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BSD as Operating System BSD 08/2010
Dear Readers!
I am happy to introduce you August issue.
This time we will be mentioning Windows, Ubuntu
in our magazine, but surely it will be more than
connected to BSD.
Read it and let us know if it was usefull and
interesting. :)
We also have modi�ed and have another survey for
you, please �nd some time to �ll it in.
At the moment we are planning to open russian
version of BSD Magazine in September.
The magazine will be also free online publication.
And we are looking for authors, betatesters and
proofreaders with russian as native language.
Please contact olga.kartseva@bsdmag.org in case
you want to contibute or have an idea where we
should announce this news.
Please spread the word about it on your blogs,
forums, websites!
Editor in Chief:
Olga Kartseva
Rob Somerville,Daniele Mazzocchio, Rashid N. Achilov, Joseba
Mendez, Laura Michaels
Lukas Holt, Caryn Holt, Laura Michaels
Special thanks to:
Marko Milenovic, Worth Bishop and Mike Bybee
Art Director:
Ireneusz Pogroszewski
Ireneusz Pogroszewski
Senior Consultant/Publisher:
Paweł Marciniak pawel@software.com.pl
National Sales Manager:
Ewa Łozowicka
Marketing Director:
Ewa Łozowicka
Executive Ad Consultant:
Karolina Lesińska
Thank you!
Olga Kartseva
Editor in Chief
Advertising Sales:
Olga Kartseva
Publisher :
Software Press Sp. z o.o. SK
ul. Bokserska 1, 02-682 Warszawa
worldwide publishing
tel: 1 917 338 36 31
Software Press Sp z o.o. SK is looking for partners from all over
the world. If you are interested in cooperation with us, please
contact us via e-mail: editors@bsdmag.org
All trade marks presented in the magazine were used only for
informative purposes. All rights to trade marks presented in the
magazine are reserved by the companies which own them.
The editors use automatic DTP system
Mathematical formulas created by Design Science MathType™.
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Introduction to MidnightBSD
Lukas Holt, Caryn Holt
MidnightBSD was founded in 2006 by Lucas Holt.
The project is a FreeBSD 6.0 fork with an emphasis on
creating a desktop focused BSD.
While there are other BSD desktop projects (most notably PC-
BSD and DesktopBSD),
we wanted to create an entire desktop centered BSD from the
BSD that a grandmother could install and use.
Maintenance Systems over BSD
Joseba Mendez
widely used in the Industry that can be supported by BSD apart
of classical IT services.
As clear example of this is SAP Suite. SAP covers all possible
asset management to control the cost related to production
and also maintenance but as per tighted cost in investments
today, the Plants must run 24/7 with maximum reliability and
productivity possible.
Low Resource PCs with FreeBSD
Laura Michaels
older PCs. I can’t believe how many used PCs end up as landfill
while students, educators, low income families and others go
without a computer at all.
The FreeBSD Ubuntu challenge
Rob Somerville
of running Compiz as a workstation?
One of the many criticisms of Open Source software (indeed
even FreeBSD) is that it is not ready for the desktop.
Making the Unknown Giant Visible and
Joshua Ebarvia
moniker Unknown Giant. I confirm that it is true in my place. I
have asked system administrators, computer enthusiasts, and
hobbyist about FreeBSD and they didn’t even know what I’m
talking about.
Network monitoring with Nagios and
OpenBSD (PART 1)
Daniele Mazzocchio
firewalls, domain name servers, a mail gateway and a web
proxy cache. (Read previous issues of BSD Magazine) All the
services provided by these machines are particularly critical and
can’t afford even minimal downtime.
Redundancy may give us the time to recover a failure before
having angry users trying to knock down our door, but it doesn’t
free us from the responsibility to detect and solve ongoing
Replacing Microsoft Exchange Server
Rashid N. Achilov
Installing set of open-source programs without lack of
functionality Instead of Microsoft Exchange Server. This way
Groupware-part will be replaced on Horde Groupware.
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