my so-called life 1x06 - the substitute.txt

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00:00:01:movie info: DX50 640x480 29.970fps 267.4 MB|/SubEdit b.3886 (
00:01:10:<i>Maybe teachers have a hldden llfe,</i>
00:01:13:<i>Where they're actually llke human,</i>
00:01:17:<i>Where they have,</i>|<i>l don't know, dlgnlty,</i>
00:01:25:<i>Or maybe not,</i>
00:01:59:Sorry. Tooth pick? Anybody else?
00:02:03:Tooth pick?
00:02:05:- Way-way-wait. What did he say?|- Yo. Speak up, bro.
00:02:08:He said tooth pick. Right?|lsn't that what you said?
00:02:12:Tooth pick.
00:02:16:So, why you here?|You the new substitute?
00:02:19:Why am l here? Yes, good question.|l'm the new substitute.
00:02:24:- Yes. l'm here quite simply to get paid.|- Yes, right.
00:02:30:Assuming all of you|can read and write. . .
00:02:33:l don't perceive|any emergency situation.
00:02:39:That's all.|Continue wasting your lives.
00:02:44:So, are we dismissed?
00:02:51:Do you want to be dismissed?
00:02:53:No, you just said|that was all you had to say, so.
00:02:57:l will be here for the|next forty-seven minutes.
00:02:60:Whether you will also be here for that|time is, to be candid, your decision.
00:03:06:- What's the catch?|- No catch.
00:03:08:You don't want to be here. Go.|l'm not going to stop you.
00:03:14:Well, you know,|there is just one catch.
00:03:19:We will be discussing|you in your absence.
00:03:22:But, you know,|if you don't mind that.
00:03:25:- Yes, right.|- lt's no joke. l have no lesson planned.
00:03:29:Trashing you in your absence,|will help pass the time.
00:03:34:Right? You know, it could|possibly be educational as well.
00:03:44:So what are we suppose to do?
00:03:46:l've known you all of five minutes. . .
00:03:48:and you want me to tell you|what you're suppose to do?
00:03:51:Fine, follow your hearts|and veer away from heroin.
00:03:56:No, l meant in the next|forty-seven minutes.
00:03:58:l know what you meant.|That was sarcasm. What?
00:04:02:One of the things we were suppose|to do this semester. . .
00:04:07:was this issue of the literary magazine.
00:04:13:Like we each wrote something,|but Mayhew, that's our teacher. . .
00:04:18:she never approved the writing|or whatever, because she just quit.
00:04:24:- So, we just never did it.|- That's a heart breaking tale.
00:04:32:What l meant was that,|l know where they are.
00:04:35:l mean, the stuff we wrote.|lt's in there.
00:04:38:So, could you, just, at least, read it,|so we could get credit for it?
00:04:46:Why not.
00:04:48:Wait, so, lets go over it|one more time.
00:04:50:Look, you don't even have to be there.|This should be me.
00:04:57:l'll take him out to dinner and make|it clear that we'll redo the job at cost.
00:05:00:Fine. Whatever.
00:05:02:Castro listens to me. He trusts me.|l mean, you know, not that he--
00:05:06:No, no, no. You're right.|You should handle it.
00:05:09:Anyway, l need you to take Danielle|to the cookie booth and back. . .
00:05:12:- tomorrow night.|- The cookie booth?
00:05:15:lt's girl scout cookie time again.|l signed her up.
00:05:19:You sign her up. l end up at the booth.|Yes, well. Fine.
00:05:24:l'll call Neal|and cancel our pool game.
00:05:26:You had plans. Maybe you can|call one of the other moms and--
00:05:31:What, and miss the cookie booth?
00:05:34:l almost forgot. One of us has|to call Angela's English teacher. . .
00:05:38:l think her name is Mayhew. . .
00:05:40:and see if they want us to print|the Lit magazine again this year.
00:05:43:l reserved the press time.|One of us should call. You should.
00:05:48:You forgot to buy kitty litter again.
00:05:50:l thought you said you would.|You know what we need?
00:05:56:A wife.
00:06:09:Well. . .
00:06:13:l've had the privilege of reading|your entries for the Liberty Lit.
00:06:17:And, how shall l describe them?|Good question.
00:06:22:Let's see. Boring.
00:06:26:The word boring comes to mind.
00:06:29:Fake. False.
00:06:32:Synthetic. Bogus.
00:06:37:What do these words have in common?
00:06:48:Yes, what do these words|have in common?
00:06:50:l know what you're going to say. That|they're synonyms meaning not genuine.
00:06:54:Well, that's true,|that's absolutely true.
00:06:57:But what else are they. l mean,|how else would you classify them?
00:07:02:- l don't know.|- Yes, you do.
00:07:06:You think l'm an idiot?
00:07:08:lf l tell you that the|class' work was safe, banal. . .
00:07:11:homogenized, cutesy, appalling,|all of which is true by the way.
00:07:18:What sort of words|am l using? Tell me.
00:07:21:Don't give me that blank look.|You're not fooling anyone.
00:07:25:l'm on to you.|You know this. You know this.
00:07:29:- Not verbs. Not nouns. But?|- Adjectives.
00:07:36:Don't you dare|play dumb with me again.
00:07:40:Now, as for the rest of you. . .
00:07:46:- How shall l phrase this?|- l don't believe this guy.
00:07:49:This is the most God awful crap|l've ever read in my life.
00:07:60:Hey, look at that.
00:08:06:H i.
00:08:07:- H i.|- H i.
00:08:08:You want to buy some|girl scout cookies?
00:08:11:- Not really.|- You can owe me the money.
00:08:13:Danielle, leave him alone.
00:08:22:What? You've never seen someone|sew on a merit badge before?
00:08:26:lt's not a merit badge.|lt's a proficiency badge.
00:08:29:H i, Brian. Angela. Brian's here.
00:08:33:J ust one box. You can|freeze them and eat them later.
00:08:37:- Danielle.|- Forget it.
00:08:42:Sorry about that.|What have you got there?
00:08:44:J ust this thing|Angela wrote that l found.
00:08:48:Her oak tree poem. l loved that one.|Why does it have this foot print on it?
00:08:52:Where are the others?|Weren't we going print them up?
00:08:55:Angela didn't tell you?|He threw them out the window.
00:08:58:This new substitute who's,|like, mentally ill. Seriously.
00:09:03:- No, he's not mentally ill.|- He threw them out of the window?
00:09:07:- So, do you want this? Or--|- l think that's terrible.
00:09:10:- Mom.|- l'm serious.
00:09:12:You worked very hard on that poem.
00:09:14:- You put a lot of thought into it.|- lt's true. You did.
00:09:16:l don't know.|l don't like it that much.
00:09:19:- Honey, that's not the point.|- Exactly.
00:09:21:l don't care if he is your teacher, he|has to treat you with common courtesy.
00:09:24:Haven't we always taught you|to stand up for your rights?
00:09:27:Thanks, Brian.
00:09:39:Jordan? That's your name right.|Look, l appreciate the fact. . .
00:09:45:you don't want to monopolize|the discussion, but, l mean, come on.
00:09:49:l need you. Do you understand?|l need you to talk more.
00:09:52:- Okay. J ust, okay.|- All right.
00:09:57:- By the way, you left this behind.|- l didn't leave that.
00:10:02:Yes, just take it will you?|We'll discuss it tomorrow.
00:10:11:- What?|- l . . .
00:10:15:What? Say it.
00:10:21:l just think what you|did yesterday wasn't right.
00:10:24:l mean, in terms of|common courtesy.
00:10:29:l just think it showed|a lack of respect.
00:10:31:You mean when l threw|your work out of the window.
00:10:35:l mean, that oak tree poem?|That was mine.
00:10:39:- l put a lot of thought into that.|- Did you?
00:10:43:Yes. l mean, why did you do it?
00:10:48:Why did l do it? Good question.|l did it to clear the slate.
00:10:54:l did it to wake you up.|l did it to do something.
00:10:58:To find you. And now,|guess what, here you are.
00:11:01:Wide awake. Right in front of me.
00:11:03:l mean, wasn't that worth it?|l mean, that poem.
00:11:08:That oak tree poem.
00:11:14:That was yesterday.|What are you going to write today?
00:11:23:Good question.
00:11:29:Rayanne, you're not in this class.
00:11:31:So. Neither are half these kids.|Come on.
00:11:33:You've been talking about him|for three days. l got to view this guy.
00:11:41:Get out your notebooks.
00:11:46:Substitute my ass. He is the real deal.
00:11:50:l want everyone to start over.|From the beginning.
00:11:53:- Start over on what?|- l didn't bring a notebook.
00:11:56:Can't you show a movie?
00:11:58:Don't give me anything quaint.
00:12:01:l don't want to see any|domesticated animals or greenery.
00:12:07:l want anger. l want honesty.
00:12:13:- l want nakedness.|- l'm right here, baby.
00:12:16:- Excuse me. Can l say something?|- Nope. Write it down.
00:12:22:Whatever you feel like saying|write it down instead.
00:12:25:What you never told anyone.|What you never even told yourself.
00:12:33:And don't fear exposure.|No one is to put his or her name down.
00:12:37:- This will be completely anonymous.|- J ust how l like sex.
00:12:41:What about you?
00:12:44:- l'm not in this class.|- You're not?
00:12:49:Where are you?
00:12:52:l mean, how can you say|you're not here.
00:12:55:You're here. l see you.|Get out your notebook.
00:13:03:l never wrote anything for the Lit.
00:13:06:Then you have|an unfair advantage.
00:13:13:Tell him about the toothpicks.|Tell him about the socks.
00:13:16:He always wears|one white sock and one black sock.
00:13:21:l've got to see the socks.
00:13:24:Well, l read all your papers and. . .
00:13:28:l'm beginning to see signs of life.
00:13:33:Where do we go from here?|Good question.
00:13:39:We go further.
00:15:06:Okay. We'll start over here.
00:15:09:- J ust read it?|- J ust read it.
00:15:12:l can't read this person's writing.|Yes, read it anyway.
00:15:17:l n the fitting room,|price tags tickle my shoulder. . .
00:15:21:as l slip on another dress.|l know this one will fit.
00:15:25:This one will make me fly.
00:15:29:Paint a picture. J ust talk. Don't try|and make it sound like writing. Daryl.
00:15:33:No one knows l come out here nights.|l look up, but you're never there.
00:15:37:- Angela. He changed the socks.|- Shut up. l'm trying to listen.
00:15:42:And l realize l'm not angry at you.|Thi...
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