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Stalingrad’s on the agenda with the full SP
from Big Rich, whilst the Doc prescribes a
large helping of lard to help combat a bad
case of Liebertwolkwitz.
Fat Nick looks at Hurricanes over Murmansk
for Bag the Hun (probably a good time to
head for the bar), and follows up with
another scenario before we take to the pool
for antics with our favourite Blue Coat,
Horatio Hornblower.
“Hello Campers , welcome to Lardlins and
this fun-filled, sun-soaked, action packed
TooFatLardies Summer Special for 2005. I’m
Sir Billy Lardlin, your Entertainments Manager
for this summer season of Lard, and I’ll be
guiding you through this wonderland of
warfare from cover to cover, as we take a walk
down the leafy lanes of Lard Land, with
scenarios for all of their rule sets, and so much
Fresh from a sell out tour of Tinseltown, Tom
Ballou entertains us with some Royal Tanks,
and a right royal remake of a
SkirmishCampaigns classic it is too, and no
You’ll need a break after all of that
excitement, so sit back and enjoy the sights
as we take a coach trip up to the big smoke,
and the lights of London. Well, Olympia
anyroad. The lads regale us with the story of
their big day out.
More excursions, this time with a charabanc
to the International Napoleonic Fair as the
Lard Lads take centre stage, then scenarios
for the Arab Israeli War and a Norway 1940
“Scenario on Ice” for our grand finale.
But this is no ordinary Special, oh no! To
celebrate the publication of this miracle of
miniature wargaming, those Lardy lads wanted
to lay on a real treat for you , the punters.
And what better way to pamper and spoil you
than to present this special in its entirety from
my “Lardlins Holiday Camp” (Holidays for the
discerning camper – no riff-raff) on England’s
bracing North-East Coast
As you can see it’s a packed programme of
fun all the way through the summer, with a
cheeky mixture of sun, sea and lard to keep
you busy while the sun shines. I hope that
you enjoy your time at Lardlins, it’s a
pleasure to have you with us on the sunny
east coast.
But that’s enough about me, without further
ado, lets have a look at what’s in store for you
during your summer at Lardlins.
“An Un-Holy Mess” kicks off proceedings, a
supplement for the Arab Israeli War of 1948
from Big Rich gets us in the mood for a bit of
sand and sun.
Just to keep the heat on we head off for a
steamy time in the jungles of Burma as Rob
Avery peers through his Japs eye at Imphal.
Anyone for tennis?
PS: Remember:
Blue coat Mike Brian cracks open his scenario
from SELWG as a special treat, while Fat Nick
goes for a wander in the Ardennes.
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Toofatlardies Summer Special 2005
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Let’s see what goodies we have lined up for you today at
An Unholy Mess
Richard Clarke
Full IABSM supplement for the Arab
Israeli War
The Horn of the Rhino
Richard Clarke
An IABSM! Scenario set in Madagascar
At the Napoleonic Fair
Nick Skinner
A Convention Report
Night & Day at Imphal
Rob Avery
An IABSM scenario for the Far East
Bag the Ton
Nick Skinner
A BTH scenario – can you claim that 100 th
151 Wing
Nick Skinner
RAF Hurricanes on the Kola Peninsula
Hornblower – on company
Richard Clarke
A KMH scenario
The Initiation of
Mike Brian
Normandy 1944. An IABSM! Scenario
Richard Clarke
The ultimate urban games day
A Rather British Blitzkreig
Richard Clarke
An RCW scenario for TOW
Supersize M.E.
The Rug Doctor
Three LFS scenarios for 1813
Walking in a Winter Wonderland
Nick Skinner
The Ardennes 1944. An IABSM! Scenario
Royal Tanks
Tom Ballou
Tom converts a SkirmishCampaigns
scenario to IABSM!
Refighting Trafalgar
Nick Skinner
The ultimate bicentennial KMH refight
PAGE 104
Richard Clarke
Norway 1940. An IABSM scenario.
Knackering Panzers
Richard Clarke
Infantry antitank operations in IABSM!
PAGE 111
In the Path of God
Richard Clarke
Two scenarios for the Arab Israeli War
Salute 2005
Richard Clarke
The story of a big game at a big event.
Includes scenarios.
PAGE 116
The Terrain Maker
Sidney Roundwood
How to make fantastic terrain with our
very own pseudo-celebrity
A break at the Blue Coat Bar
Help yourself to a refreshing cocktail
Toofatlardies Summer Special 2005
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Supplement Page 1
The Arab-Israeli War of 1948-49 is one of the few wars in history to have started early. From the moment that the
United Nations General Assembly declared that Palestine was to be partitioned into two separate areas a civil war
The history of the Zionist movement is not particularly of interest here (albeit worth reading up on the get the full
background to the war), suffice to say that the Zionist Jews desired their own state in the Holy Land, and that the
Arabs, both of Palestine and the surrounding countries, opposed it.
The UN resolution called for an essentially federal state where the Jews controlled certain areas of the country and the
Arabs others. Jerusalem was to be an international city where all races could live along side each other. The key issue
leading to the conflict was that when drawing up lines on a map the UN was faced with the reality that Jews and Arabs
had, until the 1930s at least, lived amongst each other rather than in specifically segregated areas. An influx of Jewish
settlers before, during and after the Second World War had been active in forming new communities and kibbutzim
throughout the then British Manadate in pursuance of the Zionist ideal, and this exacerbated the issue further. It was
impossible to apportion land without creating losers, and resentment, on both sides.
For the Arabs the entire process was viewed as unjust. To their minds the land had always been Arab, albeit shared
amongst Moslem, Christian and Jewish residents, and so it should remain. Their approach was one of assuming the
moral high ground, and a refusal to negotiate. This was ultimately to cost them dearly and ensured that conflict was
The consequent war can be split into several stages. Firstly the terrorist war that took place whilst the British Mandate
was still in place. This began as an attempt by the Arabs to starve out isolated Jewish enclaves, be they tiny
settlements on remote kibbutzim, or the entire Jewish population of Jerusalem. Food convoys were ambushed, and
the Jews responded by mobilising their military forces in order to assist the delivery of food to their co-religionists.
This escalated as the departure of the British loomed, with minor sieges of outlying villages by both sides, and an
increase in the type of terrorist outrages that we still see today committed by the more extreme groups on either side,
such as Irgun and the Stern Gang. Arab paramilitary forces entered Palestine from surrounding states to assist in a
Once the British left the second phase was entered. The declaration of the Israeli nation on May the 15 th 1948 was met
with the deployment of the regular forces of the surrounding nations. Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Iraq and the Lebanon all
sent forces in an attempt to drive the Israelis into the sea. For four weeks the newly created Israeli Defence Force was
pushed back on all fronts, but the Arab nations’ lack of unity ensured that they were not destroyed.
The turning point came with a UN ceasefire. Whilst Britain, at that time the Arab nations’ main partner, refused to
break UN sanctions, the Czechoslovakian government, from behind the Iron Curtain, had no such problems. The Israelis
were not only able to replenish their supplies, but they also took delivery of a substantial number of Me109 fighter
planes to provide the nucleus of their air force during this period.
When the fighting recommenced the Israeli forces took to the offensive, conducting a tit-for-tat campaign of ethnic
cleansing that was to see large tracts of Palestine cleared of its former inhabitants and opened for settlement by
Jewish immigrants from all over the world.
Further offensives were punctuated by UN ceasefires, and ensured that the rest of the war was one of limited
objective. It became more important to seize a specific area of land before UN intervention rather than to plan some
overall master-strategy that would see the enemy decisively beaten. Here again the Israelis’ were quick to grasp this
new reality, and exploited this to the full. Only the Jordanians’ matched this, but were too numerically insignificant to
do more than hold on to the Arab lands that they defended.
The Arab nations that lined up against Israel, motivated either by their desire to assist their Palestinian brethren or for
reasons of self-aggrandisement, were divided in everything but their opposition to the state of Israel. They had no
unified command structure, their component parts vied against each other for reasons of self-interest, and, as a result,
there was no accepted plan in existence to which they were working. Against this the Israelis were a force largely
unified. Certainly one saw rogue elements, but these were minor forces only capable of hit and run terrorism. By the
time that the State of Israel was declared her forces were more homogenous and numerous than the invading Arabs,
albeit lacking the heavy support weapons of their opponents. It is undoubtedly true that the Israelis were focussed in
Toofatlardies Summer Special 2005
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