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Coordinating Constructions (Typological Studies in Language)
Coordinating Constructions
Typological Studies in Language (TSL)
A companion series to the journal Studies in Language
General Editor
Michael Noonan
Assistant Editors
Spike Gildea, Suzanne Kemmer
Editorial Board
Wallace Chafe (Santa Barbara)
Charles Li (Santa Barbara)
Bernard Comrie (Leipzig)
Edith Moravcsik (Milwaukee)
R. M. W. Dixon (Melbourne)
Andrew Pawley (Canberra)
Matthew Dryer (Buffalo)
Doris Payne (Eugene, OR)
John Haiman (St Paul)
Frans Plank (Konstanz)
Bernd Heine (Köln)
Jerrold Sadock (Chicago)
Paul Hopper (Pittsburgh)
Dan Slobin (Berkeley)
Andrej Kibrik (Moscow)
Sandra Thompson (Santa Barbara)
Ronald Langacker (San Diego)
Volumes in this series will be functionally and typologically oriented, covering
specific topics in language by collecting together data from a wide variety of
languages and language typologies. The orientation of the volumes will be
substantive rather than formal, with the aim of investigating universals of human
language via as broadly defined a data base as possible, leaning toward cross-
linguistic, diachronic, developmental and live-discourse data.
Volume 58
Coordinating Constructions
Edited by Martin Haspelmath
Coordinating Constructions
Edited by
Martin Haspelmath
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig
John Benjamins Publishing Company
The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements
of American National Standard for Information Sciences – Permanence
of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ansi z39.48-1984.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Coordinating Constructions / edited by Martin Haspelmath.
p. cm. (Typological Studies in Language, issn 0167–7373 ; v. 58)
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
1. Grammar, Comparative and general--Coordinate constructions. 2.
Contrastive linguistics. 3. Typology (Linguistics) I. Haspelmath, Martin, 1963-
II. Series.
isbn 90 272 2966 X (Eur.) / 1 58811 479 1 (US) (Hb; alk. paper)
© 2004 – John Benjamins B.V.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, by print, photoprint, microfilm, or
any other means, without written permission from the publisher.
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