Burning Wheel - Black Barbarian Setting.pdf

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Lifepaths of Man:
Black Barbarian Setting
Special Rule
Peaceful Childhood
Only two lifepaths have leads to the Black Barbarian setting: Born Peasant
or Born Villager . A character can only come to this setting directly through
one of those two choices.
Time Stat Res
Ripped from Mother’s Arms 1 yr
1 rp
Skills: 1 pt: Slaver-wise
Traits: 1 pt: Orphan, Family Horribly Slaughtered Before Eyes, Riddle of Steel
Slave to the Wheel 1
6 yrs +4 P 1 rp
Skills: 1 pt: Wheel-wise
Traits: 2 pt: Hardened on the Wheel, Numb, Strength Above All, Depilated
2 yrs +1 P 5 rp Servitude, Outcast
Skills: 8 pts: Brawling, Armor Training, Exotic Weapons, Conspicuous, Pit Fighter-wise
Traits: 1 pt: Brutal
Failed Pit Fighter 3
2 yrs +1 P 4 rp
Servitude, Outcast, Peasant
Skills: 2 pts: Inconspicuous, Betting-wise
Traits: 2 pts: Maimed, Bitter, Lame
2 yrs +1 P 10 rp Servitude, Outcast, Soldier
Skills: 12 pts: Conspicuous, Sword, Axe, Shield Training, Throwing, Reading, Writing, Poetry,
Traits: 1 pts: Taste of Victory, Taste for Women/Men, To Know What is Good in Life
1 yr +1 M 3 rp Servitude, Outcast
Skills: 6 pts: Wasteland-wise, Foraging, Streetwise, Witch-wise
Traits: 1 pt: Fear of Dogs, Sense of Humor, Hot Sex with Demonic Witches
Thief 4
1 yr +1 M 10 rp
Skills: 2 pts: Stealthy, Climbing
Traits: 1 pts: Fear and Loathing of Snakes, Comraderie
Drunken Lech 5
1 yr
2 rp
Skills: 2 pts: Drinking
Traits: — pt: Binger, Groper, Camel Puncher
The Tree 6
1/2 yr —
3 rp
Skills: 2 pts: Pain-wise, Vulture-wise
Traits: 1 pt: Rescued: “Owe Them One”, Contemplation, Scarred, Wolverine,
Avenger-Assassin 7
1 yr
5 rp
Skills: 3 pts: Riding, Cult-wise
Traits: 1 pt: Honorable, Outright Hatred of Snakes and Cults
Mercenary 4 yrs +1 P 8 rp Servitude, Outcast, Soldier
Skills: 4 pts: Merc-wise, Intimidation, Mending, Haggling
Traits: 1 pt
Pit Fighter 2
Champion Pit Fighter 3
Wanderer 3
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Mercenary Captain 8
4 yrs +1M/P 16 rp
Outcast, Soldier
Skills: 3 pts: Command, Formation Fighting
Traits: 1 pt: Unorthodox Brilliance, Aardvark
17 yrs +1 M,P 100rp Outcast
Skills: 5 pts: Hunting, Falconry, Tyranny-wise, Enemy-wise, Subject-wise
Traits: 2 pt: Grey-bearded, Self-Made Man, Bored and Brooding
1: Slave to the Wheel requires Ripped from Mother’s Arms
2: Pit Fighter requires Slave to the Wheel
3: These lifepaths require Pit Fighter
4: Thief requires Wanderer
5: Drunken Lech requires Thief
6: The Tree requires Thief
7: Avenger-Assassin requires The Tree
8: Mercenary Captain requires Mercenary and Thief
9: King by his Own Hand requires every lifepath in the setting, except Failed
Pit Fighter of course.
Barbarian Lifepath Traits
Most of the barbarian traits are fairly self-explanatory, Family Horribly
Slaughtered Before Eyes, for example. However, there are a few of the lifepath
traits that have attendant rules that bear explanation.
Hardened on the Wheel
Years spent toiling under the wheel and lash reduce hesitation from pain
by one.
As the troll trait—ignore superficial wound penalties
Strength Over All
Those who are broken on the wheel learn that only strength can see them
through, nothing else suffices. Characters with this trait must always have
a higher Power and Forte than his Agility and Speed exponents. Starting
character limit for Power and Forte is 7. In addition, Will must also be higher
than Perception.
The slavers who run the wheel practice strange rituals of hair-removal. These
barbarians grow no beards nor chest hair.
A failed Pit Fighter exits his career in one way and one way only: On his
back and bleeding. Player must choose how character was maimed and
indicate which stat the maiming is tied to. All tests against that stat are at
+1 Ob, max for that stat is 7 rather than 8.
To Know What is Good in Life
What is good in life? To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you,
and to hear the lamentations of their women!
Sense of Humor
Barbarians tend to develop a sense of humor, especially for those less fortunate
who have a story to tell.
King by his Own Hand 9
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Hot Sex
Any Demon Witch worth her salt wants to get into the loincloth of this
barbarian. He’s going places!
Fear and Loathing of Snakes
What is it with cultists and giant snakes? Gah!
The black barbarians tend to be solitary, yet they have a habit of forming
warm friendships centered around their exploits. Befriend them forever, cross
them once!
Rescued: Owe Them One
The Tree of Woe is bad place that unfortunately many barbarians end up
visiting. Unless rescued by their friends, the thirst and vultures finish the
mighty warrior. Should the rescue come, the barbarian owes some mighty
big favors….
When sworn to the path of vengeance, the black barbarian learns at last
his code of honor.
Unorthodox Brilliance
A surprise to everyone but himself, the black barbarian makes a brilliant
captain of soldiers. Whenever he personally leads his men on maneuver, the
opposition must make a Steel test to cope with his brilliance.
Designer’s Notes
I developed these lifepaths as an example of what one can do using the
Lifepath Creation guidelines in the course of one evening. All told, it took
me about two hours to design them and type them up. Of course, this doesn’t
include the 120 minute movie these are based on!
An evening of work that leads to a lifetime of enjoyment. The great thing
about developing lifepaths is that it is never throw-away work. They can
be used over and over again, and be used by other players of the game
Obviously, these paths are designed around the character Conan’s exploits
in his epynonymous cinematic Barbarian adventure. They are meant to be
humorous and over the top. Be forewarned: The numbers here are very
favorable. A character taking these paths will start as an extremely powerful
individual—and there is only meant to be one black barbarian in your
campaign at any one time. (Of course a group of them might be fun for a
one off….)
—Luke, NYC, December 3rd, 2003
© Burning Wheel, its attendant lifepath mechanics and the original material presented herein
are copyrights of Luke Crane, 2003. Conan and all of the attendant intellectual properties
are copyrights of a lot of other people. This work is not for sale and in no way does it intend
to infringe on the profit-making copyrights of aforementioned entities. This is a work of homage.
® The Burning Wheel is a registered trademark of Luke Crane, 2001.
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