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1. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Once upon a time, there was a miller who had three sons. When he died, he left his mill to his oldest son, his donkey to his middle son and to his youngest he left…


2. Guliver’s Travels

There was every sort of adventure to be had in Never Never Land. There were pirates and Indians. The pirates, headed by Captain Hook, were very bad, but Tiger Lily and the Indians were Peter’s friends. 


3. Hansel and Gretel

He wondered why the magician wanted the dirty old lamp. He rubbed it to see if, under the dirt, it was gold. A great rumbling filled the cave. He rubbed his eyes. A giant was standing and bowing to him.


4. Three Little Pigs

When he woke up the next morning, his room was in shadow. Before his eyes was the biggest, tallest beanstalk he had ever seen in his life. It reached all the way to the sky.


5. Jack and the Beanstalk

When he awoke, he found himself tied down by hundreds of tiny ropes, and surrounded by people perfectly shaped, but only six inches tall!


6. Aladdin

Then I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house in!” said the wolf. He huffed and puffed and he puffed and he huffed, and down came the house of sticks.


7. Peter Pan

There, up a little path through the clearing, was a small house. Its bricks were all made of chocolate and its roof was tiled with row upon row of red jellybeans. Fluffy white marshmallows outlined the windows and peppermint candy canes lined the path to the almond bark door.


8. Puss in Boots

She stepped inside. Everything in the cottage was neat and shiny-clean, but as tiny as anything she had ever seen. And even more amazing, there was seven of everything!



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