Rango.2011.EXTENDED.1080p.Bluray.x264-VeDeTT-[ subtitle-English ][ www.napisy.jcom.pl ].txt

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{1}{99}>> 23.976 fps <<|>> www.napisy.jcom.pl <<
{1839}{1918}We are gathered here today|to immortalise in song
{1918}{2002}the life and untimely death|of a great legend.
{2002}{2062}- Rango.|- So sit back, relax,
{2062}{2158}and enjoy your low-calorie popcorn|and assorted confections
{2158}{2273}while we tell you the strange|and bewildering tale of a hero
{2273}{2405}who has yet to enter his own story.
{2709}{2805}Crunchy, creamy, cookie,|candy, cupcake.
{2805}{2892}Okay, everybody,|let's take it from the top.
{2892}{2975}The stage is set,|the night moist with apprehension.
{2975}{3088}Alone in her chamber, the princess|prepares to take her own life.
{3088}{3184}"It is far better to nourish worms|than to live without love."
{3184}{3232}She reaches for the poisoned chalice.
{3232}{3325}Meanwhile, the wicked Malvolio|plots his ascension to the throne
{3325}{3385}while her ageing father|lies gravely ill.
{3385}{3467}"Yes, I am gravely ill."
{3467}{3522}"Hark, who goes there?"
{3522}{3582}'Tis I, the much-anticipated hero,
{3582}{3649}returning to rescue|his emotionally unstable maiden!
{3649}{3699}Unhand her, you jailers of virtue,
{3699}{3793}or taste the bitter sting|of my vengeance!
{3793}{3884}The sting of my...
{3903}{3937}Dr Marx?
{3937}{4002}Dr Marx,|I'm not getting anything from you.
{4002}{4097}People, we've talked about this.|Acting is reacting.
{4097}{4162}Victor, you were wooden!|There, I said it.
{4162}{4239}Mr Timms? You were good.
{4239}{4294}Perhaps a little too good.
{4294}{4388}What's that, Victor? My character's|undefined? That's absurd.
{4388}{4510}I know who I am.|I'm the guy, the protagonist, the hero.
{4510}{4606}Every story needs a hero.|I mean, who else is better qualified
{4606}{4778}to bask in the adulation|of his numerous companions?
{5150}{5205}The stage is waiting.
{5205}{5325}The audience thirsts for adventure.
{5325}{5385}Who am I?
{5385}{5433}I could be anyone.
{5433}{5543}I could be the sea cap'n|returning from a mighty voyage
{5543}{5634}to reclaim his mechanical arm!
{5634}{5735}Or I could be the rogue anthropologist,|battling pythons down in the Congo!
{5735}{5795}Down, Chongo, down!
{5795}{5881}And if you desire romance,
{5881}{6068}I will become the greatest lover|the world has ever known!
{6123}{6227}I couldn't help but notice you|noticing me noticing you.
{6227}{6318}You know, the womens find me|uncomfortably good looking.
{6318}{6387}But you seem remarkably at ease.
{6387}{6435}Stop it. No, really.
{6435}{6495}Well, if you must. What are you doing?
{6495}{6569}That tickles. Are those real?
{6569}{6622}That's it! Conflict.
{6622}{6704}Victor, you were right.|I have been undefined.
{6704}{6814}People, I've had an epiphany.|The hero cannot exist in a vacuum!
{6814}{6888}What our story needs is an ironic,|unexpected event
{6888}{7032}that will propel the hero into conflict!
{8310}{8380}Mr Timms?
{9348}{9430}That's right! You!
{9430}{9487}Don't be shy. Come on.
{9487}{9533}It's okay.
{9533}{9617}That's it, a little closer.
{9658}{9746}I won't bite you.
{9753}{9813}I need a little help here.
{9813}{9859}Are you okay?
{9859}{9921}I must get to the other side.
{9921}{9988}The other side? You mean, just now,|that was you crossing the road?
{9988}{10048}That's why the...
{10048}{10080}Why'd you do that?
{10080}{10156}This is my quest. He waits for me.
{10156}{10192}What? Who?
{10192}{10281}The Spirit of the West, amigo. The one.
{10281}{10386}They say he rides an alabaster carriage|with golden guardians to protect him.
{10386}{10432}What are you talking about?
{10432}{10525}Enlightenment.|We are nothing without it.
{10525}{10605}Nothing? Your delusional quest|just ruined my life!
{10605}{10665}I had an incredibly complex|social network going!
{10665}{10756}Highly sophisticated friends!|I was very popular!
{10756}{10852}Friends? I don't see no friends.
{10852}{10916}You are a very lonely lizard.
{10916}{11000}Look, I need water, hydration.|My teeth are chapped.
{11000}{11053}I need lotion.|I'm down to one layer of skin already.
{11053}{11098}Pretty soon,|I'm going to start seeing my insides.
{11098}{11163}Not unlike what you've got going there.
{11163}{11209}Listen, I can't survive|in the desert, okay?
{11209}{11259}I... I don't belong here.
{11259}{11365}That may be true, but here you are.
{11365}{11470}Now help me up|and I will help you find what you seek.
{11470}{11532}- You will?|- And perhaps more.
{11532}{11590}Quickly. I must get back to my quest.
{11590}{11688}- You mean you've done this before?|- Yes. Many times.
{11688}{11760}Come, come. That's it, pull my finger.
{11760}{11818}The Spirit is waiting for me.
{11818}{11892}Okay, okay.
{11983}{12038}Okay. That's not going to work.
{12038}{12089}I must get to the other side.
{12089}{12175}Why don't you just wait|until there are no cars coming?
{12175}{12216}It's not so easy as it looks.
{12247}{12328}Is a metaphor.
{13009}{13081}There's another one!
{13081}{13153}I knew it.
{13386}{13431}You need a little help, amigo?
{13431}{13506}I think the metaphor broke my spleen.
{13506}{13570}The path to knowledge|is fraught with consequence.
{13570}{13640}I'm just looking for the path to water.
{13640}{13781}If you want to find water,|you must first find Dirt.
{13832}{13894}Destiny, she is kind to you.
{13894}{13988}Tomorrow is Wednesday.|The water comes.
{13988}{14103}At noon, the townspeople gather|for a mysterious ritual.
{14103}{14194}A town? You mean, with real people|and everything? Where?
{14194}{14304}A day's journey. Follow your shadow.
{14304}{14390}You want me to just walk out|into the desert?
{14390}{14419}That's the way.
{14419}{14479}Okay. So you're saying
{14479}{14565}there's a town, a real town,|not a metaphor town.
{14565}{14613}Go on. It's okay.
{14659}{14707}Well, then, I'm going.
{14707}{14788}I am leaving the road now!
{14788}{14875}I'm walking into the desert!
{14906}{14983}We all have ourjourneys to make!
{14983}{15110}I will see you on the other side.
{15385}{15462}Welcome, amigo
{15462}{15546}To the land without end
{15546}{15613}The desert and death
{15613}{15709}Are the closest of friends
{15709}{15781}We sing of his courage
{15781}{15863}In magnificent song
{15863}{15932}But pay close attention
{15932}{16030}He won't be here long
{16105}{16181}As the birds pluck his eyes|The sun bleaches his bones
{16181}{16366}See his entrails get scattered|Watch him lose his cojones
{16462}{16519}Here in the Mojave Desert,
{16519}{16647}animals have had millions of years|to adapt to the harsh environment.
{16647}{16742}But the lizard? He is going to die.
{16742}{16817}"Four score and seven years ago,|our fathers..."
{16817}{16915}- Don't move.|- What?
{17011}{17059}- Don't move!|- Not moving.
{17059}{17085}Not moving.
{17085}{17140}Try to blend in.
{17140}{17253}Blend in? What do you mean?
{17270}{17301}Blend in.
{17301}{17387}What are you saying?
{17387}{17426}- Too late.|- No, no. It's not too late!
{17426}{17486}I'm blending! I'm a blender!
{17486}{17608}Hey, calm down! What are you doing?
{17608}{17654}Stop moving!
{17654}{17769}Try not to look conspicuous.
{17927}{17963}- What are you doing?|- I'm blending.
{17963}{18008}- Go blend somewhere else.|- Don't distract me.
{18008}{18054}- No room at the inn.|- It's an art, not a science.
{18054}{18116}- Find your own hiding place.|- No, this is good.
{18116}{18169}Here she comes! You better run, Mojito!
{18169}{18394}- What? I thought you said, "Don't move."|- That was before. Now, you run.
{19397}{19461}Oh, hey. Proboscis.
{19797}{19926}Please, no, please. I have vertigo!|My glands are swelling!
{19926}{20001}Please, no.
{20154}{20243}You! I'll kill you! You stupid lizard!
{20243}{20291}Get out of there.|I'm going to strangle your huevos!
{20291}{20356}Big bird! Big bird!
{20356}{20423}No, wait! Come back! I was just kidding!
{20423}{20471}- Come on, we're friends, right?|- I don't know you!
{20471}{20514}- Lizards, frogs...|- Find your own hiding place!
{20514}{20557}- We're practically related!|- No room at the inn!
{20557}{20593}- Come on, move over!|- You're not my friend!
{20593}{20708}I'll let you kiss my sister!
{20859}{20943}You son of a...
{22216}{22346}Where are your friends now, amigo?
{22974}{23065}Get your slimy-webbed phalanges|off my boots!
{23094}{23173}I got a bead on you, stranger.|So you get up real slow
{23173}{23209}lessen you want to spend the better part
{23209}{23257}of the afternoon|putting your face back together!
{23257}{23324}- No, ma'am, I don't.|- Who are you?
{23324}{23381}- Who am I?|- I'm asking the questions here!
{23381}{23444}Our town is drying up.|We're in the middle of a drought.
{23444}{23487}Now someone's dumping water|in the desert!
{23487}{23540}It's a puzzle of undeterminable size|and dimension,
{23540}{23612}but I intend to find out|what role you playing in all this.
{23612}{23681}- Role?|- What are you involved in?
{23681}{23739}Well, I'm glad you asked.
{23739}{23815}I've got two one-acts, a mystery|and a musical I've been gestating.
{23815}{23942}I got the words, I'm just working on|the melody right now. It's like a...
{23942}{23974}I think it's gonna be a western.
{23974}{24038}A monkey got a cracker|His mother was a slapper
{24038}{24156}She'll be coming 'round the mountain|in the rain
{24156}{24254}You ain't from around here, are you?
{24254}{24345}I'm still working on it.
{24345}{24393}So, what's your name?
{24393}{24441}- Beans.|- That's a funny kind of name.
{24441}{24513}What can I say?|My daddy plumb loved baked bea...
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