Lights Out [01x01] Pilot [ENG].txt

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[427][454]Theresa,|should I get the doc?
[455][468]No.|We're fine.
[484][506]We're fine.
[697][707]Protect that eye.|Protect it!
[707][722]To the body!|To the body!
[723][749]Both fighters|going for the knockout.
[750][772]It has been a round|for the ages!
[806][829]"Lights" Leary,|the defending champion,
[830][847]Measuring Reynolds out.
[848][869]Stop, stop, stop, stop,|stop, stop.
[870][889]Stop.|Beautiful. Beautiful.
[910][925]Have a seat.
[925][943]All right. All right.
[943][953]Lookin' good.
[953][969]Great work.|You're doing great.
[970][984]Now, you're ahead|on points.
[985][1006]Stay out of the corners|and stay off the ropes.
[1007][1024]He's ready to fall.
[1025][1046]Look, just box.
[1047][1066]Don't get too close.|You hear me?
[1067][1080]I can knock him out.
[1081][1102]You don't need to!|Not with that cut!
[1102][1118]You're ahead! You hear me?!|Come on!
[1119][1128]How's that eye?
[1129][1141]He's good.
[1142][1155]Protect yourself.
[1156][1170]You understand?
[1185][1199]Go get him.
[1466][1484]I got robbed, theresa.
[1485][1509]Yeah, I know.|I saw.
[1510][1528]I'm fine.
[1528][1551]You blacked out.
[1582][1608]Ring was crowded.
[1609][1618]No air.
[1619][1645]You have a concussion.
[1661][1683]I got a hard head.
[1693][1712]Yeah.|I know that, too.
[1713][1736]Hold it.
[1815][1839]Next time, I won't give them|the chance to steal it.
[1840][1858]Next time?
[1859][1881]You could have died|out there.
[1896][1910]I'm all right.
[1911][1922]No. No.
[1923][1933]Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey.
[1934][1957]Hey. Hold on. Hold on.|One, two...
[2801][2827]Don't stop.
[2828][2838]Don't stop.
[2851][2867]Shh. Shh. Stop. Stop.|Mom!
[2868][2885]Don't answer.|She'll go away.
[2885][2902]Is it morning yet?
[2922][2941]No.|No, sweetheart.
[2942][2963]The sun is up.
[2964][2980]Go back to bed, honey.
[3199][3220]No. Oh, God.
[3221][3235]Ignore it.
[3236][3265]No. I can't. I can't.|I'm on a new rotation.
[3372][3394]Yeah, okay. Okay..|I'm on my way.
[3395][3411]No. No, no, no, no,|no. Please. Y-yeah.
[3412][3430]No, no, no, no.|Okay. Thruway crash.
[3431][3453]They'll be okay.|No, they may not be okay.
[3469][3482]Tomorrow, okay?
[3483][3493]Tomorrow morning.
[3506][3539]Look, tomorrow morning, huh?|I promise. I promise.
[3540][3550]Oh, god.
[3561][3587]I'll make breakfast.
[3588][3613]No.|No time.
[3614][3630]Not for you.
[3630][3645]The girls.
[3673][3692]That public-school|- party? Seriously?
[3693][3713]Daniella, please.|Brent is completely harmless.
[3713][3724]Then why'd you dare him?
[3725][3740]'cause saying truth|is so boring.
[3741][3753]Hey.|Hi, daddy.
[3754][3770]Why is the truth|boring?
[3771][3784]Nothing.|It's a game.
[3784][3804]Hey, dad, can I have 40 bucks?|Please?
[3805][3816]For what?
[3817][3841]For coffee after school.|My turn to buy.
[3842][3856]She's getting|a bikini wax.
[3857][3875]Seriously?|You're dead.
[3875][3894]Dad, I just need $18.95,|please.
[3894][3904]For what?
[3905][3924]The new biography|on eleanor roosevelt.
[3925][3937]She's not joking.
[3938][3950]You're such a loser.|Here.
[3951][3964]Shut up.|Here.
[3964][3974]Oh, thanks.|Thank you.
[3975][4034]Now, sit down|and eat your pancakes.
[4034][4044]Pabye.|Love you!
[4283][4293]Come on.|You gonna fight?
[4393][4412]Hi, Katie bear.
[4413][4433]I'm hungry.
[4455][4475]Let's see what we can do|about that.
[4488][4497]Oh, shit.
[4556][4590]??? fr????re jacque, fr????re jacque ???
[4591][4618]??? do-re-mi, do-re-mi ???
[4619][4641]Does anyone else want to share|what they gavep for lent?
[4642][4653]Mr. Leary.
[4654][4673]It's completely|my fault.
[4674][4696]Here.|For you.
[4697][4711]I lost track of time.
[4712][4728]She was ready,|and I, uh...
[4729][4747]It's my fault, not hers.
[4760][4778]I promise not to punish|either of you.
[4834][4852]I don't understand.
[4852][4874]Why were you late in the first|place? It's all straightened out.
[4875][4908]Mr. Leary! Mr. Leary! I|signed a glove for her teacher.
[4909][4924]It's a question|of responsibility.
[4925][4943]It's a question of I forgot. Okay.
[4944][4959]Your brother sent in|the tuition check, right?
[4959][4970]Mr. Leary.
[4970][4991]Of course.|I'll see you tonight.
[5011][5038]??? keep on runnin' ???
[5039][5065]??? keep on hidin' ???
[5080][5108]??? one fine day,|I'm gonna be the one ???
[5108][5125]What's up, chupamp?|??? to make you understand ???
[5126][5145]??? oh, yeah ???|hey! What's up, baby?
[5145][5171]??? I'm gonna be your man ???
[5200][5229]??? keep on runnin' ???
[5229][5260]??? runnin' from my arms ???
[5320][5344]Hey, country.
[5345][5406]Hey, you're dropping the left. Sniper!
[5406][5421]Let me show you|something.
[5422][5448]Use this part of your hand.|Like this.
[5474][5496]And keep this one up.|All right?
[5518][5538]Stick and move. Stick and move.
[5538][5550]Get him, omar.
[5562][5579]Come on. Weave.
[5580][5590]Give him an uppercut.
[5591][5607]Then another one. That's it.|Go to the body.
[5607][5626]Nice turn.
[5626][5647]That's the way to move.|That's it!
[5647][5682]Are you kidding me? You're gonna|pull this with two hours' no--
[5718][5754]Yes, we will let the lawyers|hash it out in court.
[5779][5817]The champ is here|before the crack of noon.
[5818][5840]You ready for your|big interview today?
[5841][5870]Right. Can't wait to find out|what ever happened to .
[5871][5892]Fifth anniversary|of the fight.
[5893][5917]Listen, the school's sweating me|about tuition again.
[5918][5933]I told theresa|you sent the check.
[5933][5955]Don't tell|the school that.
[5956][5977]What happened to the 30 grand|from that beer commercial?
[5978][5996]That was over a month ago.|And?
[5996][6018]I pissed it away --
[6018][6040]On your mortgage and|the way-past-due on this gym.
[6041][6063]We'll have to take some more|out of the landing.
[6100][6133]Just got off the phone|with the chinese trade group.
[6134][6150]Our anchor tenant?
[6150][6174]Those little guys I shook|hands with? Yeah. Them.
[6175][6201]Turns out they're pulling up|anchor, heading for safe harbor.
[6201][6214]Like all the other rats.
[6215][6234]Jesus. Weren't they the ones|who were gonna bail us out?
[6234][6244]They were.
[6244][6255]Supposed to come through
[6256][6272]With a $1 million deposit|at noon today.
[6273][6291]And we got a balloon payment|coming up.
[6291][6318]All right. Well, find someone|else to step up -- lights.
[6327][6345]There's no one out there.|I-I don't want to hear that.
[6346][6365]I know you don't, but this is|why I tried to warn you
[6366][6385]Not to put everything in|one place. You warned me?
[6386][6407]You're not my cornerman anymore.|You'yo my manager.
[6408][6431]That's why I sent you to|business school. I know that.
[6432][6451]You see this coming,|you don't yell fire.
[6452][6466]You do something.|Book something.
[6467][6489]Like what?|I'm trying everything, lights.
[6490][6503]Well, you're not trying hard|enough. Autos. Memorabilia.
[6504][6518]I was heavyweight champ.|Conventions --
[6519][6534]This is best you can do?|You were champ, lights.
[6535][6547]For what?|Like nine months?
[6547][6581]You walked away five years ago.|That's a long time.
[6582][6603]And if you think you can find|someone who can do better
[6604][6623]Under the given circumstces,|go get him.
[6624][6640]Or better yet,|why don't you go back --
[6681][6701]Oh, there you go.
[6702][6767]There's your|master's degree.
[6847][6877]So tell me, lights --|- are you bitter?
[6893][6927]To be honest, I don't spend much|time thinking about the fight.
[6927][6946]I've moved on.
[6947][6960]But five years
[6961][6989]After that very controversial|split-decision loss --
[6990][7010]In your heart,|who won the fight?
[7011][7033]You saw the fight, steve.|Who do you think?
[7033][7061]In the first moments|of that 12th and final round,
[7062][7089]Reynolds was still dazed|from the round before.
[7090][7111]Yet you didn't|go after him.
[7112][7142]Did you think you had|the fight won?
[7176][7190]No! No!
[7191][7205]Stay away from him!
[7206][7220]Keep your distance!
[7221][7248]I don't know what good|it does to...
[7249][7271]Second-guess the past.
[7272][7284]So you're at peace.
[7285][7304]No regrets that you didn't|try to finish him
[7305][7330]Before he got|his legs back?
[7330][7350]I went out a champion.
[7351][7375]And in all due respect|to Reynolds --
[7375][7402]He was a warrior in there,|but in his heart --
[7403][7423]You don't have to get up.|I got my key.
[7442][7464]Why the monkey suit?
[7464][7479]Don't ask.|I got a gig later.
[7480][7491]You watch|the interview?
[7491][7528]I must have dozed off|between naps.
[7528][7561]Leave it.|I can take care of it.
[7562][7587]I don't know why you bother|with those things.
[7588][7607]Need to keep my name|out there.
[7608][7619]What for?
[7619][7639]You got enough, right?
[7640][7661]Johnny thinks it might lead|to a commentating gig.
[7662][7687]Commentating gig?
[7688][7720]Well...|If Johnny thinks so.
[7721][7734]He knows what he's doing.
[7775][7805]They, uh, talk a lot|about the last round?
[7824][7848]Tell you the truth,|the whole thing went by so fast,
[7849][7862]I don't even remember.
[7881][7894]How are the girls?
[7895][7911]Growing like weeds.
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