2002.02_David Woodhouse-Jffs2 Filesystem.pdf

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David Woodhouse
Richard Ibbotson
caught up with Red
Hat’s David
Woodhouse to get the
lowdown on the
JFFS2 filesystem
as a “born and bred Norfolk countryman”. His
interest in programming developed from an
early age when he began hacking BASIC. David is
now a contractor for Red Hat working on embedded
GNU/Linux projects and is responsible for the kernel
drivers for memory technology devices. He hopes that
one day he will become a kernel hacker.
David’s latest creation, JFFS2, might not sound all
that glamorous but it will make some useful changes
to the hard disks of many people when it becomes a
part of the ordinary GNU/Linux based system.
David Woodhouse at the
West Yorkshire Linux User
Group meeting in
specification, which is used in most laptops. It’s an
unfortunate fact of life that this and similar
technologies are held together with patents that
more or less prevent further development, or if
development is allowed then the legal ramifications
are so extreme that it makes life as an engineer or
developer very hard indeed. GNU/Linux supports FTL
and similar technologies but it’s use is deprecated and
is really only meant to be there for backward
compatibility. Even if the patent issue could be
circumvented the technology itself is not seen as the
best solution to a complex list of technical issues. It
would be much better if there were no extra
translation layers in between.
In the design and implementation stages, the
original JFFS included the useful thinking that the
users of the finished hardware would probably do
some very stupid things to it – things like the power
being suddenly switched off by a user who didn’t
know how to close down a computer properly. Or to
What’s it all about?
Until recently the usual approach for using flash
memory technology in embedded devices was to use
a pseudo-filesystem on the flash chips to emulate a
block device. The original JFFS was a log-structured
filesystem, developed by Axis Communications AB in
Sweden, specifically for use on flash devices in
embedded systems. Later on Red Hat came along and
did some more development work on it. JFFS2 is the
end result of their labours. It’s aware of the
restrictions imposed by flash technology and operates
directly on the flash hardware thereby avoiding the
problems of having two journaling filesystems
running on top of each other. There are plans to port
it to eCos.
Flash memory
Flash is a particular type of EEPROM memory which is
available in the NOR version, or you can also get hold
of the newer NAND version at lower cost. Both types
can set a bit in a clean chip to a logical one and both
can be set to zero by a write operation such as
storage of data.
In order to provide for wear levelling and reliable
operation without problems, sectors of the block
device (hard drive to your ordinary PC user) are stored
in various places on the medium and a translation
layer is used to keep track of the location of sector.
This layer is effectively a type of journaling filesystem.
The flash translation layer is a part of the PCMCIA
JFFS2 Common Node Header
Issue 17 • 2002
D avid lives in Cambridge and describes himself
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put it another way, battery-powered devices are just
seen as simple appliances like the common kitchen
kettle or iron and they are treated in a similar way.
Such design ideas are often the province of your
average electrical engineer or design engineer. Many
man hours are spent on deliberating over these kinds
of issues. The design of the French and Japanese rail
systems contain many examples of this way of doing
things. Whether it’s Concorde or just a chip on a
board then quality control must be a part of the
design process.
allowed to in JFFS1. This makes for
increased efficiencies in the garbage
collection code. More intelligent
decisions are carried out and a
particular location for collection may be
more favourable than another. Erase
blocks will be on a clean_list or a
dirty_list. There is also a free_list,
which contains a valid mode to show
that the block was correctly erased.
There is what is referred to as a third
change when JFFS2 is looked into when
compared with JFFS1. There is a
separation between directory entries
and inodes. At the time that this was
written there are three types of nodes
defined and in use with JFFS2. These
works by examining a heuristic threshold and
garbage collection starts mounting the filesystem
with a multi stage process. First of all a physical scan
is made which builds a full map of what’s happening
followed by a second scan which detects inodes that
have no remaining links on the filesystem and a
deletion is made. A third pass is made to free the
temporary information which was cached for each
Future plans for JFFS2 include improved fault
tolerance. There are several other aspects of the
project which are in the minds of the developers for
improvement, of which transaction support is one.
Although JFFS2 is still in its early days it has quickly
grown up and is seen to be a worthwhile technology,
which can be relied upon for its stability.
Improvements can only draw more attention to it in
the coming months and years. JFFS was merged into
the GNU/Linux kernel prior to the release of the 2.4
kernel. Its future as an Open Source project rather
than a dusty and forgotten object of desire is
In the beginning
The original JFFS was a log structured filesystem or
LFS. Nodes containing data moved along the data
storage device in a linear fashion until all of the
storage space had been used. There is only one type
of node in the log, which is referred to as ‘struct
jffs_raw_inode’. When the medium is mounted, all of
the data is read and each inode reconstructs the data
tree and the amount of information that is available
for use by an operator.
This is all very simple so far and most people could
probably understand what all of this is about. JFFS1
also does garbage collection. This takes care of old
writes to the media by collecting the data from the
tail of the log and putting it at the front end of the
log. This takes care of old inodes, which might just
be taking up dirty space, which were left behind by
old writes. Kernel threads usually take care of this
kind of activity. However, the developers of the
technology will tell you that this may not be the best
way to do things. Certain aspects of JFFS had not
been tested in Axis products and writing data other
than at the end of the file did not work, and deleting
a file while a process still had a valid descriptor for it
could cause a kernel oops. Not the sort of thing that
wins friends and influences people! JFFS did reach a
point in a few weeks after testing where it was stable
and reliable. There were however thought to be
problems with garbage collection, compression and
hard links which needed to be sorted out.
Raw node reference lists.
The author
Richard Ibbotson is the
Chairman and organiser for
Sheffield Linux User’s Group
– you can view their web
site at http://www.
A new solution
JFFS2 was the solution to these perceived problems.
In January 2001 a discussion began as to how to
completely re-implement the original design so that
something called JFFS 2 would be brought into the
R&D arena and eventually sold on to a prospective
end user.
A number of different things were tried out before
the version that is around at the time of writing was
arrived at. Various node headers proved to be slightly
unreliable and a CRC was added at a later stage. Also
the bugs caused by garbage collection in a strict
order were sorted out by allowing each erasable
block to be treated individually. The nodes are also
not allowed to overlap block boundaries as they were
Getting involved
If you want to get involved with JFFS2, or you want
to know more about it, why not have a look at some
of the web pages mentioned below? You should find
David’s email address on at least one of them.
Original JFFS http://developer.axis.com/software/jffs
JFFS2 http://sources.redhat.com/jffs2
eCos http://www.redhat.com/embedded/technologies/ecos
JFFS mail archive http://mhonarc.axis.se/jffs-dev/threads.html
Issue 17 • 2002
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