A Raisin in the Sun (Sidney Poitier, 1961).txt

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{3038}{3073}Wake up.
{3310}{3341}Come on now, honey.|Get up!
{3358}{3391}Come on.
{3422}{3465}It's 7:30.
{3794}{3841}I said, hurry up, Travis.
{3974}{4057}You're not the only person|in the world got to use a bathroom.
{4468}{4526}Walter Lee, it's after 7:30.
{4550}{4601}Let me see you do|some waking up in there now.
{4631}{4670}You just go ahead|and lay there.
{4675}{4735}Next, Travis'll be finished|and Mr. Johnson'll be in.
{4740}{4821}And you'll be fussing and cussing|like a madman and be late.
{4911}{4948}Walter Lee Younger...
{5006}{5069}...it is time for you|to get up!
{5950}{5979}Ain't he out yet?
{5984}{6038}Out? He ain't hardly|got in there good yet.
{6043}{6128}What you doing all that yelling for|if I can't get in there?
{6198}{6222}That check coming today?
{6229}{6281}They said Saturday.|This is just Friday.
{6286}{6325}I hope you ain't getting up...
{6330}{6382}...talking about money.|I don't want to hear it.
{6398}{6434}What's with you this morning?
{6466}{6509}I'm just sleepy.
{6522}{6555}What kind of eggs you want?
{6562}{6601}Not scrambled.
{6712}{6784}You're just a little old happy woman|this morning, ain't you?
{6789}{6879}What's he doing in that bathroom?|He has to start getting up earlier.
{6884}{6945}He won't be getting up|one second earlier.
{6950}{7009}I can't afford to be late for work|because of him.
{7014}{7069}Ain't his fault he can't|get to bed earlier.
{7074}{7117}He's got a bunch of clowns|sitting up...
{7122}{7194}...running their mouths in|what's supposed to be his bedroom.
{7215}{7257}That's what you're mad about.
{7262}{7365}Things I want to talk to my friends|about just couldn't be important.
{7370}{7405}Such friends as you got.
{7588}{7640}You look young this morning, baby.
{7711}{7813}Just for a second, stirring|them eggs, you look real young again.
{7850}{7889}It's gone now.
{7926}{7963}You look like yourself again.
{7970}{8023}If you don't shut up|and leave me alone...
{8046}{8091}The first thing a man should learn...
{8096}{8163}...is not to make love to no woman|early in the morning.
{8168}{8278}You all are some evil creatures|8:00 in the morning.
{8306}{8342}Daddy, come on!
{8499}{8553}Grandma's staying home from work|from now on?
{8558}{8597}That's right, baby.
{8606}{8657}Hey, insurance check|comes tomorrow?
{8662}{8719}Get your mind off money|and eat your breakfast.
{8724}{8795}This is the morning I'm supposed|to bring 50 cents to school.
{8800}{8857}I ain't got no 50 cents|this morning.
{8862}{8893}Teacher said we have to.
{8898}{8939}I don't care.|I ain't got it.
{8944}{8997}- Aw, Mama!|- Hush!
{9007}{9037}Just eat.
{9195}{9254}Could I maybe go carry groceries|at the supermarket...
{9258}{9306}...after school then?
{9341}{9416}If you're through eating,|make up your bed.
{9564}{9633}- I'm gone!|- Got your milk money?
{9645}{9678}Yes, ma'am.
{9742}{9798}I wouldn't kiss that woman|goodbye this morning.
{9814}{9858}Not for nothing in this world.
{9930}{9992}Not for nothing in this world.
{10190}{10230}Whose little angry man are you?
{10235}{10297}Oh, golly, Mama!
{10353}{10402}Better get out of here|before you be late.
{10409}{10461}Could I please|go carry groceries?
{10466}{10511}Honey, you should play evenings.
{10587}{10613}What's he want to do?
{10618}{10669}Carry groceries after school|at the supermarket.
{10674}{10746}Let him go. It's good for him|to be business-minded.
{10751}{10837}I have to.|She won't give me the 50 cents.
{10851}{10871}Why not?
{10876}{10915}Because we don't have it.
{10920}{10985}What do you tell the boy|things like that for?
{11016}{11041}Here you are, son.
{11057}{11099}In fact...
{11122}{11217}...here's another 50 cents.|Get some fruit or take a cab to school.
{11222}{11265}Hot dog!
{11378}{11431}I think you better get down|and go to school.
{11616}{11652}That's my boy.
{11845}{11887}Know what I was thinking|this morning?
{11892}{11923}I know what you was thinking,|and I won't hear it again.
{11923}{11961}I know what you was thinking,|and I won't hear it again.
{11966}{12017}About what me and Willie Harris|talked about.
{12036}{12095}Willie Harris is|a good-for-nothing loudmouth.
{12100}{12199}Anybody who'd talk to me|has to be a good-for-nothing loudmouth.
{12222}{12326}Charlie Atkins was one too.|Wanted me to go into business with him.
{12331}{12435}Now his dry cleaners grosses|$100,000 a year. $100,000 a year.
{12440}{12486}Still a loudmouth|good-for-nothing.
{12491}{12541}Oh, Walter Lee!
{12573}{12645}You're tired, ain't you, baby?|You oh so tired of everything.
{12650}{12727}Me, the boy, the way we live|in this beat-up hole. Everything.
{12732}{12757}Moaning and groaning.
{12762}{12839}But you wouldn't help.|You couldn't be on my side, could you?
{12844}{12885}Please, leave me alone.
{12890}{12969}A man needs a woman to back him.|Mama would listen to you...
{12974}{13011}...more than me and Bennie.
{13016}{13078}All you do is sit down with her|one morning...
{13083}{13143}...when you're having coffee|and talking like you do.
{13148}{13212}Just say that you've been thinking|about this deal...
{13217}{13271}...Walter Lee's so interested in|about the store.
{13276}{13339}Sip at your coffee|like it ain't important to you.
{13344}{13400}Soon, she's listening good|and asking questions.
{13405}{13442}I come home.|I fill in the details.
{13447}{13481}Please, leave me alone.
{13486}{13532}This ain't no|fly-by-night operation.
{13537}{13593}We got this figured out.|Me, Willie and Bobo.
{13669}{13747}We figure the initial investment|on the place to be about $30,000.
{13752}{13796}That's $10,000 apiece.|Of course...
{13801}{13901}...we got to spread around a few|hundred to get our license approved.
{13906}{13947}You mean graft.
{13956}{13990}Don't call it that.
{13994}{14061}Goes to show you how much|women know about the world.
{14066}{14152}Baby, don't nothing happen for you|unless somebody gets paid off.
{14158}{14197}Leave me alone!
{14202}{14242}Eat your eggs.|They'll be cold.
{14308}{14353}Man say to his woman,|"I got a dream."
{14358}{14417}She says,|"Eat your eggs. They getting cold."
{14429}{14489}Man say, "Help me to take a hold|in this world."
{14494}{14538}She says, "Eat your eggs.|Go to work."
{14544}{14615}I got to change my life|because I'm choking to death...
{14620}{14677}...and all you say to me is,|"Eat these eggs."
{14690}{14790}That ain't our money, and I ain't|going to harass your mama about it.
{14823}{14893}I looked in the mirror and thought,|I'm 35 years old.
{14898}{14935}I'm married 11 years.
{14940}{15041}And I got a boy who sleeps in the|living room because I got nothing.
{15046}{15089}Nothing to give him but stories!
{15094}{15152}Like on how rich white people live.
{15157}{15220}- Eat your eggs.|- Damn these eggs!
{15225}{15280}Damn all the eggs that ever was!
{15285}{15312}Then go to work!
{15378}{15414}I'm trying to talk to you.
{15419}{15449}About me.
{15454}{15516}Now all you going to say to me is,|"Eat these eggs"?
{15521}{15580}You never say anything new.|I listen to you every day.
{15586}{15668}Every morning, every night.|You never say nothing new.
{15674}{15756}So you'd rather be Mr. Arnold|than be his chauffeur. So?
{15762}{15813}I'd rather be living in|Buckingham Palace.
{15818}{15871}That's what's wrong|with the colored woman.
{15876}{15910}You don't build your men up.
{15915}{15971}Make them feel they're somebody|and can do something.
{15977}{16061}- There are colored men who do things.|- No thanks to the colored woman.
{16066}{16165}Being a colored woman,|I guess I can't help myself none.
{16316}{16395}- I got to start timing those people.|- You should get up earlier.
{16400}{16468}Really?|When would you suggest, dawn?
{16482}{16536}You're horrible-Iooking|this time of morning.
{16541}{16584}Good morning, Brother.
{16699}{16770}- How's your school coming?|- Oh, lovely, lovely.
{16775}{16815}Biology's the greatest.
{16820}{16877}I dissected something|looked like you yesterday.
{16882}{16933}I was just...
{16979}{17033}...wondering if you|made up your mind.
{17038}{17073}What did I answer yesterday?
{17078}{17127}- And the day before?|- Don't be so nasty.
{17132}{17169}And the days before that?
{17174}{17215}I'm interested. Is that wrong?
{17220}{17293}It ain't every day no girl|decides to be a doctor!
{17350}{17406}Come on out of there, please!
{17516}{17573}- That check is coming.|- That money belongs to Mama.
{17578}{17625}It's for her to decide|how she'll use it.
{17630}{17679}I don't care if she buys|a house or a rocket.
{17684}{17722}Or just nail it up|and look at it.
{17727}{17751}It's hers.
{17756}{17803}Not ours. Hers.
{17857}{17920}You are such a nice girl.
{17925}{18021}You've got your mother's interest|at heart, ain't you?
{18026}{18126}Mama got that money, she can always|help you through school.
{18131}{18185}I never asked anyone|to do anything for me.
{18190}{18269}The line between asking|and just accepting is wide.
{18274}{18308}You want me to quit school?
{18313}{18372}I want you to stop acting|holy around here!
{18377}{18464}We've made sacrifices. It's time|you do something for this family.
{18469}{18510}- Don't drag me in it.|- You are in it.
{18515}{18596}You work in somebody's kitchen|to put clothes on her back.
{18601}{18621}That's not fair.
{18626}{18671}Damn it! Ain't nobody|asking her to say...
{18676}{18717}..."Thank you, Ruth, Brother and Mama.
{18722}{18793}And Travis, for wearing|the same shoes for two semesters."
{18798}{18848}I do, all right?|Thank everybody.
{18853}{18904}And forgive me|for wanting to be anything.
{18909}{18965}Forgive me, forgive me,|forgive me!
{18970}{19013}Your mama'll hear you.
{19027}{19095}Who in the hell told you|you had to be a doctor?
{19100}{19206}You're so interested in s...
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