Telepatia, ESP, Podświadomość - Tech. ang.doc

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Clairsentience (also know as psychometry) is the ability to hold an object or touch someone and sense the energy surrounding that person, place or thing. A clairsentient is an individual who is empathetic and senses energies. Energies can be light or heavy, smooth or abrasive, prickly or gentle, peaceful and airy or ‘good or bad’. For example, when sensing a negative situation a clairsentient may feel sick, while a positive experience may feel like butterflies in the stomach, or a sense of feeling safe, peaceful and light. Learning to discern positive and negative energies can make all the difference when making decisions in life.               Spiritual advisors and counselors use clairsentience to feel and sense the information and thought-forms in energy fields. The information about the nature of energies is revealed in colors, lightness, darkness, or emotions such as joy or sadness. Sometimes clairsentients experience a sense of movement or stillness, relaying past, present and future life events. This ability is known to be essential for healers, counselors and therapists, or anyone who works with people - especially a psychic or spiritual advisor.

We are all born with this particular psychic ability. It’s learning to regulate and protect the gift of sensing moods and emotions that’s the tricky part! Aside from being honest and naïve, as children we are very open and tuned into the psychic world. As we grow older and experience life, to avoid trauma or negative experiences, we develop a ‘thick skin’, sheltering ourselves as we begin to interact with people other than the familiar circle of family and friends. These psychic gifts are often unconsciously left on the shelf, but fortunately they can be restored later life through spiritual development or during life-altering experiences.                             To use clairsentience for yourself, or improve your connection with Psychic Source advisors who can use this gift on your behalf, it is important to ‘listen’ to your internal feelings, impressions and sensations. Be aware of and communicate the physical and emotional responses from your ‘gut’ instincts. By using clairsentience you can make sound decisions in all facets of life from love and relationships to career and spiritual development.

Clairsentience Introduction

Clairsentience is the discipline of extending or projecting one’s senses beyond the physical body.There are essentially only two varieties of Clairsentience: Sense Extension and Sense Projection. In its Latent form, clairsentience manifests as brief smells, sounds, or sights. These sensations are either just out of normal sensory range (such as just around a corner or on the other side of a door, or just over a hilltop), or are connected in some very familiar way to the psychic. A psychic child, for example, might "overhear" his mother talking about him while she is visiting a neighbor, for example, or might "just know" that his older brother was hiding up in the hayloft, without ever seeing or hearing him. This kind of "sixth sense" is often confused with latent manifestations of ESP, since the two are often indistinguishable to inexperienced latent psychics. The two are very different in actuality. ESP is an added "sense" which manifests, especially among latent psychics, as an intrusion onto the normal physical senses. Clairsentience will not detect anything that the psychic’s normal senses would not detect if the psychic were present at another location.  For example, a blind man cannot see using Clairsentience, because he lacks the sense of sight.  He could hear using Clairsentience, however, so long as he wasn't deaf as well.

Sense Extension Sense Extension is the ability to extend one’s senses a short distance from one’s body in order to overcome some barrier to normal sensing. In order to use Sense Extension, only barriers to sensing other than distance may limit the psychic. For example, a psychic is hiding behind a door. By using Sense Extension, the psychic can see what is on the other side of the door, or even what is in the next room or on the next floor, because if the intervening door, walls, or ceiling/floor were not in the way, the psychic would be able to see that far. The senses of hearing, smell, and even touch can be similarly extended (although extending the sense of touch has a much more limited application - feeling the texture and shape of something without removing the covering or wrapping, for example).

Sense Extension: Default Difficulty Routine (4)

Marginal Success : The psychic may extend one sense anywhere within the Primary Zone.

Complete Success : The psychic may extend one sense anywhere within the Secondary Zone.

Superior Success : The psychic may extend one sense anywhere within normal sensory distance.

Extraordinary Success : The psychic may extend up to two senses anywhere within normal sensory distance.

Mythic Success : The psychic may extend up to three senses (typically sight, hearing, and smell) anywhere within normal sensory distance.

Clairsentience Experiencing other realities or entites through one or more of the five senses.

Examples  A tickling sensation on the hand or face during    meditation.  A pressure on the top of the head when talking or connecting with a Spirit.  Hairs on the back of the neck standing on end when a spirit is near.  A sensation in the left side of the face when talking with spirit.  A floral gardenias.  Funny how smokers - especially cigar smokers - can be experienced as spirits by the smell of a "good cigar"! A movement as a flick of white, purple, or blue light. Seeing shadows in the periphery of your field of vision.

Sense Projection

Sense Projection is the ability to project one’s senses far away from one’s body. In order to do so, the psychic must meet one of two criteria. The psychic must be very familiar with a specific location, or must be very familiar with a specific person or object. If the psychic can locate a person using ESP, the difficulty for using Sense Projection is reduced by one for each level of success above Marginal on the ESP trial.

Once the psychic has projected her senses to a location, she can sense things as if she were actually present at that location, subject to the limits imposed by the Degree of Success she attains. With higher degrees of success come increasing clarity of sensation and control over perception.

Use of Sense Projection requires the psychic to make a Fatigue Trial with a difficulty equal to the difficulty of the Sense Projection Trial.

Sense Projection

Default Difficulty Moderate (9)

Marginal Success : The psychic may project her senses to any familiar location, object, or person, but the resulting sensory impressions are very vague and blurry.

Complete Success : The psychic may project her senses to any familiar location, object, or person, but the resulting sensory impressions are generally vague and blurry. Up to one sense will be slightly clearer.

Superior Success : The psychic may project her senses to any familiar location, object, or person. The resulting sensory impressions are generally vague, except for one sense, which will be very clear.

Extraordinary Success : The psychic may project her senses to any familiar location, object, or person. The resulting sensory impressions are somewhat blurry, except for two senses, which will be very clear.

Mythic Success The psychic may project her senses to any familiar location, object, or person. The resulting sensory impressions are clear.

Exercise In Clairsentient New Technique

This exercise is more likely to work for people who tend to be sensitive physically and emotionally: for 'feeling people'. If you are more visual you may not feel the energy, but you can visualize it. Likewise if you are more of an auditory person you may wish to make internal / external sounds to accompany your exercises.

Stage 1 Center yourself. Gather your energies into your body. Feel your energy throughout your body. Collect your thoughts.

Stage 2 hold your palms as if praying, but instead of touching, hold them an inch or two apart. Stay with this. One day you will sense like a magnetism between your hands. When you do, start to move your hands wider apart, as if clapping in slow motion but without hands touching. Imagine a ball of light is growing in between your hands.

Stage 3 Once you can feel energy in your hands try to move your palms and fingers nearer a light object, which has little friction, so it can move freely. eg. Psi-wheel or toothpick floating in water Experiment with different hand positions and different fingers and finger combinations.

Stage 4 Once you have attained a certain degree of success, start to move hands further and further away from the object and even put your hands down, and attempt to move the object with only your subconscious mind / aura / will.


Your conscious mind does not do telekinesis. Have an intention, but saying internally move, spin, pull, push etc. doesn't really help. Bring your mind home, and then place it on the object. To make it spin: if you tend to be a feeling person: feel everything spinning  As much as possible stay with the feeling of energy, as in the electro-magnetic / bio-energy / aura

Stage 5 Take a break. Do something unrelated. This aids learning as well as reduces chances of overdoing it.

Dimensional Travel

Introduction Dimensional travel is the ability to move through the dimensional plains of existence along the vertical time line via the hara line or porthole technology and it is known by the wingmaker that the universe is made up of a twelve dimensions and it is due to universal nature of elliptical time structure as it over laps the past and present time lines and knowing this the wingmaker can open portholes or move along the vertical time line that runs along the human channel know as the hara line and view the events of one or all of the twelve dimensions of the universe.

Becoming Multidimensional Human Beings As we reach the exasperation point of our material societies, humanity is swinging towards a renewed spirituality. We are recognizing how we exist on many levels of consciousness, and how we transmit and receive thoughts - the basis of all energy. The conference will focus upon the power of thought, transmission of thought throughout the universe, thought as the fundamental energy of the universe, and how thought manifests in matter.

The Physical Dimension The Physical Dimension of well being for an adult includes all aspects of keeping your body functioning at its maximum capacity over the entire life span; delaying the onset of disease or dysfunction until the last stages of life is the ultimate goal. Exercise, nutrition, weight management, self care habits, stress reduction, sleep, and prevention behaviors all contribute to keeping the body moving adequately to fulfill its daily requirements. Physical wellness enables us to remain independent and stay fully engaged in a movement oriented, lifestyle integrating social, vocational, and environmental tasks.

The Environmental Dimension

Environmental well being encompasses acknowledging the interdependence between man and the earth and other living beings. Maintaining and replenishing the resources we need to support current and future life is the goal. Caring for the animals and places that are entrusted to you in a way that ensures continued viability for all life forms demonstrates environmental maturity.  Designing work and play spaces that enable full healthful function while maximizing usability is desirable. Cultivating an appreciation for the beauty found in nature and surrounding yourself with rejuvenating, comforting, and affirming places and people contributes to your ability to refresh and revitalize yourself and enhance full capacity wellness capabilities.

The Intellectual Dimension

Intellectual well being for adults involves embracing lifetime learning. The realization that learning doesn't end once you have completed a formal education is key to growing and changing in order to continually respond to the world around us. Maintaining a sense of wonder and curiosity and staying intellectually stimulated helps sustain a vital existence long into the life span. There is a constant human need and desire to be creative and innovative.  Also, a constant need to explore new and exciting subjects to expand our collective knowledge of our environment and of the unknown.  Finding a way to express these qualities is life affirming. Using knowledge effectively in all aspects in your life, with friends or family, in work or volunteer efforts is a never ending process.  An intellectually mature person seeks to discover and understand many divergent points of view, even if they conflict, in order to develop an informed personal point of view.  Acquiring new skills, developing new ideas, having the ability to interpret and articulate what you think about what you've learned contributes to being intellectually well.

The Social Dimension

The social dimension for adults includes being able to create and sustain relationships with, family, friends, peers, and acquaintances over time. Developing appropriate levels of intimacy within those relationships is key for establishing mutual nurturing, feelings of support, camaraderie, and friendship. These are the things that sustain us through life, in good times, and bad. Exhibiting an awareness that relationships are dynamic and changing things, that many interests are involved and that successful relationships often call for compromise can help establish trust in a mutual benefit, a ground stone of intimacy. Having the ability to communicate well, address issues that invariably arise within relationships and being able to work through them with friends, family, or significant others represents maturing social behavior.   Accepting and giving support, nurturing others as well as letting other people support and care for you can also demonstrate social maturity. Also, realizing that there is a legitimate need for fun and leisure time to reconnect with people, recharge the psyche, and invigorate the spirit is very important for our social well being.

The Emotional Dimension

Emotional well being for adults includes experiencing and expressing a wide range of feelings, developing abilities to cope with life's occurrences through giving and receiving support and learning to trust and rely on ones ability to deal with any situation. Emotional maturity allows us to develop meaningful connections with other beings and to acknowledge a level of interdependence. Emotional balance allows for diverse reactions to life events while maintaining an ability to function within cultural societies. Emotional wellness enables us to live fully engaged lives that can be shared intimately with others who are important to us.

The Vocational Dimension

Vocational well being for adults includes being able to identify your skills, abilities, and interests in order to incorporate them into your life's work. Being willing to continually learn and explore many career options keeps you flexible and able to respond to different economic cycles.  Becoming a lifelong learner opens new possibilities for finding talents, interests, and passions that may develop into a career. Being able to work at a job that you feel passionate about enables you to obtain a higher job satisfaction.  Putting your skills and abilities to use, you gain a sense of purpose and meaning and enrich your life. A vocationally mature person seeks to find a healthy balance between social and work life and has examined many different interpretations of success to define what it may mean for him or herself.  A vocationally well person sets goals and outlines ways to attain them.

The Spiritual Dimension

Spiritual well being for adults involves reflecting upon what inspires and motivates each individual intrinsically. Spiritual wellness encompasses exploring the meanings found in life and uncovering truths, as each person knows them to be. Spirituality is highly individual and can be expressed in many ways. The wellness journey is about discovering how you choose to explore and express your individual self.  Often times this journey involves questioning existence, connecting with people and animals in meaningful ways, developing relationships of faith, sharing ones beliefs, and exchanging energy through thought and deed with other entities within the Universe.  Spiritual maturity enables us to find a peaceful co-existence with others who do not share our belief systems.  Spiritual commitment encourages us to look for common threads in our beliefs and to celebrate what joins us.  Spiritual well being enables us to come to terms with our existence and order our experiences around our beliefs and goals.

Dimensional Travel Fourth Dimension Visual Teleportation : Vertical Time Line

STEP ONE Charge your physical body with prana energy. STEP TWO Then close your eyes and see your visual body standing in front of your physical body. STEP THREE Now see your visual body filling with prana energy. STEP FOUR Then turn your visual body Invisible and place an invisibility shield around your visual body to conceal  your energy system. STEP FIVE Then focus your mind on teleporting your visual body to the fourth dimension . STEP SIX Then in your own time see your visual body teleporting into the elliptical time line and through into the second dimension STEP SEVEN When you arrive in the fourth dimension look around at your surroundings. Can you see any differences around you in that dimension  Can you see yourself in that dimension?  If so how are you different in respect to how you are in the physical dimension Being the first dimension? Take note and write it down when you return. STEP EIGHT When you are ready teleport your visual body back to the first dimension (physical dimension). STEP NINE Then write down all that you have learnt about that dimension. Then try one of the other dimensions from fifth to seven only because the eight and ninth dimensions are that of non time and non- space and you must master this technique before move onto the non time technique or the non space technique

Third Dimension Porthole Technique Horizontal Time Line

VISUAL EXERCISE DIMENSIONAL DESTINATION: Physical Plain STEP ONE Charge your physical body with fifth force energy. STEP TWO Then close your eyes and see your visual body standing in front of you. STEP THREE Then construct a porthole like you learnt in the section on portholes in front of your visual body. STEP FOUR Then see your visual body filling with fifth force energy. STEP FIVE Next focus your mind on traveling to the destination in the physical plain. STEP SIX Then see your visual body walking into the porthole. STEP SEVEN Next see the porthole opening at the destination and see your visual body walking out of the porthole STEP EIGHT Look around and take notes on what you see in that dimension while you are there. Then when you are ready walk back into the porthole and back out into your own dimension.

Dimension Of Non Time Forest Of Non Time Elliptical Time Line

STEP ONE Get comfortable and relax. STEP TWO Now close your eyes and see your visual body standing in front of you. STEP THREE Then in your own time teleport your visual body to the forest of non time. STEP FOUR When you arrive in the forest of non time look around, What can you see Is there any movement in the forest? STEP FIVE Then answer to the last question should be no there is no movement because there is no time in the forest. I want you to place time into the forest now using the power of telepathic thought. Then i want you to notice your surrounding again the forest should now be moving. STEP SIX Now i want you to stop time again in the forest using telepathic. STEP SEVEN Then teleport your visual body across the forest of non time and when you reach the other side stop and restart time in the forest using telepathic thought. STEP EIGHT Now here's The hard part. I now want you to speed  up time in the forest of non time to twice the speed of normal time. Then look around what do you notice as you view the forest at twice the speed of normal time. STEP NINE Then using telepathic thought slow down time in the forest of non time to that of half the speed of normal time and look around again what do you notice around you in the forest of non time now? STEP TEN Then using telepathic thought stop time again. STEP ELEVEN In the middle of the forest there is a fallen tree truck. Teleport your visual body to the middle of the forest where the tree trunk is resting STEP TWELVE Then in your own time levitate this tree trunk of the ground and into the air about six feet and hold it there. STEP THIRTEEN Next focus your telepathic thoughts on dropping the tree trunk but as do so remember i want you to stop time so that the tree truck is suspended in mid air about four feet from the ground. STEP FOURTEEN Now using telepathic thought i want you to levitate the tree truck back down to the ground but at the same time i want you to restart time and teleport to the other side of the forest at the same time. STEP FIFTEEN Then Teleport your visual body across the forest and as you do so stop time again and when you reach the other side look around make sure the forest is still if it is. then teleport back to the point in front of your body and open your eyes. REMEMBER  MASTER NON TIME BEFORE MOVING ON TO NON SPACE OK

Dimension Of Non Space Interstellar Technique Elliptical Time Line

STEP ONE Get comfortable and relax. STEP TWO Now close your eyes and see your visual body standing in front of you STEP THREE Now prepare your visual body for interstellar travel by placing an atmospheric bubble and an fifth force energy bubble around your visual body. STEP FOUR Then in your own time teleport your visual body to the dimension of non space. Remember were the dimension of non space is not important right now just focus your mind on that dimension and teleport there it is that simple because the wingmaker knows that he can travel anywhere he want by the ways of mind and wisdom of all he has learnt along the way of his journey. STEP FIVE When you arrive in the dimension of non space Look around you and be careful. What can you see around you ? STEP SIX Now i want you to remember that the wingmaker has great power and strength and can master any task put before him and with that i want you to put using tele-visualization and telekinesis not one but two solar systems into the dimension of non space the first is that of the meridian solar system (our System) and the other is that of the tristeka solar system at the same time. STEP SEVEN Now i want you to notice what happens as the two solar system enter non space. The two solar system should vanish before your eyes don't worry this is perfectly normal in this exercise and you may not under it right now but you will soon that you can count on. STEP EIGHT Now using telepathic thought i want you to place space into non space The way you do this now that you have asked is by filling you visual body with illusion energy, Fifth force energy and prana energy all at the same time and spreading that energy throughout non space this in turn will fill non space with space and as you do this you will notice that the dimension expands to hold the two solar systems as they appear before you. STEP NINE Note here that the hard part will be getting them both out. See the trick to it is the dimension of non space has an outer layer around it though you can pull things into non space easily but pushing things out is a different ball game see we notice as we started working in non space that if the two object don't exit non space at the same time there are destroyed by the ripple of non time on the way out and it took us a while to work out how to bet this problem. In the end we found two ways to do it the First was by moving the two object out towards the outer lay of non space at the same time making sure they exited at the same time. The second way is by placing an fifth force energy bubble around the two solar systems but this takes a lot of power and the first technique that a lot of skill and that is why we need to learn all the abilities of the wingmaker because on our journey as wingmakers this is how life can be. And with that i would like to remind you right now that the meridian system is one of those solar system and as wingmakers we up hold a code that states that we will protect the meridian system at all cost. So with that i will wish you good luck in this test that the council elder of meridia have set for us the wingmakers of humanity. STEP TEN This exercise only ends when you get yourself and the two solar systems out safely so choose wisely my friend.


Televisualization is the ability of 3 dimensional visualization with its dimensions being sound, shape, and form just like the picture that we can view with our own eyes in the physical reality and is the channel by which we can travel through interstellar space and time in the visual and physical forms. VISUAL EXERCISE  STEP ONE I want you to get comfortable and relax. STEP TWO Then I want you to close your eyes and visualize that you are in a beautiful forest with trees and plant life all around you. Listen to the forest, Can you hear the sounds of the forest all around you? STEP THREE If you listen carefully you will hear the sounds of the meridian river flowing through the forest I want you to walk to the river in the distance and when you have reached the river stop. STEP FOUR I want you to notice which way the river is flowing and once you have determined which way the river is flowing I want you to follow the river up stream. STEP FIVE After a while, you hear a waterfall in the distance keep walking up stream until you reach the waterfall. STEP SIX Once you have reached the waterfall stop, Look up at the waterfall and listen. STEP SEVEN I want you to visualize that the waterfall is talking to you, Have the waterfall say your name three times then stop. STEP EIGHT That is the end of this exercise. If you wish spend some time in the forest of meridia and have some fun.


STEP ONE Get comfortable and relax. STEP TWO Now close your eyes and visualize that you are in a beautiful forest with trees and plant life all around you. Listen to sounds of the forest. Can you hear the trees swaying in the light breeze all around you? STEP THREE Do you hear the birds singing in the tree tops? STEP FOUR Now go for a walk in the forest you have created. Can you see the animals of the forest all around you? STEP FIVE As you are walking through the forest you come across a beautiful stream with sandy shores and small rapids. Sit by the stream and just listen to the rapids. Can you hear the fish playing in the water as the stream flows past you? STEP SIX After a while you get up and walk deeper into the forest. A short time later you come across a clearing you see wildflowers in the clearing. While you are playing in the clearing you see some wild horses chewing on some tall storks of grass. Can you hear the horses chewing on the grass? When you are ready open your eyes.

ESP - Extra Sensory Perception How to Develop Your ESP

Introduction If you think you have ESP and want to develop it, there are several resources on the Web that can help you test and strengthen your psychic skills. Included are some links to some of the latest scientific findings about extrasensory perception. It's happened to you. For some reason, thoughts about a person you know pop into your head. The phone rings. Amazingly, it's that very person you were thinking of who is calling. Or you're driving in your car and begin humming a song. You turn on the radio, and that same song is playing. Or perhaps you're at work and are suddenly overcome with a sense of dread. You're compelled to call home, only to learn that a family member has been stricken with an illness.

Unexplainable events like these happen to all of us at one time or another. Are they merely coincidences, or are they evidence of a human sense - the sixth sense - that we do not yet fully understand? Is there such a thing as ESP - extrasensory perception? And if so, can any person develop and strengthen it? Many believers say yes.

ESP, according to the Association for Research and Enlightenment, is "the ability to receive or send information not using the five senses of sight, sound, taste, touch and smell." Hence, the term, "sixth sense." And it generally consists of five categories: Telepathy Mind-to-mind communication

Clairvoyance Seeing events or objects through an inner sight Precognition The ability to view events before they occur Retrocognition The ability to view past events Psychometry The ability to learn the history of an object by touching it

These capabilities are generally thought to be the sole province of psychics, people - like famed clairvoyant Sylvia Browne - supposedly born with these abilities, or who have acquired the gift through some paranormal or traumatic event. Yet renowned psychics like Edgar Cayce believed that everyone is psychic to some degree because, as he said, it was a "natural ability of the soul." The folks at The Science of the Paranormal agree, saying, "All people have what are called 'psychic abilities,' but in most of us, these abilities are too 'weak' to be detected, much less be of any use."

Fortunately, there are exercises, even devices that you can construct and tools you can use, to help you develop your latent psychic powers. One of them are Zener cards - five cards each imprinted with distinctive symbol. Originated by the parapsychology lab at Duke University, Zener cards were developed specifically for telepathic experiments. Simply put, you test your ESP by "guessing" which symbol is on a chosen card.

At The Science of the Paranormal you'll learn how to tap into the subconscious mind through various techniques and tools - what they call "psychic levers" that stimulate the "Ideo-Motor Response (IMR)." IMR, they say, are small changes in muscle tension in response to subconscious stimuli. You can test them and perhaps even learn to control these levers using a pendulum, a Ouija board or a "random field" device, which they show you how to construct.

Using The Energy Wheel, a simple device you can make at home, the makers say you can cause a lightweight rotor "to spin and, on your mental command, you can stop the rotor rotation and reverse the direction of the rotor's spin." They even claim that with practice, you can mentally control the rotor from several feet away.               ...

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