tomorrow, because I'm having a staff meetnig in the evening. (probably)


That's the place ................... I feel relaxed and cheerful.


He (play) ................. basketball in a school team.


He seems to be (gadatliwy) ................., (ciepły)........................ and (uprzejmy) .................................


She is a good student. (probably)


They (go) ....................... to Spain next week.


I'm loooking for a building .................. belongs to Mrs Smith.


In my opinion he is definitely (niemiły) ............., (nieuczciwy) .......................... and (spięty).......................


We can't visit Helen tomorrow, because I'm having a staff meetnig in the evening. (probably)


That's the place ................... I feel relaxed and cheerful.


He (play) ................. basketball in a school team.


He seems to be (gadatliwy) ................., (ciepły)........................ and (uprzejmy) .................................


1. We staying in a luxury hotel in Rome for two weeks.


2. A pilot is someone which flies the plane.


3. They will perhaps move to Scotland.


4. We are leaveing in the morning.


5. Look! I'm busy now because I do my English homework.


6. Where are you?! We're meeting John at six.


7. This is the house witch I want to buy.




1. We staying in a luxury hotel in Rome for two weeks.


2. A pilot is someone which flies the plane.


3. They will perhaps move to Scotland.


4. We are leaveing in the morning.


5. Look! I'm busy now because I do my English homework.


6. Where are you?! We're meeting John at six.


7. This is the house witch I want to buy.




1. We staying in a luxury hotel in Rome for two weeks.


2. A pilot is someone which flies the plane.


3. They will perhaps move to Scotland.


4. We are leaveing in the morning.


5. Look! I'm busy now because I do my English homework.


6. Where are you?! We're meeting John at six.


7. This is the house witch I want to buy.

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