2004.06_Streamtuner-Listen and Capture Streamed Media-Save Directly as Mp3 Data Files.pdf

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Layout 1
Many proud owners of broadband Internet connections
enjoy listening to Internet radio streams in the back-
ground. Although the enormous range of stations can
make it hard to keep track, the real question is how
do I go about recording a program that I really like?
Icecast [3] sites list hundreds of
Web radio stations. Web radio sta-
tions broadcast a continuous stream of
MP3 formatted music. You can use any
MP3 player, XMMS [4] for example, for
sound output, and the Streamripper [5]
command-line tool to capture the
stream. Streamtuner [6] provides the
GUI needed to coordinate the whole
Although XMMS has a native Disk
Writer plug-in, which will store a stream
locally, the plug-in decodes the incoming
stream, converting it to an enormous
wave file on the local disk. As you can
imagine, extracting your favorite track
from the stream can be tricky.
Red Hat, or
ensure that you
are root , and enter
rpm -Uvh *.rpm to
launch the Streamripper
and Streamtuner installs.
These programs require a few
additional packages such as the GTK
libraries, which are typically pre-
installed on most systems; Streamtuner
also needs Curl .
Streamripper and Streamtuner have
not found their way into the stable
Debian version, Woody , although there
are backports from future versions,
which are not currently in stable. Both
packages can be installed by following
the typical steps: dpkg -i *.deb in the
Debian directory. Again Streamtuner
needs the libcurl2 package.
To ensure that you have the latest ver-
sions, enter the following lines:
ing pack-
uses the XMMS
MP3 player to play music.
This program is included with all the dis-
tributions mentioned so far.
Tune In!
If you have never tried out Web radio
before, check out the Shoutcast home-
page at [1] for a great selection (see
Figure 1). Fans of almost any genre
should find something to their liking.
Click the Tune in! button to the left of a
station to pop up a dialog that prompts
you to specify the player you want to
use. A MP3 stream is not just a simple
MP3 file, but a playlist with the pls or
m3u suffix.
In the KDE browser, Konqueror, click
on Open in the first dialog box. A second
window will appear, if you have not pre-
viously assigned an application to this
Most major distributions do not include
this update, so check out the packages
from [7], [8], and [9]. If you have an
RPM-based Linux system, such as Suse,
deb http://www.back U
ports.org/debian U
stable streamtuner
deb http://www.back U
ports.org/ U
debian stable stream U
Figure 1: Shoutcast caters to every taste.
in your /etc/apt/sources.list
file and, working as root ,
type apt-get update , fol-
lowed by apt-get install
streamripper streamtuner
to download the packages,
after updating your exist-
Figure 2: XMMS tells you the address for your
favorite stream.
June 2004
Capturing Streams from Internet Broadcasts
T he Shoutcast [1], Live365 [2], and
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Figure 3: Streamripper stores the tracks from the stream in indi-
vidual files.
poll the stations in the dis-
play for latest details.
You can click on a genre to
display the streams assigned
to that genre. The arrow key
left of the genre name allows
you to open up a sub-cate-
gory of the genre.
The list of streams on the
right includes a description
written by the stream
provider. Many stations also
serve up the name of the current track
and artist. The next column tells you the
number of listeners, and Maximum
shows you how many concurrent listen-
ers a server can support. If all of these
slots are taken, you will have to wait for
someone to close a connection to listen
to this stream.
If you are interested in the sound qual-
ity, check the column on the outside
right. The higher the bit-rate, the better
the sound quality.
After deciding on a station, click with
your mouse to select the station, and dis-
play three buttons in the toolbar with
your options. Connect launches XMMS
and play the stream. Record tells Stream-
ripper to save the track you are currently
playing in MP3 format, Browse will open
the browser and surf to the station’s
homepage. The Stop button has no effect
on Streamripper or XMMS. Streamtuner
simply calls these external programs, but
does not maintain a connection to them.
The Preferences entry opens a dialog box
with an overview of the genre, name,
and some technical details.
If you need to change the preferences
for the browser, you can select Edit |
Preferences | Applications to enter your
browser software, and its parameters.
Enter your browser in the Visit Website
field, and your MP3 player in Listen to a
.m3u-file . The setting for Record stream
will launch Streamripper in a separate
window if no further parameters are sup-
plied. You can specify -d and any
writable directory on your hard disk to
tell Streamripper to capture to this direc-
tory, otherwise, the files will be placed in
a directory with the name of the radio
station below your home directory.
You can use more parameters for
Streamripper. The -l parameter restricts
the recording time to a specific number
of seconds, and -s tells the program not
to create separate directories for each
stream. Check out the manpage for more
options, by typing man streamripper .
file type. In this case, you need to select
Open with:… . Type xmms in the textbox
in the next dialog box that appears, or
select the program from the KDE menu.
Click on OK to launch the Web radio
stream in your player.
The Streamripper program is responsi-
ble for recording. Typing streamripper ,
followed by the address of the required
stream will open up a connection to the
target host, and save the tracks it serves
up in individual MP3 files on your local
disk. To find out the exact address of the
Web radio station, check the File name
field in the File Info window in XMMS;
press [Ctrl-3] to display the window (see
Figures 2 and 3).
[ 1] Shoutcast: http://www.shoutcast.com/
[2] Live365: http://www.live365.com/
[3] Icecast:
[4] XMMS: http://www.xmms.org/
[5] Streamripper:
[6] Streamtuner:
[7] Suse packages for Streamripper and
Streamtuner: http://apt.bygden.nu/SuSE/
[8] Red Hat packages for Streamripper and
Streamtuner: ftp://newrpms.sunsite.dk/
[9] Mandrake packages for Streamtuner and
More Ease of Use
The basic version 0.11 of Streamtuner
(see Figure 4) only provides an overview
of the Shoutcast list. The Streamtuner
homepage has additional plug-ins on
offer to support Live365 and Icecast’s
Xiph. Unfortunately, there are no bina-
ries available, and the stability of the
plug-ins is questionable, but if you enjoy
tinkering with your system, just down-
load, build, and enjoy.
When you type streamtuner to launch
the program, an overview with a typi-
cal file manager design
appears. The left hand
panel contains a tree view
with various genres. There
is also a list of top ranking
streams across all genres.
The find function below
the list allows you to
search for a keyword
against the list of entries,
and quickly discover a sta-
tion currently playing your
favorite artist. To search
for a keyword, click on
Update ; this button will
Secure Storage
Right-clicking a stream will pop-up a
context menu that has the above
options, and an Add Bookmark entry,
that can help you find the addresses of
your favorite streams in future sessions.
Figure 4: Streamtuner a complete overview.
Backport: Some Debian users do not want to
switch from Woody to a version that is still
officially classified as unstable, just to keep
their machines up to date. To help these users,
http://www.backports.org/ provides newly-
built Debian packages that Woody does not
have, or where the Woody versions are obso-
June 2004
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