2004.08_Robocup-a Look Behind the Scenes at the Robot Soccer Competition.pdf

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Robocup 2004 Goals!
Robot soccer gives you everything
you might expect from the real thing:
crosses, fouls, yellow cards – every-
thing apart from headers, in fact. The
players are autonomous robots with
Linux under the hood. Read on to
learn all about the technologies and
pitfalls involved.
Gonzales are the four soccer
robots on the Ulm Sparrows team
that took part in this year’s Robocup Ger-
man Open [1]. This year’s open robot
soccer championship had a turn out of
150 teams. The Robocup [2] is an
research initiative designed to advance
robotics technologies, artificial intelli-
gence and image processing. Soccer with
autonomous robots provides a common
competitive platform and challenge.
The University of Ulm’s robot team
[3], first took part in this event in 1998,
and the team has been quite successful.
Although the team was the runner up in
2003, it did not make the quarter finals
in 2004. The champions in the Middle
Size League were the Brainstormer Tri-
bots, and the runners-up were Team
Persia from Iran.
Four a Side
Four robots per team play two 10 minute
halves on a pitch measuring 12 by 8
meters. Each team has a goalkeeper and
three field players. The ball is a normal
FIFA winter match ball in orange, and
the goals are yellow and blue. The pitch
is green with white lines. The robots are
allowed to communicate among each
other, but not to talk to external decision
makers, such as extra computers.
The pitches are artificially lit using stu-
dio lighting to provide constant, but
irregular lighting. As the robots can
travel at up to three meters per second,
and accelerate the ball at the same time,
the game can be quite dynamic.
This year, the Portuguese Minho
team’s defender headed off at full speed
into its own goal, narrowly missing the
keeper, while the forward attempted to
push the ball, and Allemaniacs Aachen’s
goalkeeper, over the goal line. Of course,
it was given a yellow card for that foul.
On the pitch, the referee had to jump out
of the way of a robot bearing down on
him at speed. The robot had obviously
spotted the orange ball in the ref’s
It was also a real pleasure to watch the
Aibos in the Sony Four-Legged League,
such as in the match with the Hamburg
Dog Bots versus the Microsoft Hell-
hounds, who were totally outclassed,
losing the qualifiers and the 3rd place
playoff 6:0.
At the Robocup, the robots have to be
completely autonomous. That is, they
are switched on at the start of the game,
and not controlled externally at any time
in the game – with the exception of the
half-time break where teams are allowed
to modify their robots (see Figure 1). The
robots look for the ball, hopefully find it,
turn towards goal, and try to score.
Research Problems
Of course, robot soccer is not the ulti-
mate research goal, but rather a testing
ground to investigate practical aspects of
robotics. The environment is dynamic.
Robots are expected to work with more
or less cooperative members of their
team, and to avoid the opposition. The
problems that arise in robot football are
similar to demands that occur in real life
– such as sending a robot to do some
shopping on a busy afternoon.
Gerd Mayer mainly works on the
robots image recognition and pro-
cessing capabilities. Hans Utz the
main Miro developer, and both are
Coaches for the Ulm Sparrows.
Philipp Baer is also on the team, and
takes care of the robots.
August 2004
Autonomous Linux robots: The Ulm Sparrows Robocup Team
R oadrunner, Coyote, Speedy, and
Figure 1: Before the game: The teams were busy re-calibrating their robots.
At the Robocup, teams that did not have laptops had to set up desktop PCs
on the pitch at times.
Figure 3: Under Gonzales’ hood: The lid (right) includes the holder and the
stepper motor for the Firewire camera, which you can see on the left-hand
side of the robot case viewed from the front.
Looking at the game in more detail
reveals topics such as self-positioning
and object recognition. The robot needs
to know exactly where it is on the pitch
to decide whether it should defend or
attack. Other important topics are activ-
ity planning, that is deciding what action
to perform at a specific point in time,
and coordinating the robots as a group.
The Robocup rules change from year
to year to force the competitors to con-
tinue development. Just a few years ago,
the pitch was surrounded by walls, now
the spectators stand at the touch line,
and that makes image processing far
more difficult.
The robots’ internal components are
attached to a CAN bus. The CAN bus is a
serial bus used by the automotive indus-
try. It can do without shielding and it is
extremely error tolerant. CAN also
allows components attached to the bus
to talk directly without bothering the
main computer. The CAN bus is con-
nected to the laptop’s parallel port by
means of an external controller.
the most part to allow elements such as
self-positioning to work in other environ-
ments such as in an office.
Our own robot middleware, a.k.a
Miro, is an abstraction layer for hard-
ware control. On the other hand it
provides various software frameworks
for robot control and video image pro-
cessing. Miro is based on Corba [4], and
that means that individual program com-
ponents can easily be distributed across
a group of computers. This is useful for
computationally complex tasks or
debugging. Miro is becoming more pop-
ular by the minute. It was released under
the GPL, and is available at [5].
Control & Image Processing
A complex project such as a robotics
application needs a well thought out
software architecture. It needs to work
independently of the robot hardware for
Robot Hardware
Our current robot, the Sparrows 03, rep-
resents the second generation of robots
designed and built entirely by our team.
The round shape proved to be a good
idea, as it prevents robots from getting
stuck, and so did the pneumatic kicker
with a compressed air reservoir that con-
tains enough air for a game. Figure 2
shows a schematic diagram of the cur-
rent generation of robots.
To avoid power problems, all of the
robots are run by a small laptop. The
robots’ main sensor is a Sony DFW V-500
Firewire camera. In contrast to analog
cameras with framegrabber cards,
Firewire has the advantage that it avoids
de-interlacing problems. Firewire cam-
eras provide a far better image when the
robot is moving and rotating. They also
have infrared distance meters, and rev
counters for their wheels (odometers).
Flexible Miro Modules
Another project uses the Miro video pro-
cessing framework and includes image
processing and object recognition tasks.
Forking into an independent project
makes it easier to use in different appli-
cation scenarios. The final module is the
soccer playing software. It includes
aspects such as world modeling, self-
positioning, and behavior patterns for
getting to the ball, kicking and so on.
Figure 2: The robots use IBM laptops (blue lid and
gray case) as their central computers. Below this
level, you can see the drive unit with battery
(gray) and the compressed air tank (purple).
Normal Problems
Robotics problems often have little to do
with the scientific objective. There is a
restricted choice of suitable laptops for
the robots. We decided to go for IBM
X31, IBM’s smallest models with 12 inch
displays. With a 1,4GHz Pentium 4 and
Centrino technology, which provides a
compromise between battery life and
computational power.
August 2004
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This did mean having to cope with a
few issues concerning the Intel WLAN
module. With some assistance from the
Ndiswrapper project [6], and the Win-
dows XP driver, we managed to get the
Intel WLAN modules talking. The latest
version fixed the bug preventing IP mul-
ticasting communication. This was
important, as some software compo-
nents rely on IP multicasting.
Unfortunately, IP multicasting via the
Intel WLAN module seems to be quite
heavy on CPU resources. The load went
up to somewhere between 20 and 40 per-
cent whenever we needed to exchange
data using IP multicasting. The current
beta version of the native Open Source
WLAN driver by Intel [7] is not an
option at present. It consumed even
more CPU cycles in our lab tests. Fortu-
nately, there is a glimmer of hope, as
new versions are released every week.
there is something to transmit, the CAN
driver [8] eats CPU cycles all the time.
We decided to get in touch with the dri-
ver’s author, who immediately sent us a
new beta version. This allowed us to
migrate to the kernel 2.6 – we used ker-
nel 2.6.5-pre3-bk for the qualifying
matches. The preemption patches that
kernel 2.6 contains also meant a boost
for our system’s performance.
In contrast to consumer devices, the
Firewire cameras do not use libdv1394 ,
but libdc1394 or libraw1394 instead. On
kernel 2.4, the system had an exasperat-
ing tendency to stop in its tracks, and we
were unable to reproduce the conditions
that led to the error. In this state, it was
impossible to unload the kernel module
without rebooting the computer. This
seem to have disappeared with kernel
2.6, or at least they are far less frequent.
[1] Robocup Open 2004: http://ais.gmd.de/
[2] International Robocup homepage: http://
[3] Ulm Sparrows homepage : http://www.
[4] The Ace Corb (Corba): http://www.
[5] Middleware for robots (Miro): http://
[6] Ndiswrapper project homepage: http://
[7] Centrino WLAN driver by Intel: http://
[8] CAN Bus driver for Linux: http://www.
to three meters per second. It will be fas-
cinating to see what the teams at the
world championships, May 27 through
June 3 2004 in Lisbon, Portugal, get up
to. Winning against the human world
champion soccer team by the year 2050,
is the goal that the organization has set
itself. See at http://www.robocup.org .
There has been a lot of progress since
the first Robocup in Japan, 1997.
Whereas the robots were hardly capable
of moving, they now reach speeds of up
Power-Hungry CAN Bus
The CAN bus caused us even more
headaches than the WLAN. Whereas the
CAN bus only needs CPU cycles when
August 2004
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