MERP 2010 Treasures of Middle-Earth.pdf

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GOB Scans
A word from the scanner of this document…
I have begun adding this page to my scans & locking them because too
many no-home-walkin’-the-dog-one-legged-albino-dwarf-mother-f$*#@!s
are taking credit for my work… if this is the slightest bit offensive
to you, the reader, please, feel free to delete this file, buy & scan
your own copies… That’s what I thought!
A short word about this particular document: MERP - Treasures of
Middle-Earth (ICE 2010).pdf. Don’t be passin’ this stuff around, like a
cheap bottle of wine… Incredible items of great power. Indispensable
to a MERP or Rolemaster campaign!
One last bit of information; When I do maps that are on larger than
standard sized 8.5” x 11” paper (your typical fold-out maps), I always
start at the upper left hand corner (Northwest, usually), moving in a
Southerly direction (down), to the bottom of the map, and then,
moving to the right, and then again South, etc... This seems to make
the most sense for viewing scanned maps in Adobe; one can easily see
how they go together. Hope this helps you in your printing endeavors.
And remember, we strive to bring you the best in copyrighted
material, at an affordable price, Hehehehe!
Your humble servant,
The RPG Slut! (That’s right baby, I give it away for free!!!)
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