2001.12_Alan Cox Interview.pdf

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56 Alan Cox Interview
Linux Magazine
talked to him about
his views on kernel
development and
what might be in
store in the future
Linux Magazine What drives you to do all this
good work?
Alan Cox I enjoy it!
LM How do you find the time to do it all?
AC Large amounts of sleep. I work US hours so
sometimes I don’t get up until midday.
LM What do you consider to be the most vital
pieces of software that are missing from Linux?
AC Better calendaring software, certain
groupware programs. The big ones are now
starting to fall into place – office suites like
StarOffice and the KOfficework. Especially with
StarOffice going to OpenOffice. The Ximian guys
are working with Evolution to create a complete
clone of Outlook with all the features and then
some. A pure mailer program is Sylpheed – It
means “Wind Spirit” in Japanese.
LM Are the software support models for
companies correctly set up?
AC Support costs real money. You can pay large
amounts of money for complete enterprise-wide
support or just the back-end part. It depends on
what you negotiate. All the support is there in theory.
The Red Hat guys think they are doing a wonderful
job but you should really ask the customers.
LM Development of the kernel does not use the
CVS model. Why not?
AC The kernel proper does not use CVS but some
developers use some for their parts. The big problem
with CVS is that it is not a good way for a single
person to have an overview of everything going in
and the right kind of quality control and auditing that
we require. I believe that Linus is using CVS as he
wants to see everything in his CVS tree.
LM How does the kernel grow and develop?
AC A directed explosion is the best answer.
Development goes off at all kinds of angles from a
huge number of people for a large number of
reasons. Sometimes it is because they see a financial
advantage – if we pay someone to do this, then we
can sell that. Other times people do it because they
like a piece of hardware or they have bought a USB
device that is not supported and think that “this is
cool and I want to use it under Linux”. Some people
do it out of academic interest, researching a given
topic to improve a piece of software.
LM Does it come about that features are left
hanging because everyone wants the feature
but no one gets around to doing it? How is this
AC It’s not coordinated. It does sometimes happen,
but eventually it irritates someone enough that they
fix the problem. It is not uncommon that we have a
piece of hardware that someone has written a driver
for, but it is not really being maintained or the person
who wrote it did not care about certain machines
that it did not work on. If there are enough people
using it then someone will sit down and say “okay I
need to fix this” and then do it. Sometimes it’s the
vendors, because when they run their QA test there
is a problem. Often it is the end users. For example,
those people with very old Soundblaster CD drives, if
we break something then they still fix the driver.
LM Do you get much in the way of requests
from users who are unable to contribute directly
to the kernel development?
AC We certainly get feedback saying it would be nice
if Linux did this or if Linux did that. The vendors are
very good at getting feedback - “we would install five
hundred machines but...”. It can be very useful.
LM Do you think that there are good lines of
communication from end users to coders?
AC Yes. To the extent that what matters is that the
end user is prepared to do the work or that they are
prepared to pay someone to do the work, and that is
how things come around.
LM With the continued growth of Linux, do you
see any downsides?
AC Having a larger mailbox is the biggest potential
downside. In the early days the Linux kernel would
get two or three messages a day. It has continued
to grow with more people becoming involved and
more happening in the kernel. I do not know how
much longer that will continue to happen -
essentially we are running out of things that are
important to add to the kernel. Most of the really
critical things are now in user space. For example,
the world of KDE and GNOME, 3D graphics and all
those kind of things.
LM What is in the next version of the Linux
kernel? Is that the type of question that’s even
polite to ask?
AC It’s the type of question we don’t know the
answer to! There are things people are contributing
which look like obvious candidates: An improved
input layer; the ability to have multiple monitors and
Issue 15 • 2001
multiple consoles used more sensibly; plug two mice,
two keyboards and two monitors into one Linux box;
various pieces of filesystem stuff – XFS, JFS. Compaq
are donating clustering code, which is a very
interesting and exciting area. You would be able to
have a room full of Linux boxes acting as one system,
but on top of that, if you lose specific machines then
the system continues without a glitch. This is very
important for a lot of business applications.
LM Filesystems, then. Do you have a favourite
AC Journaled filesystems are useful for lots of
applications. It really depends on what kind of thing
we’re trying to do. So, we have things like ext2
which migrated into ext3 – a journaled filesystem,
which does exactly what every standard generic
filesystems has done over a period of time. Reiser FS
has done a lot of work on small files, on faster
directory handling. IBM’s JFS is looking extremely fast
– it is interesting for that. We will see, I think, over
time, which one will work out for the best. It’s a bit
muddy at the moment for some of them.
LM In what way will that muddy water clear?
Who will be the victor?
AC I don’t actually think there will be a victor.
Before, we had competing filesystems – ext fs, xiafs
– that was a long time ago, then ext2 came along.
Pretty much everyone ended up running the same
filesystem after six to nine months, simply because it
was the natural one to use. It was the one everyone
else used and it seemed to work. I think the vendors
will ship the filesystems that work. They do a lot of
QA testing on that. In some cases we have specialist
filesystems: JFFS for Flash devices is very useful for
the iPAQ, but completely useless for your average
hard disk user.
LM What hardware do you recommend and do
you get involved with hardware concerns?
AC I try to pick devices with free drivers which work.
Like everyone else, I’m trying to build myself a
machine that works at a sensible speed or uses as
little power of whatever. I play with a fair amount of
stuff. I build machines that are all Athlon because
that gives me the best build performance. For
desktop machines I’ve been playing with the new VIA
C3 chip – it doesn’t need a fan and is so much
quieter, but it’s not a speed demon. I’ve not really
played with the Pentium 4, some benchmarks but
that’s as far as I’ve got. It’s the first generation of the
chip and I think the real question is not how the P4
performs now but in twelve months time.
LM The support from hardware manufacturers is
growing but do you think anything can be done
to encourage them more?
AC Most of them make the openness decision based
on business risk, or financial reward. So, for example,
a lot of small USB vendors have no secrets. Some
hardware vendors like SIS, who are working very
closely with the Linux community, are keen to give
good support. We also have people like nVidia who
are more worried about not giving away secrets to
rivals. They are worried that if they release their
software technology then someone is going to use it
and make the ATI Radeon run even faster than their
card. You talk to these people and sometimes it
makes sense, sometimes it doesn’t, but at least you
understand their point of view.
The other thing that has really helped is when
people like Compaq and particularly Dell and IBM get
involved because when they are building a server
they think Linux is going to be one of the supported
systems. It means that they go to the hardware
vendor they buy from and say “If you have Linux
support for this board then we will buy them in large
numbers and sell them in our servers”. For many
more conservative businesses the fact that you can
actually say: “Well, if we will do this piece of work for
this approximate cost, we will get this money back”.
It obviously makes it easier for them. Many of them
are generally uneasy about giving out documentation
to you, as they are more used to a traditional
business relationship.
LM We were talking to someone at the Systems
show, they offer the service of a manager/coder
interface. Is this common?
AC It’s one of the jobs that LinuxCare have been
doing. It is to a certain extent, part of what Red Hat
offer in doing direct device driver work. We will write
you a driver, we will help you commit it to the
mainstream kernel, if that’s the way you want to go,
and we will convert the things the techies say to the
things the management need to hear about “time
scales and pricing”. It’s no good asking your average
programmer, “How long will this driver take?”, the
answer is always far too short, so the project will
overrun, and they are often far too vague.
LM Do you use a desktop or are you a
console man?
AC Well, I mostly use X, I tend to use XFce for my
desktop most of the time, then run mostly GNOME
applications, sometimes KDE. You can set both
GNOME and KDE up to look the same. In the
desktop world, I am very much an end user and as
far as I am concerned it all looks the same. OK, some
bits are QT, some bits are GTK, but, who cares?
LM You have a very good line of communication
to the community, tell us more about your diary.
AC Well, the diary was originally set up pretty much
for that purpose because when I joined Red Hat one
of the things Eric wanted, as my then manager, was
a monthly summary of what I was doing. So I
figured out seeing as this was open source the
monthly summary probably ought to be, so that
became the diary.
It’s no
good asking
, “How long
will this
take?”, the
answer is
far too
Issue 15 • 2001
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