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I. Read the text and do the exercises below. Przeczytaj tekst i wykonaj ćwiczenia.
Love between people and robots
Last year, David Levy published a book, Love and Sex with Robots , which marked a
culmination of years of research about the interactions between humans and computers. His
basic idea is that, for humans who cannot establish emotional or sexual connections with other
people, they might form them with robots.
1. ……
Everything happened almost by accident. I learned to play chess by eight—it was my big
passion in high school and university. In my last year at university, I came across a thing
called a computer. I got interested in computer programming through programming games.
Then I head about a subject called AI, which people in Edinburgh were working on, such as
Donald Michie who worked with Alan Turing on breaking German codes. Donald Michie was
an amazing guy who was killed just recently in a car crash. He was the founding father of AI
in the U.K. and introduced me and others to AI.
2. ……
Back then, people wrote chess programs to simulate human thought processes. It turned out in
time that approach didn't work, that chess programs would use completely different
techniques that are not humanlike at all. But I was still left interested in simulating human
thought processes and emotions and personality. So that started me thinking even more about
the way humans interact with computers—not just by typing on a keyboard, but how people
could interact with computers in a humanlike way. I funded a project for three years that won
the Loebner Prize in 1997, a world championship for conversational computer programs
decided by a Turing test–type conversation.
3. ……
Around the year 2003, I started researching this topic very seriously. I was writing a book,
Robots Unlimited , with a couple of chapters on robot emotion—love, even sex. I found so
much material that when I finished that book, I wanted to look even more deeply in human
emotional relationships with computers, with the possibility of sexual relations. I decided to
call the book I wrote Love and Sex with Robots .
4. ……
The one single thing that made me go into this subject deeply was when I read a book by
Sherry Turkle, The Second Self . In there, she wrote about some students she interviewed in
her attempts to figure out how people related to computers. In one anecdote with a student
dubbed "Anthony," tried having girlfriends but preferred relationships with computers. With
girls, he wasn't sure how to react; but with computers, he knew how to react. I thought that
was so fascinating. And there are loads of Anthonys out there who find it difficult to, or can't
form satisfying relationships with, humans. I dedicated my book Love and Sex with Robots to
Anthony and all the other Anthonys before and since of both sexes—to all those who feel lost
and hopeless without relationships, to let them know there will come a time when they can
form relationships with robots.
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5. ……
I was actually recently contacted by a woman at the University of Washington, who wants to
write a thesis on human–robot relationships.
6. ……
I'm writing an academic paper on the ethical treatment of robots. Not just the ethics of
designing robots to do certain things—people write about whether we should design robots to
go into combat and kill people, for instance—but should we be treating robots in an ethical
way. If we treat robots in an unethical way, would that be a very bad lesson for other people
and children? If it's seen as okay to maltreat robots, would that send a message about living
7. ……
She has a different slant from me. She's not a science person at all—her background's in
English and drama; she's not interested in computers or robots or AI. She was totally skeptical
of the idea that humans would fall in love with robots. She's still fairly skeptical, but she's
beginning to appreciate something like this will happen.
8. ……
I know some people think the idea is totally outlandish. But I am totally convinced it's
inevitable. I would be absolutely astounded if I'm proven wrong—not if I'm a few years off,
but if I'm proven completely wrong.
1. Interviewer’s questions have been removed from the text. Put them back into
appropriate places. Z wywiadu usuni ę to pytania. Wstaw je w odpowiednie
a) Did any of the research you found prove especially memorable?
b) Do you think others will follow this field?
c) What does your wife think?
d) So your interest in chess programs led you to computers and, ultimately,
artificial intelligence?
e) So, moving on from mere conversation, you began researching how far
interaction between humans and robots could go?
f) What directions will you pursue now?
g) How did you first become interested in artificial intelligence (AI)?
h) What happens if 50 years from now your predictions have not proved
true, and humans and robots don't marry?
2. Read the text again and choose the right aswers. Przeczytaj ponownie tekst i
wybierz właściwe odpowiedzi
1. David saw a computer for the first time:
a. when he entered university
b. when he was finishing university
c. after university
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2. The concept of AI was brought to UK by:
a. Donald Michie
b. Alan Turning
c. David Levy
3. David won a prize for:
a. conversation computer program
b. chess computer program
c. typing computer program
4. The title of David’s book is:
a. Robots Unlimited
b. The Second Self
c. Love and Sex with Robots
5. David dedicated his book to:
a. Anthony
b. People who have problems with relationships with other people
c. Sherry Turkle
6. David is now writing a paper on:
a. treating robots in an ethical way
b. war
c. living creatures
7. David’s wife specializes in:
a. computers
b. Artificial Intelligence
c. language
8. David would be surprised if:
a. his predictions didn’t come true
b. people married robots
c. his predictions came true later than he expects
II. Expressing purpose
In English we express purpose by using the following phrases:
to / in order to / so as to + infinitive : She went to university in order to become a vet
so that + can/will (present/future) : We got up early so that we won’t miss the bus
so that + could/would (past) :
He told her the truth so that she would trust him
with a view to + -ing :
She set up a company with a view to making millions
with the aim of + -ing :
We called him with the aim of finding out the results
for + noun / -ing :
I have some liquid for cleaning steel
for fear + might/should :
She was quiet for fear that she might wake him up
for fear of:
She worked harder for fear of losing her job
lest + might/should :
They put the money in a safe lest it might be stolen
prevent + noun + (from) –ing :
He locked the door to prevent the dog from leaving
avoid + -ing :
She ordered a pizza to avoid cooking dinner
in case :
Take an umbrella in case it rains
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Bo nauka nie musi być nudna!
1. Rewrite the sentences using the word given. Przekształć zdania stosując podany
1. She took an umbrella so she wouldn’t get wet
avoid She took an umbrella ……………………………..
2. Tourists should sign their suitcases. They may get lost
case Tourists should sign their suitcases ……………………………..
3. They bought a bigger house because they decided to have children
aim They bought a bigger house ……………………………..
4. If you take vitamins you will not get ill
prevents Taking medicines ……………………………..
5. Jane took up aerobics in order to lose some weight
view Jane took up aerobics ……………………………..
6. He went to university because he wanted to have better work prospects
in He went to university ……………………………..
7. This button opens the window
for This button ……………………………..
8. I went to the market at night because I didn’t want to stand in queues
avoid I went to the market at night ……………………………..
9. They are saving money because they want to buy a new car
order They are saving money ……………………………..
10. She started taking more care about herself because she wants to find a husband
She started taking more care about herself ……………………………..
1. How did you first become interested in artificial intelligence (AI)?
2. So your interest in chess programs led you to computers and, ultimately, artificial
3. So, moving on from mere conversation, you began researching how far
interaction between humans and robots could go?
4. Did any of the research you found prove especially memorable?
5. Do you think others will follow this field?
6. What directions will you pursue now?
7. What does your wife think?
8. What happens if 50 years from now your predictions have not proved true, and
humans and robots don't marry?
1. b
2. a
3. a
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Bo nauka nie musi być nudna!
4. c
5. b
6. a
7. c
8. a
1. She took an umbrella to avoid getting wet
2. Tourists should sign their suitcases in case they get lost
3. They bought a bigger house with the aim of having children
4. Taking medicines prevents you (from) getting ill
5. Jane took up aerobics with a view to losing some weight
6. He went to university in order to have better work prospects
7. This button is for opening the window
8. I went to the market at night to avoid (standing in) queues
9. They are saving money in order to buy a new car
10. She started taking more care about herself with a view to finding a husband
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