13 Sneakiest Tricks of Women.pdf

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The 13 Sneakiest Tricks,
Tests and Mind Games
of Women--That Men
Keep Falling For
ItÓs been said that:
ÐA true genius is a person who has talent
and still does their homework.Ñ
In football, itÓs been said that the offense sells tickets and gets the
glory, but the defense wins championships . And because Ðthe offenseÑ
gets the glory, many of my competitors programs mainly focus on the
ÐattackÑ or what to do Ðon offenseÑ when they are selling tickets to
their Ðsuccess with womenÑ seminars or home study courses.
In other words, they teach you how to increase your confidence
enough to go out and talk to women and maybe even talk your way
into getting their email or phone number. I say, who cares if you have
maxed out the memory with womenÓs numbers on your cell phone; or
have so many emails in your laptopÓs address book you forgot whoÓs
who? Why donÓt you just walk around with the entire White Pages
Phone book under your arm so you donÓt miss anybody on the list?! It
means nothing if you can get (or already have) hundreds of
womenÓs phone numbers and e-mails if you do not know the
mind set of attracting them and keeping them around longer
than a one time date. Some guys think that their mind set with
women is a bunch of fluff. It might be a small part but, itÓs a critical
part as well. Remember that commercial that was showing you a
small piece of plastic in a car mechanicÓs hands. The narrator said
something like: ÐThis is a 38 cent piece of plastic, but a $38,000 car
wonÓt start with out it.Ñ The right mindset is just like the 38 cent piece
of plasticÏyouÓre success with women wonÓt start with out it either.
Some women only want a guy with money; some women only
want a guy with muscles and good looks. But ALL women want a
guy who knows how to create feelings of attraction within her.
This is how guys who are limited in their looks and finances are still
able to have beautiful women pursue them !
I hear from some of my competitorÓs customers and they tell me
that they can successfully approach a woman and even have great
odds in their favor of getting a first date. The problem is that they
canÓt seem to get that 2 nd or 3 rd date without hearing the ÐFÑ wordÏ
ÐFriendsÑ, as in: ÐLetÓs just be friends.Ñ
This why one of my next programs is going to be:
Ð2 Date MinimumÑ
How to Get Past That 2 nd or 3 rd Date Barrier
Once I have it together, be sure to find out more at:
This is comparable to when I was working in a stock brokerage
firm in the mid to late 80Ós. Some stock brokers were good at cold
calling, but they just didnÓt follow up with the prospects. Some were
good at getting the prospect to agree with them on the potential of the
stock, but couldnÓt close them and open the account. And worst of all
were the brokers who could close anyone, anywhere; however, they
never got a 2 nd order out of the customer. Dating is the same way.
There are guys who are burning through their rolodex of phone
numbers and e-mails and never getting past the 1 st , 2 nd or 3 rd date.
The guys that have the most success are the ones who are
better at disqualifying the Ðbad prospectsÑ as quickly as
possible and as a result the remaining relationships last much
Just before I was about to graduate college, I passed my Series
7 (Registered Representative License to sell stocks, bonds and mutual
funds) and used to qualify prospects (instead of just cold call) for two
very different stock brokers. To keep it fair, I would hand out the
leads generated by going back and forth between them one at a time.
This kept it as random as possible and I wouldnÓt be accused of
favoring one broker over the other. Broker #1 had trouble converting
any of my leads to sales. He even started complaining that I didnÓt
know how to qualify these leads before I handed them over to him.
He would say all the wrong things to the prospective leads and wonder
why nobody was buying any stock from him. I tried to coach him on
what to say, but he really didnÓt want to listen to a Ðwet-behind-the-
earsÑ broker trainee, even though he knew I was right. Broker #1 was
such a bad salesman that he went through over 30 of my qualified
leads and didnÓt close any of them. As he was on his way to the sales
managerÓs office to complain about my efforts (so he wouldnÓt look
bad), he was surprised to find Broker #2 already in the sales
managerÓs office singing my praises. It seems Broker #2 just closed 4
out of the last 7 leads I gave him for over $100,000 is sales. If you
know anything about sales, you know that we were lucky to get 1 out
of 10 qualified prospects to convert into a customer. With 4 out of 7,
Broker #2 was closing over 57% of my leads where any broker would
have been happy with 10%.
We were calling on Presidents and Vice Presidents of companies
that had been in business for at least 3 years and had at least $3
million in annual sales. Unfortunately, that was not enough
qualification to get a good quality lead and eventually a sale. The
secret to my success was to dis qualify the prospective investors so I
had a much higher quality lead when I got off the phone. I would ask
more questions and as a result, let the person on the other end of the
phone talk their way into or out of our services based on their
answers. I wanted to see if they qualified to hear from us again,
instead of them granting approval to see if we were qualified
enough to call them again. Other trainees would just get the free
information packet out to almost anyone that they could get on the
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